
Labradors Latest News

Is It Something I Did? Human Factors in Dog Aggression

In this article I want to share with you some interesting headlines from a recent research paper about aggressive behavior in dogs. Aggressive behavior isn’t something that’s pleasant to think about, and hopefully it’s something you’ll never encounter. But we all share the potential to become better dog owners by understanding why dogs sometimes resort…

How can I build my Lab’s VOCABULARY?

So you think your dog is smart? I think he IS…CHECK THIS OUT!!! He can learn a LOT of WORDS!!! For instance, toddlers can write, memorize, draw, and solve problems. They even can count to a certain number. In retriever trials, which is interesting with the Labrador, the minimum number of items. A dog must be able to count to do well is –three. This is so he can remember how many ducks have fallen, in what order, and where they are. Isn’t that cool? Once we accept that we can compare our dog’s mind to that of a two …

How Smart is Your Labrador?

How smart is your lab? If you base it on social media, you’d think they’re extremely intelligent. They seem to be the equivalent of four-footed humans in fur coats, at least sometimes. Research of late has done a lot of looking into the phenomenon behind the higher mental abilities in dogs. Pavlov only studied simple reflexes. Perhaps one breakthrough when it comes to the cognitive abilities of our dogs, came around in the 1990s. At that time, I was reading a lot of books about dogs and their abilities to process things themselves and also react socially to other environmental …

Feeding Your Labrador Puppy: How Much, Diet Charts And The Best Food

The food you give your Labrador puppy, together with choosing the right portions and schedules, will help ensure their optimum growth, development and health. Puppy kibble, raw food, wet canned meals and homemade Labrador diets all have different benefits. The amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals vary even between brands of the same…

Labrador Feeding Demystified: A Comprehensive Expert Guide

The best Labrador food is high in fat and protein, but low in carbohydrates. Great diets avoid fillers, and are packed with healthy vitamins and minerals. Working out how to feed a Labrador isn’t just about picking the perfect menu though. You know Labs are enthusiastic eaters and prone to weight gain, so getting the…

Do Probiotics For Dogs Really Work?

Canine probiotics are living bacteria, grown in controlled conditions. Dog probiotics are added to foods, powders, chews and treats as supplements. The intention is that hopefully they ultimately end up living in your dog’s intestines. Your dog’s intestines host all kinds of bacteria. Some of these are disease-causing like Clostridium and Escherichia species. But many…

Crochet Labrador: How To Make Your Own Toy Dog

Would you like your very own handmade replica of your Labrador? A cute copy of your adorable pup, to proudly display in your home? The pattern below is for the yellow Lab puppy shown in the picture here, but you can adapt it to match your dog perfectly. *I have included links to products that…

How to prevent and stop “COUNTER-SURFING”

*How to Stop Your Dog from Counter Surfing** Countersurfing is a common issue where dogs help themselves to food or items on countertops. Here’s how to curb this behavior: **Manage the Environment:** Keep counters clear of food and tempting items to eliminate opportunities for countersurfing. NEVER EVER, EVER FEED YOUR DOG FOOD FROM THE TABLE OR YOUR PLATE! (this implies to your dog that your food is his food–and will sneak to get it when you aren’t looking!) (It’s important that one dog does not teach another bad tricks too!) **Teach “Off” or “Leave It”:** (if your dog is already …

“Was ‘Marley’ from “Marley & ME” an Endless Mt. Labrador?”

Well, the answer is NO… Marley was NOT an Endless Mt. Labrador.  But many have heard that we have a connection to the story of “Marley and Me”, and that is true. In the book, Marley and Me, John Grogan referenced our website when he researched the difference between English and American Labs… Reputable breeders vs. Backyard breeders.  Of course this was AFTER he already had Marley! He quoted my whole introduction “about us” page online, at the time, explaining the difference in temperament between English and American Labs. They actually used a rescue dog for the part of Marley …

Paws Off My Stuff! (Or How To Stop Your Dog Stealing!)

Fed up with your dog stealing your shoes, your kid’s toys, food from the table, and anything else they can grab or lay their paws on? You are not alone! And I’m going to show you how to help your dog turn over a new leaf and stop stealing your stuff.  We’ll also look at…

English Vs American Lab – Differences In Type And Temperament

I first heard the term English lab and American Lab many years ago when I joined retriever training and hunting forums to hang out with other folks that shared my passion for working Labrador Retrievers.  I soon discovered that in American hunting circles, the term English Lab was not a compliment. And that English Labradors…

Vizsla Lab Mix

The Vizslador or Labrala, as the Vizsla Lab mix is sometimes called, is a cross between the Labrador Retriever and the Hungarian Vizsla. Both breeds are fairly easily trained, and enthusiastic. Sporting breeds like Vizlas and Labradors have been crossed for years in order to combine favorable characteristics of each breed to achieve the perfect…

Chocolate Lab Vs Black Lab

Chocolate Lab vs black Lab – it’s the battle of the coats! Black is the dominant genetic coat color in the Labrador Retriever breed, so they are more commonly found. Chocolate Labs have a recessive genetic, and each parent needs to carry the potential for this trait for the brown color to overpower the default…

Field Labrador – The Hardest Working Retriever

Field Labrador is an unofficial term, generally used to describe an American type Lab. These working Labrador Retrievers are best known for their hunting work, but field Labs and show Labs can both participate in gundog training, and both compete for field titles. These activities are fun ways to engage a Labrador in the kind…

One Labrador Puppy Or Two?

It is not unusual for people go to visit a litter of Labrador puppies to choose their pet, and come home with not one puppy but two! Two puppies usually settle in together very happily. After all, leaving home with your brother or sister is a great deal more fun than leaving home all by…

Does Apple Cider Vinegar For Dogs Really Work?

Apple cider vinegar is commonly used as a home remedy for humans. It’s natural to wonder whether this suppose miracle remedy can help your dog’s ailments too. As a scientist at heart though, I can never take these things at face value. So I’ve been looking at where it comes from, how it works and…

A Pet Owner’s Guide To Allegra For Dogs

Allegra can alleviate the symptoms of hay fever in dogs, such as a runny nose and eyes, and an itchy coat. It can also help and reduce the itching caused by atopic dermatitis, an excessive allergic reaction to irritants including flea bites, foods, and environmental allergens. Severe atopic dermatitis often leads to “hotspots” on your…

Schnauzer Lab Mix

Has your head been turned by a handsome Schnauzer Lab mix pup? You’re already pretty lucky, as they’re pretty rare designer dogs. Although there are a huge number of crossbreed dog mixes vying for our attention these days, from the ubiquitous Labradoodle to the many Cockapoos waiting impatiently at the gates of my daughter’s Kindergarten…

Why Is My Dog Scratching And How Can I Help Him?

As a veterinarian, I help a lot of dogs with scratching issues. I’m going to help you to understand the potential underlying reasons, what you can do treat habitual itching at home, and when it’s time to visit your local practice for a bit more assistance and prescription drugs. Symptoms Scratching is self explanatory, but…

Gifts For Labrador Lovers

I bought myself a bunch of presents last week. We’ve got a new rescue dog coming home soon, and in celebration of this (and just my general love of Labradors), I decided to have a bit of a gift party. Oops! In the name of justifying my purchases, I thought I’d share them with you…

Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease in Labradors

You spend enough time around the Labrador community, you’re going to hear about Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease. In fact, it is something that all Labrador owners need to be aware of. If your Labrador has hurt his back leg, is limping or appears to be lame, this will be one of the first things that …

Dog Training Equipment for Labradors

If you own a Labrador, then you will need a good supply of dog training equipment. Whether your pup is just going to be a family pet, or you want to explore the fun world of gun dog training, obedience or agililty, there are some dog training supplies which will be essential to your success. …

Heart Murmur In Dogs

Have you ever stood at a veterinarian’s table whilst they hold a stephoscope against your pet’s chest and tell you, ever so solumnly, that they can hear a heart murmur? I have, and it’s not a nice feeling even when you are familiar with the term. But it’s also nothing like a death sentence or …

Shades of Yellow: 17 Labradors to Brighten Up Your Day

We think all Labradors are gorgeous. Whether they have a pedigree spanning the generations or are cross-bred with the collie next door, we love them all the same. Although black, chocolate and yellow are the sole official shades, we all know that Labradors have a vast and wonderful variety of hues. From white, to fox red …

15 Ways To Help Your Labrador Stay Slim

Helping your Labrador stay slim isn’t just about looks – it’s important for their overall welfare too. Labradors are meant to be fit and healthy. Allowing your Lab to get overweight isn’t just bad for his health, it’s also bad for your bank balance. Unfit dogs have more medical issues, which means more trips to …