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Displaying the Current Step with CSS Counters

Say you have five buttons. Each button is a step. If you click on the fourth button, you’re on step 4 of 5, and you want to display that. This kind of counting and displaying could be hard-coded, but that’s no fun. JavaScript could do this job as well. But CSS? Hmmmm. Can it? CSS …


WooCommerce on CSS-Tricks

I always get all excited when I accomplish something, but I get extra excited when I get it done and think, “well, that was easy.” As much as I enjoy fiddling with technology, I enjoy reaping the benefit of well set-up technology even more. That’s why I still get so excited about WordPress — I …


Improving Chromium’s browser compatibility in 2020

This is exactly what I love to hear from any browser vendor: When it comes to browser compatibility, there are still too many missing features and edge-case bugs. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Things can and will get better, if browser vendors can understand what is causing the most pain, and take …


Bootstrap 5

It’s always notable when the world biggest CSS framework goes up a major version (it’s in alpha now). It has dropped jQuery and IE, started using some CSS custom properties, gone fully customized with form elements, started to embrace utility classes, and includes a massive icon set you can use via SVG sprite. Sweet.


Posters! (for CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid)

Any time I chat with a fellow web person and CSS-Tricks comes up in conversation, there is a good chance they’ll say: oh yeah, that guide on CSS flexbox, I use that all the time! Indeed that page, and it’s cousin the CSS grid guide, are among our top trafficked pages. I try to take …



Lots of fun with gradients from Bennett Feely: stars, stripes, banners, bursts… I love being able to use nice patterns with either no image requests at all, or very little SVG. Reminder: Bennett does all sorts of cool stuff. I’ve probably used Clippy about a million times.


The Thirteenth Fourth

Well boy howdy. The 13th birthday of CSS-Tricks has rolled around. A proper teenager now, howabouthat? I always take the opportunity to do a bit of a state of the union address at this time, so let’s get to it!


Fluid Images in a Variable Proportion Layout

Creating fluid images when they stand alone in a layout is easy enough nowadays. However, with more sophisticated interfaces we often have to place images inside responsive elements, like this card: For now, let’s say this image is not semantic content, but only decoration. That’s a good use for background-image. And because in this context …


Settling down in a Jamstack world

One of the things I like about Jamstack is that it’s just a philosophy. It’s not particularly prescriptive about how you go about it. To me, the only real requirement is that it’s based on static (CDN-backed) hosting. You can use whatever tooling you like. Those tools, though, tend to be somewhat new, and new …


Refreshing Sidebar for 2020

The new design for Sidebar is lovely. I like how it goes even deeper with the sticky elements than the last design. But even more notably, Sacha Greif has been posting five links per day to Sidebar since 2012. That’s a remarkable achievement.


When a Line Doesn’t Break

We expect a line to break when the text on that line reaches the parent box boundaries. We see this every time we create a paragraph, just like this one. When the parent box doesn’t have enough room for the next word in a line, it breaks it and moves down to the next line …


A Complete Guide to Dark Mode on the Web

“Dark mode” is defined as a color scheme that uses light-colored text and other UI elements on a dark-colored background. Dark mode, dark theme, black mode, night mode… they all refer to and mean the same thing: a mostly-dark interface rather than a mostly-light interface.


New in Chrome: CSS Overview

Here’s a fancy new experimental feature in Chrome! Now, we can get an overview of the CSS used on a site, from how many colors there are to the number of unused declarations… even down to the total number of defined media queries.


Responsive Styling Using Attribute Selectors

One of the challenges we face when implementing class-based atomic styling is that it often depends on a specific breakpoint for context. We can prefix each breakpoint. This works well until we start adding multiple classes. That’s when it becomes difficult to keep a track what relates to what and where to add, remove. or change stuff.


Five 5-minute Videos from Ethan on Design & Accessibility

Ethan: I’ve been working with Aquent Gymnasium to produce a series of five short tutorial videos, which have been launching over the course of this past week. Since the last video just went live, I’m thrilled to share the whole list with you: • Introduction to using VoiceOver on macOS• Designing beautiful focus states• Flexible and accessible …


When Sass and New CSS Features Collide

Recently, CSS has added a lot of new cool features such as custom properties and new functions. While these things can make our lives a lot easier, they can also end up interacting with preprocessors, like Sass, in funny ways. So this is going to be a post about the issues I’ve encountered, how I …


Styling Layout Wrappers In CSS

Two things that strike me often about the web are how many ways there are to go about the same thing and how many considerations go into even the most seemingly simple things. Working with wrapper elements is definitely on both those lists. Wrappers (or containers or whatever) are so common — especially when establishing …


Book: The Greatest CSS Tricks Vol. I

Ya know, for a site called “CSS-Tricks” that I’ve run for well over a decade, it’s a little funny we’ve never done a book under that name. I’ve written a book about WordPress and SVG, but never CSS! Well, allow me to change that. I’ve been working on a “book” called The Greatest CSS Tricks …


Quick Tips for High Contrast Mode

Sarah Higley has some CSS tricks up her sleeve for dealing with High Contrast Mode on Windows, which I learned is referred to as WHCM. Here’s the first trick: … if the default CSS outline property doesn’t give you the visual effect you want in WHCM for focus states, there’s a very simple fix. Instead …


The Return of the 90s Web

One of my forever-lessons here on CSS-Tricks is that having your own website and blogging on it is a good idea. It’s probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, as it’s been a direct source of fun, career development and, eventually, income. I always chuckle at little blogging is cool again declarations from …


In Defense of a Fussy Website

The other day I was doom-scrolling twitter, and I saw a delightful article titled “The Case for Fussy Breakfasts.” I love food and especially breakfast, and since the pandemic hit I’ve been using my breaks in between meetings (or sometimes on meetings, shh) to make a full bacon, poached egg, vegetable plate, so I really …


Line-Animated Hamburger Menu

This kind of SVG + CSS animation trickery is catnip to me. Mikael Ainalem shares how to draw a hamburger icon (the “three lines” thing you’re well familiar with), but then animate it in a way that is surprising and fun by controlling the SVG properties in CSS.


Grid for layout, flexbox for components

When should we reach for CSS grid and when should we use flexbox? Rachel Andrew wrote about this very conundrum way back in 2016: Flexbox is essentially for laying out items in a single dimension – in a row OR a column. Grid is for layout of items in two dimensions – rows AND columns. …


The Mad Magazine Fold-In Effect in CSS

This was always my favorite thing in Mad magazine. One page (the inside of the back cover, I think) was covered in a zany illustration. You folded that page in thirds, covering up the middle-third of that image, and a new image would form because the illustration was designed to perfectly line up with those …