Can dogs eat pecans? Dogs should never have pecans and eating too many can be fatal for dogs. Pecans contain a toxin called juglone. If they get moldy, pecans can cause seizures and neurological symptoms due to their production of tremorgenic mycotoxins. And more dangerous still, pecans are tree nuts that contain a natural poison …
To clean your dog’s ears you’ll need cotton wool swabs and some warm water. It’s a good idea to also have a bowl of treats on hand, and if your dog’s inner ear needs cleaning too, pick up some canine ear cleaner from the pet store. Floppy eared dogs like Labradors are prone to poor …
vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”What is a “PANDEMIC PUPPY“ OR A “PANDEMIC DOG?“ : BEHAVIORAL AND ANXIETY ISSUES (by Donna Stanley)”We’ve now watched it for 2-3 years–the covid pups (like covid children)–its been a challenge and many of these dogs have lost social interaction and show a lot of fear with human interaction. As a breeder, I observe this across the board with not only the general public, but with our own pups, as people report back to us. And from friends who got pups during that time-frame. At first glance, your pet may seem to be a perfectly normal adolescent young dog—happy …
Do wolves bark? It seems like a simple question but is more complicated than you might think. Wolves can, technically, bark. However, this might not be considered the same barking we hear from our more domesticated canines. So what does a wolf bark sound like? And why exactly do they do it? In what ways …
False pregnancy in dogs is a condition where the dog shows signs and symptoms of pregnancy without the developing puppy foetuses. False pregnancy can begin 6 to 12 weeks after your female dog’s season, and occurs when the hormones progesterone and prolactin are produced at unusual rates. Also called phantom pregnancy or pseudopregnancy, canine false …
The Corgi Lab mix is a hybrid designer dog combining one Labrador parent with a Corgi parent. Cutely known as the Corgidor, the aim of the Corgi Lab mix is to shrink the big and bouncy Lab down into a smaller more manageable pet. The typical temperament of the Corgidor is confident, bolshy and affectionate. …
This blog is rather personal for me, and I’m sure I’ll have completed it having shed many tears in the writing of it. It just so happens that my dear Amy (a Romeo daughter) is almost 13, but is creeping into those senior years. Now, she still walks 2 miles a day with me and is doing quite well for an old gal. But I did many things right with Amy, and many things wrong. But one of the things that is on my mind now is that I want to do right by her is in getting her a GOOD, …
Eggs are a complete meal in a neat package that dogs can benefit from as much as you can. Dogs can eat eggs raw or cooked, with or without the shell. Eggs provide dogs with protein, fats for energy, and several necessary vitamins and minerals. They can be an ideal boost for ill or recovering …
Dogs do some really random things, and one of them is eating inedible objects. Chapstick smells tasty, and is often found lying around the home in easy to reach places. Chapstick that contains xylitol or some essential oils like peppermint can be poisonous when confused by your curious canine, but usually you won’t see anything …
I have loved and respected this man over the years as not just a pet parent of our dogs, but a specialist of decades on dog behavior and training. He has invested unbelievable time helping our clients over the years with free consultation and guest blogging for Endless Mt. Labradors. I am so pleased to release a guest blog by this lovely patriot, adopted father, x-military,and BEST dog owner/trainer in the world!! Here’s a photo of Bud and his lovely wife, Alice: ..and their two Endless Mt. Labrador Therapy dogs…Hope (AKA “Hopey” and “Abby” Today’s post is written …
vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”Why does my Lab walk in circles before lying Down?” Why Do Dogs Walk in Circles Before Lying Down? Back in the days before fluffy pillows and luxurious dog beds, dogs had to make their own bed. By flattening the grasses and brush for themselves and their young, they made a comfortable nest and drove out critters such as snakes. (oh my!) Scratching imparts a scent to their bed expressed by the small glands located in the feet, further defining the space as their own (think ‘Frito feet!”). You will see them scratch at, crumple, and even wind themselves …
“Why is there a price difference between ‘full registration’ and ‘limited registration’ for an AKC dog? And why does it matter?”All of our pups are AKC registered, but the American Kennel Club, as a registry, designates two different types of registration: Limited Registration – Is AKC registered but it is understood that the dog is not to be bred (just a pet), but can participate in any and all 30+ AKC competitions, except conformation. Full Registration – Is AKC registered, but you have the full rights to breed the dog and register its offspring, as well as show in conformation. …
vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”WHY HAS MY LAB SUDDENLY BECOME REBELLIOUS? (THE “ADOLESCENT STAGE“ IN CANINES)” So you’ve trained your dog into the perfect little soldier and he’s cruising along with everything all fun and games when all of a sudden (gasp!) he suddenly has “selective hearing,” forgets former training he used to love, and develops quick, strange bad habits. Does he seem to almost be ‘testing you?’ This stage WILL pass…but when can you expect it to BEGIN and end and how can you deal with it swiftly and completely? It hits somewhere between 6-15 mos. There’s no ‘set age’ per se. …
The complete journey through Labrador Retriever history is a fascinating one. The original breed stock came from Newfoundland and not Labrador at all, although their passion was always retrieving. The Labrador Retriever’s history began with a fishing dog known as the St John’s Water Dog. They excelled at swimming, diving and of course retrieving nets, …
You can leave your dog home alone for a short period of time, provided they are happy to rest, sleep or play with their toys solo for a few hours. Many pet parents got their new puppies when home working wasn’t just in fashion, it was obligatory. But now home working is slipping away again, …
You should spay your dog if you are confident that it is the right decision for her, and for your family. Spaying dogs is a topic that is shockingly contentious. Nowadays, the answer is rarely a straightforward yes or no. For many years now, veterinary surgeons have been recommending the routine spaying of all female …
White Labradors have their pale coat either as a result of selective breeding for paler and paler yellow Labs, or because they have inherited two copies of the gene for albinism. Albino Labs have red eyes, no pigment in their coat and the potential for some uncomfortable health problems. Fortunately, this trait is practically unheard …
Bite inhibition is the ability of a dog to modify the force of his bite. Puppies have powerful jaws, even when they are very small. An eight week old puppy is capable of crushing the bones in your little finger. If you are not convinced, check out what he does with a raw chicken wing! …
Dog gland removal pros and cons extend beyond just imagining life without the inconvenience of canine anal fluid. Dogs’ anal glands are pretty unpleasant to think about, and unfortunately they are also a common source of discomfort for our pets. Around 1 in 12 dogs experience some form of anal gland disease at some point …
Dogs can eat bones, provided that they are raw and uncooked. I have fed my dogs raw meaty bones, and in fact a generally raw diet, for years now. However, this method is not without it’s potential risks and drawbacks. Although cooked bones are a serious risk for impaction due to splintering, this can still …
Teaching a dog to heel can be achieved in three simple stages, establishing the position, walking at heel and adding distractions. We teach these stages using positive reward based methods. Your dog will learn to heel faster if they are clear what you expect of them, and when you use plenty of high value treats. …
Dog whistle training is the process of teaching your dog to display a specific behavior in response to a specific sound, the most common example being recall. The dog whistle is a brilliant tool for training your dog. When you call your dog’s name you sound a little bit different each time you give your …
Breeding Labradors is not as straight forward as it appears. Although technically anyone with an unspayed female dog could have a litter of puppies, that doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily a good idea. Before you even think about breeding your Labrador, you need to have had a veterinarian carry out a number of health tests …
Conjunctivitis in dogs is a medical condition where the conjunctiva mucous membrane that covers the wihite of the eye and eyelid becomes inflamed. In dogs this includes the third eyelid, known as the nictitating membrane. Inflammation is the body’s response to the threat – the tissue becomes red, swollen and hot. Your dog’s eyes will …
vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS, WHICH MEANS IF YOU CLICK ON A LINK AND PURCHASE SOMETHING, WE MAY EARN A SMALL COMMISSION (AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU!). AS AN AMAZON PARTNER, WE EARN FROM QUALIFYING PURCHASES. /vc_column_textvc_column_text Happy Summer Solstice! Summer is OFFICIALLY here! As you know, Labradors are water dogs through and through… and we’ve found some fun toys and products that are perfect for the Summertime! /vc_column_textvc_column_text Kong’s Floating Fetch Toy for Water Play We are big fans of Kong toys in general, so we were excited to see they have this retrieving …
Dog repellent comes in many forms, but they are all physical methods of discouraging your dog to go near a particular thing or into an unwanted area. A dog repellent can be sound, odor, water or even chemical based. All these methods can work on some dogs, but they are not universally effective. They are …
To socialize your puppy you will need to introduce them to a variety of places, people, vehicles and objects before they hit three months old. Puppy socialization is the process of familiarizing your new dog to a variety of experiences and scenarios that he might encounter as an adult. It is an important process, which …
The best ways to play with your puppy involve organized games. Natural puppy play like, chase, tug, hunting, scent tracking and racing all appeal to their instincts. I’ll share fifteen games to play with your puppy that will be safe, fun, and help your bond to grow even stronger as they grow and develop. Studies …
To train a puppy to pee outside you need to help them build a strong association with relieving themselves in the backyard, and remove the association with peeing indoors. The best way to train a puppy to pee outside is by keeping them company. Stay outdoors with your puppy until they give in and pee. …
Does your Labrador eat grass? Grass eating in dogs feels like an odd behavior for a carnivore, but it’s actually very common. Your dog isn’t going vegan, feeling unwell or even having trouble with their mental health. Many believe grass eating in dogs is a way to induce vomiting, but this theory doesn’t stand up …