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Developer Decisions For Building Flexible Components

Blog posts that get into the whole “how to think like a front-end developer” vibe are my favorite. Michelle Barker nails that in this post, and does it without sharing a line of code! We simply can no longer design and develop only for “optimal” content or browsing conditions. Instead, we must embrace the inherent …


CSS in TypeScript with vanilla-extract

vanilla-extract is a new framework-agnostic CSS-in-TypeScript library. It’s a lightweight, robust, and intuitive way to write your styles. vanilla-extract isn’t a prescriptive CSS framework, but a flexible piece of developer tooling. CSS tooling has been a relatively stable space over the last few years with PostCSS, Sass, CSS Modules, and styled-components all coming out before …


A Themeable React Data Grid With Great UX-Focused Features

KendoReact can save you boatloads of time because it offers pre-built componentry you can use in your app right away. They look nice, but more importantly, they are easily themeable, so they look however you need them to look. And I’d say the looks aren’t even the important part. There are lots of component libraries …


The Single Page App Morality Play

Baldur Bjarnason brings some baby bear porridge to the discussion of Single Page App (SPA) vs. Multi Page App (MPA). Single-Page-Apps can be fantastic. Most teams will mess them up because most teams operate in dysfunctional organisations. Multi-Page-Apps can also be fantastic, both in highly functional organisations that can apply them when and where they …


The Options for Password Revealing Inputs

In HTML, there is a very clear input type for dealing with passwords: If you use that, you get the obfuscated bullet-points when you type into it, like: •••••••• That’s the web trying to help with security. If it didn’t do that, the classic problem is that someone could be peering over your shoulder, spying …


Scroll Shadows With JavaScript

Scroll shadows are when you can see a little inset shadow on elements if (and only if) you can scroll in that direction. It’s just good UX. You can actually pull it off in CSS, which I think is amazing and one of the great CSS tricks. Except… it just doesn’t work on iOS Safari. …


Conditional Border Radius In CSS

Ahmad Shadeed documents a bonafide CSS trick from the Facebook CSS codebase. The idea is that when an element is the full width of the viewport, it doesn’t have any border-radius. But otherwise, it has 8px of border-radius. Here’s the code:


ShopTalk Goes Video

Dave and I slapped up a little videos section of the ShopTalk website. Twelve so far! They are short-ish, between 10-20 minutes, each focused on one fairly specific thing. We’re kinda just dipping our toes here — we don’t even have a real proper name for them yet! The place to subscribe to them is …


Links on React and JavaScript II

How To Use The Vite Build Tool with React — Vite is hot, in part, because it’s based on esbuild and wickedly fast. It’s from Evan You of Vue fame, but it’s not a Vue-specific tool. Here, NARUHODO covers how to configure it to work with React. React Architecture: How to Structure and Organize a …


Using the platform

I’m certainly not dogmatic about it, but I think if you can pull of a project with literally zero build process, it feels good while working on it and feels very good when you come back to it months/years later and can just pick up and go.


Working With Built-in GraphQL Directives

Directives are one of GraphQL’s best — and most unspoken — features. Let’s explore working with GraphQL’s built-in schema and operation directives that all GraphQL spec compliant APIs must implement. They are extremely useful if you are working with a dynamic front-end because you have the control to reduce the response payload depending on what …


Creating the Perfect Commit in Git

A commit can be something that helps us stay on top of things. It can be a container for related changes that belong to one and only one topic, and thereby make it easier for us to understand what happened.
In this post, we’re talking about what it takes to produce the “perfect” commit.


Comparing HTML Preprocessor Features

Of the languages that browsers speak, I’d wager that the very first one that developers decided needed some additional processing was HTML. Every single CMS in the world (aside from intentionally headless-only CMSs) is essentially an elaborate HTML processor: they take content and squoosh it together with HTML templates. There are dozens of other dedicated …


Web Streams Everywhere (and Fetch for Node.js)

Chrome developer advocate Jake Archibald called 2016 “the year of web streams.” Clearly, his prediction was somewhat premature. The Streams Standard was announced back in 2014. It’s taken a while, but there’s now a consistent streaming API implemented in modern browsers (still waiting on Firefox…) and in Node (and Deno).


Front-End Dev Shortcuts in iOS 15

I was pretty stoked when Chris shared a way to “View Source” on mobile. Sure, it’s not the same as a built-in feature but it allows iOS users like myself a way to peek at a site’s code the same way folks on Android can by prepending view-source: to a URL. I was curious what …


iOS Browser Choice

Just last week I got one of those really?! 🤨 faces when this fact came up in conversation amongst smart and engaged fellow web developers: there is no browser choice on iOS. It’s all Safari. You can download apps that are named Chrome or Firefox, or anything else, but they are just veneer over Safari. …


Tonic (Component Framework)

I enjoy little frameworks like Tonic. It’s essentially syntactic sugar over <web-components /> to make them feel easier to use. Define a Class, template literal an HTML template, probably some other fancy helpers, and you’ve got a component that doesn’t feel terribly different to something like a React component, except you need no build process …


Collecting Email Signups With the Notion API

A lot of people these days are setting up their own newsletters. You’ve got the current big names like Substack and MailChimp, companies like Twitter are getting into it with Revue, and even Facebook is getting into the newsletter business. Some folks are trying to bring it closer to home with a self-managed WordPress solution …


Systems for z-index

Say you have a z-index bug. Something is being covered up by something else. In my experience, a typical solution is to put position: relative on the thing so z-index works in the first place, and maybe rejigger the z-index value until the right thing is on top. The danger here is that this sets …


The Self Provisioning Runtime

Big thoughts on where the industry is headed from Shawn Wang: Advancements in two fields — programming languages and cloud infrastructure — will converge in a single paradigm: where all resources required by a program will be automatically provisioned, and optimized, by the environment that runs it. I can’t articulate it like Shawn, but this all feels right. …


Comparing Methods for Appending and Inserting With JavaScript

Let’s say we want to add something to a webpage after the initial load. JavaScript gives us a variety of tools. Perhaps you’ve used some of them, like append, appendChild, insertAdjacentHTML, or innerHTML. The difficult thing about appending and inserting things with JavaScript isn’t so much about the tools it offers, but which one to …


Our Learning Partner: Frontend Masters

Frontend Masters has been our learning partner for a couple of years now. I love it. If you need structured learning to up your web development skills, Frontend Masters is the place. It works so well because we don’t offer that kind of structured learning ourselves — I’d rather recommend a first-rate learning joint. CSS-Tricks is more …