
Managing User Focus with :focus-visible

This is going to be the 2nd post in a small series we are doing on form accessibility. If you missed the first post, check out Accessible Forms with Pseudo Classes. In this post we are going to look at :focus-visible and how to use it in your web sites! Focus Touchpoint Before we move …


The Power of :has() in CSS

Hey all you wonderful developers out there! In this post we are going to explore the use of :has() in your next web project. :has() is relatively newish but has gained popularity in the front end community by delivering control over various elements in your UI. Let’s take a look at what the pseudo class …


Accessible Forms with Pseudo Classes

Hey all you wonderful developers out there! In this post, I am going to take you through creating a simple contact form using semantic HTML and an awesome CSS pseudo class known as :focus-within. The :focus-within class allows for great control over focus and letting your user know this is exactly where they are in …


Passkeys: What the Heck and Why?

These things called passkeys sure are making the rounds these days. They were a main attraction at W3C TPAC 2022, gained support in Safari 16, are finding their way into macOS and iOS, and are slated to be the future for password managers like 1Password. They are already supported in Android, and will soon find their way into Chrome OS and Windows in …


Some Cross-Browser DevTools Features You Might Not Know

I spend a lot of time in DevTools, and I’m sure you do too. Sometimes I even bounce between them, especially when I’m debugging cross-browser issues. DevTools is a lot like browsers themselves — not all of the features in one browser’s DevTools will be the same or supported in another browser’s DevTools. But there …


5 Mistakes I Made When Starting My First React Project

You know what it’s like to pick up a new language or framework. Sometimes there’s great documentation to help you find your way through it. But even the best documentation doesn’t cover absolutely everything. And when you work with something that’s new, you’re bound to find a problem that doesn’t have a written solution. That’s …


Managing Fonts in WordPress Block Themes

Fonts are a defining characteristic of the design of any site. That includes WordPress themes, where it’s common for theme developers to integrate a service like Google Fonts into the WordPress Customizer settings for a “classic” PHP-based theme. That hasn’t quite been the case for WordPress block themes. While integrating Google Fonts into classic themes …


Everything You Need to Know About the Gap After the List Marker

I was reading “Creative List Styling” on Google’s web.dev blog and noticed something odd in one of the code examples in the ::marker section of the article. The built-in list markers are bullets, ordinal numbers, and letters. The ::marker pseudo-element allows us to style these markers or replace them with a custom character or image. …


An Approach to Lazy Loading Custom Elements

We’re fans of Custom Elements around here. Their design makes them particularly amenable to lazy loading, which can be a boon for performance. Inspired by a colleague’s experiments, I recently set about writing a simple auto-loader: Whenever a custom element appears in the DOM, we wanna load the corresponding implementation if it’s not available yet. …


Different Ways to Get CSS Gradient Shadows

It’s a question I hear asked quite often: Is it possible to create shadows from gradients instead of solid colors? There is no specific CSS property that does this (believe me, I’ve looked) and any blog post you find about it is basically a lot of CSS tricks to approximate a gradient. We’ll actually cover …


Moving Backgrounds

We often think of background images as texture or something that provides contrast for legible content — in other words, not really content. If it was content, you’d probably reach for an <img> anyway, accessibility and whatnot. But there are times when the position or scale of a background image might sit somewhere between the …


The truth about CSS selector performance

Geez, leave it to Patrick Brosset to talk CSS performance in the most approachable and practical way possible. Not that CSS is always what’s gunking up the speed, or even the lowest hanging fruit when it comes to improving performance. But if you’re looking for gains on the CSS side of things, Patrick has a …


The Double Emphasis Thing

I used to have this boss who loved, loved, loved, loved to emphasize words. This was way back before we used a WYSIWYG editors and I’d have to handcode that crap. (Let’s not go into the colors he used for even MOAR emphasis.) Writing all that markup never felt great. The effort it took, sure, …


A Fancy Hover Effect For Your Avatar

Do you know that kind of effect where someone’s head is poking through a circle or hole? The famous Porky Pig animation where he waves goodbye while popping out of a series of red rings is the perfect example, and Kilian Valkhof actually re-created that here on CSS-Tricks a while back. I have a similar …


Caching Data in SvelteKit

My previous post was a broad overview of SvelteKit where we saw what a great tool it is for web development. This post will fork off what we did there and dive into every developer’s favorite topic: caching. So, be sure to give my last post a read if you haven’t already. The code for …


AR, VR, and a Model for 3D in HTML

Tucked down somewhere in the Safari Technology Preview 161 release notes is a seemingly innocous line about support for a new HTML element and attribute: Added support for <model src> and honor <source type> attributes (257518@main) Anytime I see mention of some element I don’t recognize, my mind goes straight to Huh! New to me, but probably old news …


Animating CSS Grid (How To + Examples)

I’m pleased to shine a light on the fact that the CSS grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns properties are now animatable in all major web browsers! Well, CSS Grid has technically supported animations for a long time, as it’s baked right into the CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1 spec. But animating these grid properties only recently …


Getting Started With SvelteKit

SvelteKit is the latest of what I’d call next-gen application frameworks. It, of course, scaffolds an application for you, with the file-based routing, deployment, and server-side rendering that Next has done forever. But SvelteKit also supports nested layouts, server mutations that sync up the data on your page, and some other niceties we’ll get into. …


More Real-World Uses for :has()

The :has() pseudo-class is, hands-down, my favorite new CSS feature. I know it is for many of you as well, at least those of you who took the State of CSS survey. The ability to write selectors upside down gives us more superpowers I’d never thought possible. I say “more superpowers” because there have already …


How to Transition to Manifest V3 for Chrome Extensions

While I am not a regular Chrome extension programmer, I have certainly coded enough extensions and have a wide enough web development portfolio to know my way around the task. However, just recently, I had a client reject one of my extensions as I received feedback that my extension was “outdated”. As I was scrambling …


Solved With :has(): Vertical Spacing in Long-Form Text

If you’ve ever worked on sites with lots of long-form text — especially CMS sites where people can enter screeds of text in a WYSIWYG editor — you’ve likely had to write CSS to manage the vertical spacing between different typographic elements, like headings, paragraphs, lists and so on. It’s surprisingly tricky to get this …


6 Common SVG Fails (and How to Fix Them)

Someone recently asked me how I approach debugging inline SVGs. Because it is part of the DOM, we can inspect any inline SVG in any browser DevTools. And because of that, we have the ability to scope things out and uncover any potential issues or opportunities to optimize the SVG. But sometimes, we can’t even …


:has is an unforgiving selector

A little thing happened on the way to publishing the CSS :has() selector to the ol’ Almanac. I had originally described :has() as a “forgiving” selector, the idea being that anything in its argument is evaluated, even if one or more of the items is invalid. See ::scoobydoo in there? That’s totally invalid. A forgiving …


Faking Min Width on a Table Column

The good ol’ <table> tag is the most semantic HTML for showing tabular data. But I find it very hard to control how the table is presented, particularly column widths in a dynamic environment where you might not know how much content is going into each table cell. In some cases, one column is super …


Styling Buttons in WordPress Block Themes

A little while back, Ganesh Dahal penned a post here on CSS-Tricks responding to a tweet that asked about adding CSS box shadows on WordPress blocks and elements. There’s a lot of great stuff in there that leverages new features that shipped in WordPress 6.1 that provide controls for applying shadows to things directly in …


Thank You (2022 Edition)

You know, this is the time of year where Chris normally publishes a big ol’ reflection of the past year. The first one was published in 2007, the same year CSS-Tricks began, and it continued all the way through 2021 without missing a beat. Having been a CSS-Tricks reader myself all those years, I’d hate …


2022 Roundup of Web Research

We’ve started making a tradition of rounding up the latest front-end research at the end of each year. We did it in 2020 and again in 2021. Reports are released throughout the year by a bunch of different companies and organizations researching everything from web design trends to developer skills to popular coding languages and …