
WordPress Latest News


bbPress 2.6.2 is out!

bbPress 2.6.2 fixes 5 more small bugs that were reported by community members in our support forums: Hierarchical replies in threaded discussion topics were broken for sites that were enabling the visual editor, so we unbroke it. Sites with custom bbpress.css files were not having their custom styling applied in some cases. We fixed at …


WordPress 5.2.4 Update

Late-breaking news on the 5.2.4 short-cycle security release that landed October 14. When we released the news post, I inadvertently missed giving props to Simon Scannell of RIPS Technologies for finding and disclosing an issue where path traversal can lead to remote code execution. Simon has done a great deal of work on the WordPress …


bbPress 2.6.1 is out!

It seems like only yesterday that 2.6.0 was released, and depending on where you live that might actually be true! 🗓 bbPress 2.6.1 fixes a few small (but very annoying bugs) that warranted some immediate attention: One was causing subforums not to be listed underneath their parents anymore. Another was causing styling issues for a …


Вордпрес 5.3

Вордпрес 5.3 „Кирк“ је доступан. Које су новине у овом издању? Побољшања уређивача блокова. Проширена флексибилност дизајна. Нова подразумевана тема—Twenty Twenty. Потврђивање управљачке е-поште. Аутоматско окретање слике. Поправке компоненте за датум/време. Усклађеност са PHP 7.4. Преузмите Вордпрес 5.3 одмах.


bbPress 2.6 – Better Great Than Never

There’s no way for me to contain either my excitement or anxiety when I say that bbPress 2.6.0 is available now! 🎉 This version of bbPress has been in development for just a bit under 6 years (yikes!) over which 420 tickets were resolved via 1737 individual code commits. There are so many improvements that …


The road to BuddyPress blocks

Hi everyone! First, we’d like to thank all the people who contributed to the poll we shared on our development updates blog and into a topic of one of our forums a month ago. It was really important for us to have your expectations about the content the plugin should provide to the WordPress Block …


Why OceanWP Uses Rank Math

If you’re an avid OceanWP user and have recently installed our theme, you may have noticed that we make a few plugin recommendations. After all, you might be on this page because you’re trying to find out more about one of the plugins we recommend – Rank Math. So without further ado, in this post, …


Test BuddyPress 5.1.0-beta1 thanks to our new BP Beta Tester plugin

Hi BuddyPress contributors! We will soon publish a maintenance release (5.1.0) to fix some issues that arose since BuddyPress 5.0.0 “Le Gusto”. A detailed changelog will be part of our official release notes, but, until then, you can check out this report on Trac for the full list of fixes. Today we’re publishing a very …


Вордпрес 5.2.4

Вордпрес 5.2.4 је доступан. Ово је издање које доноси закрпе безбедоносних пропуста откривених у Вордпресу за сва ранија издања. Молимо вас да одмах ажурирате своје издање.


Product Update #15

There was a ton of work done in the last month, besides the large staging update. It’s obvious Niteans came from vacations energized and ready to work. ?


BuddyPress 5.0.0 “Le Gusto”

Here’s our latest major release featuring the BuddyPress REST API !! We are very excited to announce the BuddyPress community the immediate availability of BuddyPress 5.0.0 code-named “Le Gusto“. You can get it clicking on the above button, downloading it from our WordPress.org plugin repository or checking it out from our subversion repository. NB: if you’re …


BuddyPress 5.0.0 Release Candidate 2

Hi! The second release candidate for BuddyPress 5.0.0 is now available for an ultimate round of testing! Since the first release candidate, we’ve improved the way BP REST API Controllers are loaded inside BuddyPress component classes. This is an important milestone as we progress toward the BuddyPress 5.0.0 final release date. “Release Candidate” means that …


A new place to learn how to build on top of BuddyPress!

Hi! We’re very excited to officially announce the launch of a new development resources site on the BuddyPress.org network. Today we are inaugurating developer.buddypress.org with a complete handbook documenting the BP REST API. This API will be introduced into our next major version which is scheduled on September 30, 2019. We thought you’d be interested …


Нови Сад – Вордпрес радионице за почетнике

У суботу 28. септембра, почеће са радом Вордпрес радионице за почетнике. Радионице ће трајати три месеца и одржаваће се у новосадском Старит центру. Свако је добродошао да присуствује уз претходну обавезну регистрацију. Од опреме је потребан само лаптоп и жеља за учењем свега што Вордпрес има да понуди. Програм радионица После уводног предавања 28. септембра, …


Вордпрес 5.2.3

Вордпрес 5.2.3 је доступан. Ово је издање које доноси закрпе безбедоносних пропуста откривених у Вордпресу за сва ранија издања као и поправке неких откривених грешака у Вордпресу 5.2.2. Молимо вас да одмах ажурирате своје издање.


15 SEO Tips and Techniques to Boost Ranking on WordPress

WordPress is one of the most popular free content management systems. It’s mostly used by bloggers, but WordPress also works for other types of sites, such as galleries, shops, and forums. WordPress has an understandable interface and reasonable prices. These two features make it a perfect option for beginners and people who don’t want to …


Product Update #14

In July we had our bi-annual company meetup where, among other things, we also created the plan for the next half a year of WooCart development. Learn more about what we did in the last few weeks.


How to Promote Your Blog: The Complete Beginner’s Guide

So you started a blog. It looks pretty nice and you invest a huge effort to produce high-qualtiy content on a daily basis. But not many visitors arrive at the website. Why is that the case? Without proper promotion, even the best content has low chances to reach a great audience. The 2019 Blogger Statistics …


How to Maintain Brand Consistency across your Website

Your website is the nerve center of your online presence. This is how most of your customers will find your brand in the search and learn more about it.  Given that, it’s not surprising that your website can also serve as an incredibly powerful branding tool. And, as such, it needs to be crafted carefully. …


7 Must-Have And Amazing Tools For Content Marketers

Modern day business houses are slowly waking up to the immense potential of content marketing which is causing 88% of B2B marketers to include the same in their marketing propagandas. But if you somehow fall within the remaining 32%, then you have come to the right place as today we will take you through some …