
Labradors Latest News

How to feed RAW DIET and save money!!! (Save money with Freeze-Dried!!)

Alternative to more expensive forms of raw diet for dogs–we’ve had a lot of calls asking for an alternative to BARF raw patties so I’ve compiled info for you below! –and this whole month (February) its 50% off!!!!!! We have been proponents and educators of raw feeding for almost 2 decades, and you can read our blogs to find out all about it and how it can benefit your dog.  We all enjoy the benefits of: real food, no gmo’s, no fillers, no artificial colors/preservatives, no smelly kibble poops, and the amazing ‘no shedding’ that raw is best known for. …

How do I control my dog’s shedding????

Labradors, like most breeds, inevitably shed their coats once or twice a year, during the major season changes. If they are shedding excessively and continuously, however, it is likely due to one of two reasons: poor nutrition or stress. BUT I have many, many insider secrets I’ve learned over the past 30 years from other breeders and show handlers that I’d love to share with you. You WON’T hear these tips anywhere else…so please read…and share…and put down that vacuum cleaner!!! Preventing Excessive Shedding The first thing you need is the right tools. Now, many of you have a dog shedding …

Why does my dog bark at men in hats?

Sometimes we are surprised when somebody approaches us or walks in our house with a hat, and our dogs bark at them. This happens quite frequently in our home because my husband doesn’t wear a hat. Ever.  So when my Labradors see a man and a hat they bark, I think, because they’re not used to it, and they may even think the person’s head is deformed or something (LOL?). Sometimes we wish we could peer inside their brains and just know what they feel and think, but we can only guess and make wise theories from observations and science. …

Why does my Labrador “point” with his paw before chasing something?

No matter whether you have a purebred or a mixed breed dog, many of you have ones that like to chase things small and furry, even if they’re not fast enough to catch them. What we may notice most is that whenever they see something in the distance they may like to chase, they pause, or in doing so, may “freeze” in position and lift one paw, just like a trained hunting dog. Is this instinctual behavior for a Labrador or is it some kind of indicator of his breeding? Some dogs even lower their front body into what we …

When To Take The Cone Off Your Dog After Neutering

Most dogs, my own included, really dislike wearing a cone. And the chances are, you’ll be hoping to get rid of the cone as soon as possible after your dog’s neuter operation!  It’s important that your pooch doesn’t get a chance to chew on their wounds and potentially make the healing time take much longer. …

How To Discipline A Dog And Stay Friends

Many people feel very strongly that dogs, especially big bouncy Labradors, do need to be disciplined if they are to be good canine citizens and fit in with life in our human world. Pet parents want to know how to discipline their dogs for fighting, stealing, and other canine misdemeanors! I’ll give you some links …

When Do Dogs Stop Growing? Labrador Puppy Growth Chart

A Labrador puppy growth chart can help you to check your puppy’s development is on track. Watching your baby Labrador Retriever puppy grow into an adult dog is worrying sometimes, but you can tell whether your puppy’s growth is on the right track with our Labrador puppy growth chart. I will share the average Labrador …

My Dog Ate Something They Shouldn’t – What Now?

Dogs, especially young dogs, sometimes swallow stupid things. In some cases, taking the right action immediately can save your dog’s life.  Sometimes it’s difficult to know what is an emergency and what is a ‘watch and wait’ situation. It’s better to phone your veterinary professional for advice and risk looking a bit silly, than to …

10 Dark Secrets About Animal Shelters (and how YOU can help!)

 While breeding purebred dogs has been the focus of our lives, we also love ALL dogs and animals, and in fact, we (Jonathan and Donna) are very involved with dog legislation in their state, even being involved at the Capitol, talking with lawmakers and advising committee members and lawmakers. We’ve owned rescue dogs ourselves. Along the way, sadly, we have found some disturbing facts that made us get more involved. THIS made us lose sleep at night. If you truly believe “ALL DOGS MATTER” please keep reading:  THESE RESCUES ARE NOT REGULATED. What that means for people adopting from a …

English Lab – Your Guide To The English Labrador Retriever

The English Lab has ancestors bred for pet and show life. This chunky dog has a long broad muzzle, wide head, floppy ears and a barrel chest. Their otter tail sticks out straight and bold, and their thick double coats come in three main shades of black, chocolate and yellow. Most English Labradors still have …

Australian Labradoodle

The Australian Labradoodle is a mixed dog breed, with Labrador, Poodle, English and American Cocker Spaniel, Curly Coated Retriever, and Irish Water Spaniel ancestors. The aim of the Australian Labradoodle was to produce a new purebred with its own breed standard and with predictable traits than a first-generation Labrador Poodle cross. Your adult Australian Labradoodle …

Happy National Labrador Retriever Day!

vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_textThis post is a day late, but really every day around here is Labrador Retriever Day, right? We really cherish our EML families and loved seeing extra pup posts in our Facebook group yesterday! They were so smile inducing that we thought we’d share some of that joy here! :)/vc_column_textvc_empty_space/vc_column/vc_rowvc_rowvc_columnvc_gallery images=”15077,15076,15075,15074,15073,15072,15071,15070,15069,15068,15067,15065,15064,15063,15062,15058,15061,15060,15059,15057,15078,15066″/vc_column/vc_row

Benefits Of Crating A Dog

The benefits of a dog crate include protecting your possessions from those sharp puppy teeth, simplifying your potty training progress, and keeping your puppy safe when unsupervised. There are downsides to dog crates though. I remember when crates first appeared on the scene thinking putting a dog in a cage was a horrible idea.  Here’s …

Downsides that can come with Labradoodles (And their history!)

I’ve been hesitant to write this article as so many people have and love their doodles, but I get asked a lot what the difference is. In order to discover this, I had to ask the EXPERTS (not the backyard breeder or puppy mill just making a buck and not at all concerned with genetics) This statement caught my eye and made me look further. Apparently, the man who “invented” the labradoodle now feels he’s made a terrible mistake, and regrets ever creating the breed. The reason given is basically due to the overwhelming popularity of having a dog with …

What Is The Best Age Gap Between Dogs?

The best age gap between dogs is between two and six years. Buy a pair of puppies is tempting, but early bonding, training and socialization require a lot of individual focus. If you can’t give your new puppy your full attention, they can become more attached to their canine friend than their human family. Likewise, …

How to Teach a Dog to Stay

Stay command training is an extension of the sit or down command. To teach a dog to stay you need to first establish a sit position, then pair that sit with a cue or command like the word ‘sit’ or a hand gesture. The stay command should initially be taught in small durations, using positive …

When Can Puppies Go Outside: Guidelines For New Puppy Parents

Puppies can go outside from 8 weeks old in your backyard for potty training, exercise and play. But visits to public places is trickier, as new puppies need to be protected from infection too. Vaccinations take time to build a puppy’s immunity. Meanwhile puppies need to meet people in their community! Especially if they are …

Purebred Thefts on the Rise! (and in the news)

If you’ve ever had a dog run away or even worse, stolen, then you know the heartache that comes with that feels beyond repair… I’m sure any pet owner would agree that it is certainly as hard as losing your own child. There are more and more reports of stolen dogs, especially purebreds, and also commonly in urban areas. Unfortunately, due to the economic downturn and many people strapped for money, dog thefts, and more so, purebred dog thefts, are on the rise, especially the ones that are most popular at the top of the AKC highest registration list, such …

Does your Pet Shampoo contain these harmful chemicals?

DOES YOUR PET SHAMPOO CONTAIN THESE CHEMICALS • D-trans Allethrin – from a class of synthetic chemicals called pyrethroids, derived from natural chemicals found in chrysanthemums. Synthetic varieties are significantly more potent and persistent than naturally-occurring products and can cause allergic responses. Also a suspected endocrine system disruptor. Veterinarians caution against using pyrethroid-containing products if there are cats in the home. • Resmethrin – also from the chemical class called pyrethroids. Very toxic to cats; should not be used in a household with cats. • Pyriproxyfen and S-Methoprene – Considered relatively safe with low toxicity. However, data is lacking about …

Cold Winter Safety Tips for Your Labrador Love!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!  To be a lab that is… Labradors LOVE the snow!  They will play, play, play all day long in this fluffy white stuff if you let them! With that thick undercoat–they are insulated unlike most dog breeds, for frigid weather, but there are still precations. It can be TOO cold for your labby to be outside occasionally–and to prevent frost bite to exposed skin… and there are certain safety standards you should always follow in the wintertime. Water supply Make sure your lab ALWAYS has access to drinking water while spending time …

Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

Your garden variety tomatoes contain a range of nutrients that are good for dogs. But tomatoes also contain a chemical called tomatine, which is toxic to your dog in high concentrations. Tomatine levels are lower in ripe tomatoes, and smaller varieties. Your dog can eat morsels of ripe cherry tomatoes, but tomatine levels are dangerously …

Is Your Dog Drinking A Lot Of Water?

In Is Your Dog Drinking A Lot Of Water, Pippa looks at the causes of excessive thirst in dogs. And how to recognize if your Lab is drinking too much Dogs get thirsty and drink more for the same reasons that people do. Feeling thirsty is a very basic animal reaction to becoming dehydrated. Maintaining …

Total Recall Dog Training

I’m Pippa Mattinson, a writer, and British trainer of hunting dogs. I am the author of the original Total Recall dog training program published by Quiller Books in 2012. I wrote Total Recall to help the large numbers of people that struggle to get their dogs to obey them outdoors, when there are exciting distractions …


Hartford Animal Hospital ***Note: “Veterinary conference almost over so I will be heading home and back to work tomorrow. Sorry but I won’t be able to answer any more questions, but I refer you to the Tufts Vet Nutrition website! At a cardiology conference this morning I learned that the nutritional information I have been giving my clients is accurate. Nothing new was revealed, but it is important to ensure that my information is correct. Canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), a potentially fatal heart disease, has been occurring/recognized in low-risk breeds of dog since 2015. It was discovered that many of …

Meet 20 Husky Lab Mix Owners

The Husky Lab mix joins two intelligent, active, large dog breeds into one goofy yet protective canine combination. The Siberian Husky and Labrador Retriever breeds aren’t the most natural cross. They have very different heritages, temperaments and characteristics, which play out in a variety of ways when you scramble them together. To really get to …

Can Dogs Eat Lamb Bones?

The benefits to your dog of the great taste, teeth cleaning capabilities, chewing benefits and nutrients need to be weighed up against the potential risks. Lamb bones, especially cooked ones, can chip your dog’s teeth. In rare cases bones splinter, and pieces can block or damage your dog’s insides.  Contents Feeding bones to dogs is …

Should You Wash Your Hands After Petting A Dog

From a health and safety perspective it makes perfect sense to wash your hands after handling a pet. But our dogs usually live amongst us as family members and we have to be realistic about what that means.  It’s an interesting fact that normal life and perfect safety are rarely entirely compatible. I have three …