
WordPress Latest News


OceanWP 3.0 – This Summer is All About Vanilla

OceanWP is now faster, slicker and more stable! With modernized and object-oriented codes, it executes functions swiftly, using far less resources and far less dependencies. To everyone who had their hopes high we’ll be handing over delicious vanilla ice cream – we’re sorry! Though, it’s still a refreshment 😉 We’re talking about Vanilla JavaScript and …


Makers of TinyMCE Acquire Setka

Tiny, the makers of TinyMCE, have acquired Setka, a content design and editing platform, for an undisclosed amount. Founders Katya … Continue reading Makers of TinyMCE Acquire Setka →


BuddyPress 9.0.0 “Mico”

9.0.0 is named after Mico’s Pizza in Sanary, a little town on the french riviera. The story of Mico starts in 1968 when Liliane and Jean-Louis bought a restaurant looking like a swiss chalet. “Mico” is the nickname customers gave to Liliane (Jean-Louis’s wife) because of the remarkable outfits and big colorful hats she used …


Get a FREE Homemade Cookies Layout Pack for Divi

Hey Divi Nation! Thanks for joining us for the next installment of our weekly Divi Design Initiative where each week, we give away brand new, free Divi Layout Packs from our design team to you. This time around, Kenny and his team have created a beautiful Homemade Cookies Layout Pack that’ll help you get your …


Automattic Acquires Pocket Casts

Automattic has acquired Pocket Casts, a popular podcast listening, search, and discovery app for Android and iOS. Australian co-founders Russell … Continue reading Automattic Acquires Pocket Casts →


Episode 125: Critical SQL Injection Vulnerability Patched in WooCommerce

A critical SQL injection vulnerability was discovered in WooCommerce, the most popular e-Commerce plugin used by over 5 million WordPress sites. The WordPress.org team pushed a forced security update ensuring that over 90 versions of WooCommerce were patched. The REvil ransomware gang targeted a zero-day vulnerability in Kaseya, used by many in the banking industry, …Read More


BuddyPress 9.0.0 Release Candidate

Important note: this BuddyPress release was built in a short time frame (we even skipped the beta release) to be ready for the release of WordPress 5.8. Our team’s primary goal for 9.0.0 was to migrate the BP Legacy Widgets to new BP Widget Blocks. You don’t necessarily need the latest WordPress 5.8 pre-release to …


How to Create a Compact Testimonial Slider for a Header in Divi

Adding testimonials to your site is an effective way to boost the credibility of your business (or brand) and build trust with visitors. A testimonial slider is a convenient tool for showcasing testimonials all in one place. With this in mind, it makes sense to add a compact testimonial slider to your header so those …


Critical SQL Injection Vulnerability Patched in WooCommerce

Update: The article originally credited Tommy DeVoss (dawgyg) for the discovery. We’ve since been contacted by Tommy, who let us know that the credit should go to another researcher, Josh from DOS (Development Operations Security) On July 14, 2021, WooCommerce released an emergency patch for a SQL Injection vulnerability reported by a security researcher, Josh …Read More


PayPal Fraud: How to Protect Your Online Business

When you’re running an online business, choosing a safe, reliable payment processor is essential. However, even when you choose a credible and popular provider such as PayPal, there are still security risks. To keep your customers’ payment details as protected as possible, it’s important to know how to protect against PayPal fraud. In this post, …


Critical Vulnerability Detected in WooCommerce on July 13, 2021 – What You Need to Know

Last Updated: July 23, 2021 On July 13, 2021, a critical vulnerability concerning WooCommerce and the WooCommerce Blocks feature plugin was identified and responsibly disclosed by security researcher Josh, via our HackerOne security program. Upon learning about the issue, our team immediately conducted a thorough investigation, audited all related codebases, and created a patch to …


WPML 4.4.11 – WordPress 5.8 Features and Stability Improvements

WPML 4.4.11 adds support for new features in WordPress 5.8, allows enabling Content Security Policy (which Google now recommends), and includes a number of stability improvements. WPML & WordPress 5.8 – The Next Step with Full Site Editing WPML 4.4.11 is compatible with the upcoming WordPress 5.8 release, scheduled for July 20th. WordPress 5.8 is …


Stripe Fraud: How to Protect Your Online Business

Stripe is one of the most popular payment processors globally, but it’s particularly popular in the US. This platform helps process payments for almost two million websites. However, Stripe is not exempt from online fraud, which is a problem that plagues most online stores and payment processors. In 2019 alone, online fraud cost stores almost …


WordPress 5.8 Release Candidate 3

The third release candidate for WordPress 5.8 is now available! WordPress 5.8 is slated for release on July 20, 2021, and we need your help to get there—if you have not tried 5.8 yet, now is the time! You can test the WordPress 5.8 release candidate 3 in any of these three ways: Install and …
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