
Labradors Latest News

Do Dogs Like Music? And What Type Of Music Is Best For Dogs?

Dogs like music. In fact, they dogs don’t just like music, they are emotionally affected by it. Music can make they react with behaviors like barking, howling, moving in circles, tail chasing or even relaxation. Your dog will either calm down or get excited depending on what you put on the stereo and how loud …

Labradoodle Size Guide

Labradoodle size can vary between 14 to 24 inches in height and 15 to 95 lbs in weight. Adult Labradoodle size depends on your puppy’s parents and lineage. Your first generation Standard Poodle Labrador mix is inevitably going to be much larger in build than your third generation Toy Poodle Labrador hybrid. It is possible …

Advice On Raising A Puppy When You Work Full Time

Having a dog and a 9 to 5 is possible for a lot of families, but raising a puppy when you work full time away from the home is a bit more of a challenge. Fortunately, there are things you can do to successfully bring a new furry baby into your home happily and safely …

Puppy Teething and Teeth

Puppy teething can feel endless when you are in the thick of the heavy biting and chewing stages, but in reality their baby teeth start to fall out around 4 months old and should all have been replaced by their adult versions by 8 months old. That doesn’t mean that those weeks of canine carnage …

My Dog Ate Chicken Bones – What Should I Do Now?

It’s scary when your dog eats something that they shouldn’t. And chicken bones are a common culprit! Today I am going to help you to work out whether the chicken bones your dog just ate are a potential hazard, or no big deal. Because some are more risky than others. But first things first – …

How To Potty Train A Puppy

Nothing sours the honeymoon period of new puppyhood like urine soaked carpets and puddles in the hallway. Fortunately these problems are usually short lived, and with the right advice you can even sail through this mucky stage without a mop bucket in sight. Today I’ll share how to potty train a puppy in easy stages …

Labrador Collar Sizes, Styles and Choices

The best Labrador collar will fit comfortable, be durable and help your dog stay safe. Today I’ll share top tips to help you choose the right collar for your dog. I’ll share the pros and cons of the wide range of materials, styles, and designs available. And show you how to choose the right size …

9 Week Old Puppy: Tips, Video, Schedules & What To Expect

Life with a 9 week old puppy is great fun, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. Your puppy is probably biting your fingers, chewing the furniture and leaving the occasional puddle on the floor. Not to mention making a seriously impressive noise every time you leave the room. In this guide I’ll answer …

12 Week Old Puppy Schedules, Tips and Care

A 12 week old puppy has usually got their paws firmly under the table, having been in their new home for four weeks now. However, with familiarity come so new and rather surprising problems for first time puppy parents. This is the age when biting suddenly seems to ramp up, and potty training can find …

Border Collie Lab Mix

The Border Collie Lab mix combines a purebred Border Collie with a pedigree Labrador Retriever. These gorgeous hybrid dogs are absolutely powerhouses of energy. They are devoted to their families and have a driving need to be with their owners at all times if possible. Clever, working dogs historically they also have enormous energy levels …

Reactive and Aggressive Labrador Behavior

Life with an aggressive Labrador can be extremely stressful and upsetting. In this article expert Behaviorist Sian Ryan looks at what causes dogs to become reactive. And how you as an owner can help to improve their behavior. Contents Signs of reactivity in Labs Fear aggression vs frustration Predatory responses and medical problems How to …

What Size Crate Does a Lab Need?

Today we are going to help you to decide what size crate your Lab needs. Labs are big dogs, but crates shouldn’t be too large or you risk them using it as a toilet! A good rule of thumb is that the crate should be big enough to allow your Labrador to sit down, stand …

Mini Labradoodle Dogs

The Mini Labradoodle is a compact version of the energetic, intelligent Labradoodle. They have one Labrador parent and another Toy or Miniature Poodle parent. They are intelligent and easy to train dogs, and their low shedding coats makes them a great choice for house proud owners. Despite their smaller size than the standard Labradoodle, they …

Which Labrador Color?

Wondering which Labrador color is best? Or which color Labrador you should get? We take a look at the different colors of Labrador. Helping you to find out more about the chocolate, black and yellow Labrador Retrievers. And the various shades that these Labrador colors can be. To help you to decide which is the best Labrador color …

Is Your Dog Barking At Night?

A dog barking at night all of a sudden can be a real worry. Not just for your neighbors and your ear drums, but because new behaviors can be a sign of a problem. Illnesses, old age, sounding the alarm to intruders or other animals. Even fear, anxiety, loneliness and boredom can play a part. …

Why Do Dogs Dig In Their Beds?

Why do dogs dig in their beds? Dogs scratch, chew and dig in their beds for several reasons. Some breeds have been bred to be instinctive diggers, like terriers and some hunting dogs. Others are just enjoying themselves! Dogs dig in their beds to explore, hide food or toys or get comfortable. But they also …

Do I Have An Aggressive Puppy?

Life with an aggressive puppy can be very stressful. Signs new puppy owners think might show aggression include biting, nipping, stiff posture, growling, snarling, lip curling, humping, resource guarding and eye rolling. But not all of these are signs of puppy aggression, some are actually part of normal puppy play. Contents Why is my puppy …

Important Puppy Development Stages – Week By Week

I have bred a few litters of puppies over the years, and I’ve always marvelled at the speed and complexity of puppy development. So when my last litter of Labrador puppies arrived, I decided to record their progress as they grew. Today I’ll share what I found with you, including pictures of them from those …

Chocolate Lab Names

The best chocolate Lab names can celebrate your cute new puppy’s beautiful brown coat. I do love a name that is reminiscent of a candy bar, or my favorite chocolately drinks. But you might also like to pick something that is a bit more unique. Today I’ll share some awesome themed lists with top ideas …

Awesome Labrador Names

Our family has come up with a lot of Labrador names over the years. From the puppies of my childhood to the companions that shadow me every day as an adult, Labs just as much a part of my life as anything every has been. Which whilst lovely, has the added benefit of meaning I’ve …

Golden Retriever vs Labrador Breed Traits and Personality

Golden Retriever vs Labrador breed traits are surprisingly similar. Both dogs are family friendly, active, intelligent and affectionate. But there are some ways to tell the two sweet natured, floppy eared, webbed pawed dogs apart. Golden Retriever grooming is a bigger deal, with their longer coats, though both breeds are high shedders, and neither is …

Black Lab – A Complete Guide To The Black Labrador Retriever

The gorgeous black Lab is one of the most recognizable and popular dogs in the world. From sporting hunting roots to roles in the community such as support, service and therapy dog work, their intelligence and willingness to please really sets them apart from the pack. And they have now split into two types, the …

Black Lab Names – 100’s of Awesome Ideas For Your Pup

We have named a few beautiful black Labs over the years, and they all followed a theme of being classic and human style. Our Labradors have included a Ted, Jake, Tess, Rachel and Daisy. But coming up with black Lab names doesn’t have to just be a case of diving into traditional ideas. You can …

Adorably Badass Female Dog Names

We have raised a lot of puppies over the years, and finding a name is always surprisingly tricky and can be quite contentious when you share your home with other humans. Everyone wants a say, and not all opinions are equal! When there are some many fabulous female dog names out there, narrowing them down …

Best Dog Nail Clippers and Grinders

The best dog nail clippers are easy to use, last a long time and help to reduce the chances of cutting the quick. You can get models with sensors, barriers or alternatively use a file or grinding device that gives you extra control and fine movement. Today I’ll share the nail clipping devices I’ve had …