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Cómo arreglar el error ‘Exhausted Memory’ de WordPress al incrementar el límite de la memoria PHP de tu sitio

Como debes saber, WordPress está construido usando PHP. Este lenguaje de programación es increíblemente flexible, pero también tiene un par de desventajas. Por ejemplo, si no le asignas suficiente memoria a tu instalación de WordPress, puede que comiences a encontrarte el error ocasional “PHP Memory Exhausted” o “Memoria PHP agotada”. En resumen, este error significa …


How To Fix the WordPress Memory Exhausted Error by Increasing Your Site’s PHP Memory Limit

As you may know, WordPress is built using PHP. This programming language is incredibly flexible, but it also has a few drawbacks. For example, if you don’t allocate enough memory for your WordPress installation, you might start running into the occasional “PHP Memory Exhausted” error. In a nutshell, this error means your server isn’t allocating …


Employee Spotlight: Sam Pleeth

In this ongoing blog series, we speak with WP Engine employees around the globe to learn more about their roles, what they love about the cities they work in, and what they like most about working at WP Engine.  In this interview, we speak with Sam Pleeth, a Sales Development Manager on WP Engine’s London-based…


Grow your eCommerce store with the power of WordPress

eCommerce is growing faster than any other sector in tech, and as it continues to surge, online store owners are increasingly turning to WordPress for added functionality and flexibility across their digital experiences.  While WordPress offers a ton of upside when it comes to building rich, engaging eCommerce sites, spinning up a digital store from…


WP Engine’s Award-Winning Documentary make|SHIFT Available Now on Apple TV and Other VOD Platforms

AUSTIN, Texas — March 30, 2021 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced the release of its feature-length, award-winning documentary make|SHIFT, which explores the history of modern advertising and the role that creative technology played in its evolution.  The documentary is widely available for purchase or rent today via most…


Da li zakupiti besplatni ili plaćeni web hosting?

Kada ste na početku svog biznisa i pravite prvi sajt, ideja o besplatnom hostingu može biti primamljiva. Kako je svaki početak težak i kako je neophodno sačuvati ograničene novčane kapacitete koji su u tom momentu na raspolaganju, ušteda troškova u vidu plaćanja hostinga se čini kao dobra odluka. Međutim, da li je besplatan web hosting


Cómo arreglar el error de la barra lateral debajo del contenido en WordPress (En 3 pasos)

Perfeccionar el diseño de tu sitio WordPress puede tomar bastante trabajo, pero también es esencial para la Experiencia de Usuario (UX), participación del usuario y conversiones. Por lo tanto, puede ser frustrante cuando un error aparentemente al azar causa una interrupción en la visualización de tu sitio — tal como tu barra lateral apareciendo repentinamente …


Understanding eCommerce Trends: Microservices Architecture

It’s no secret that digital commerce is booming. In 2020, eCommerce sales in the U.S. jumped up more than 30% to a whopping $794.5 billion, making up more than 14% of total retail sales and offering a clear indication of how consumers increasingly prefer to shop—online.  As the eCommerce ecosystem has grown, so have the…


Un usuario de DreamHost hace fácil obtener vacunas contra el COVID-19 con FindaShot.org

Obtener una vacuna contra el COVID-19 puede ser una montaña rusa de emociones. Primero, está la emoción de saber que finalmente eres elegible. Pero una vez que comienzas a buscar una cita disponible, comienza la frustración.  David Newell experimentó esto en primera mano. Ubicado en Dallas, Texas, sus padres al fin eran elegibles para recibir …


Lo Bueno Se Pone Mejor: 7 Formas en las que mejoramos la experiencia de DreamHost

El último año ha estado lleno de cambios inesperados. Ciertamente no son únicos a DreamHost, uno de los retos que enfrentamos como compañía fue mantener a todos productivos y comprometidos mientras que trabajan remotamente.  Afortunadamente, nuestro equipo estuvo a la altura del reto, fue capaz de adaptarse y moverse más rápido que nunca antes. Eso …


WP Engine Limerick Recognised as a Best Workplace in Ireland

On the heels of recent accolades received in London, WP Engine’s Limerick team has been recognised for fostering one of the best workplaces in Ireland by Great Place to Work, the global authority on workplace culture.  WP Engine was named the 23rd Best Small Workplace in Ireland 2021—the second consecutive year making the list—and representatives…


Door Sixteen: An Old-School Blog With a DIY Heart

In 1998 — when influencer wasn’t a career choice and Search Engine Optimization didn’t run the internet — Anna Dorfman started blogging just for the heck of it. Before the millennium, people shared their thoughts on the World Wide Web because they wanted to, without a sponsored post in sight. “I’d love to give a shout-out to …


WP Engine UK Recognised as a Great Place to Work

Fostering a great workplace for all of our employees at WP Engine is a key strategic pillar that’s played a major role in our company’s growth.   We believe that by creating an open, accepting workplace, infused with a strong culture that promotes transparency and trust, our employees can grow to new heights and do their…


El panel de control de DreamHost sigue mejorando

En la primera publicación de esta serie, presentamos algunas emocionantes actualizaciones recientes a la nueva sección de ¡Sitios Web del panel de control de las cuentas de DreamHost! Vimos la Vista de Cuadrícula para navegar los sitios en tu cuenta con previsualizaciones de sus páginas iniciales y la Vista de Lista para mostrar tus dominios …


The DreamHost Control Panel Keeps Getting Better

In the first post of this series, we introduced some exciting recent updates to the new Websites section of the DreamHost account control panel! We looked at Grid View for browsing the sites in your account with previews of their homepages and List View for showing your domains in greater detail. But this redesign wasn’t just about looks — …


Las 10 tendencias más importantes de Marketing Digital en el 2021

El 2020 fue un año sin precedentes en todos los sentidos, lanzando retos a los negocios que la mayoría nunca imaginó y mucho menos planeaba. Afortunadamente, llevamos 3 meses del 2021 y algo parecido a la normalidad parece estar regresando — aunque con algunas salvedades. Muchos de nosotros hemos tenido que hacer cambios drásticos en …


Building Your Business Online: WP Engine Announces New eCommerce Solution for Small/Medium Businesses

AUSTIN, Texas — March 10, 2021 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced an exciting new eCommerce solution for small and medium businesses (SMB) looking to make the leap into online sales or make more money faster with their existing eCommerce business. WP Engine’s eCommerce Solution allows SMBs to create…


10 Most Important Digital Marketing Trends for 2021

2020 was an unprecedented year by all accounts, throwing challenges at businesses most could never have imagined, let alone planned for. Thankfully just three months into 2021 and some semblance of normality seems to be returning — albeit with caveats. Many of us have had to make drastic changes to the way in which we operate. …