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Holographic Trading Card Effect

Simon Goellner (@simeydotme)’s collection of Holographic Trading Cards have captured our attention. Under the hood there is a suite of filter(), background-blend-mode(), mix-blend-mode(), and clip-path() combinations that have been painstakingly tweaked to reach the desired effect. I ended up using a little img { visibility: hidden; } in DevTools to get a better sense of …


Is There Too Much CSS Now?

As front-end developers, we’ve wished for a lot of things over the years — ways to center things in CSS, encapsulate styles, set an element’s aspect ratio, get finer-grained control over our colors, select an element based on its children’s properties, manage layers of specificity, allow elements to respond to the width of their parents… …


Fancy Image Decorations: Masks and Advanced Hover Effects

Welcome to Part 2 of this three-part series! We are still decorating images without any extra elements and pseudo-elements. I hope you already took the time to digest Part 1 because we will continue working with a lot of gradients to create awesome visual effects. We are also going to introduce the CSS mask property …


Responsive Animations for Every Screen Size and Device

Before I career jumped into development, I did a bunch of motion graphics work in After Effects. But even with that background, I still found animating on the web pretty baffling. Video graphics are designed within a specific ratio and then exported out. Done! But there aren’t any “export settings” on the web. We just …


Manuel Matuzovic: max() Trickery

By way of a post by Manuel Matuzović which is by way of a demo by Temani Afif. You’d be doing yourself a favor to read Manuel’s breakdown of all what’s happening here, but it basically works out to the equivalent of this longer syntax:


Behind the CSScenes, October 2022

Well, hey, welcome back to Behind the CSScenes! These posts are like little check-ins we’re doing each month to give you a peek behind what we’re doing here at CSS-Tricks, as well as a chance for us to pause and celebrate a few things. Last month, we shared a small taste of a redesign for …


Fancy Image Decorations: Single Element Magic

As the title says, we are going to decorate images! There’s a bunch of other articles out there that talk about this, but what we’re covering here is quite a bit different because it’s more of a challenge. The challenge? Decorate an image using only the <img> tag and nothing more. That right, no extra …


A Pure CSS Gallery Focus Effect with :not

Oftentimes in the past, I needed to figure out how to add styles to all elements inside the container but not the hovered one. This effect requires selecting the siblings of a hovered element. I used to apply JavaScript for this, adding or removing the class that defined the proper CSS rules on mouseenter and …


Early Days of Container Style Queries

We’re still in suuuuuper early days with container queries. Too early for broad browser support, but Chromium already supports it, Safari started supporting it in version 16, and Firefox is presumably not far behind. Most early days conversations revolving around container queries usually compare the syntax to media queries.


Adding Fluid Typography Support to WordPress Block Themes

Fluid typography is a fancy way of “describing font properties, such as size or line height, that scale fluidly according to the size of the viewport”. It’s also known by other names, like responsive typography, flexible type, fluid type, viewport sized typography, fluid typography, and even responsive display text. Here is an example of fluid …


How to Safely Share Your Email Address on a Website

Spammers are a huge deal nowadays. If you want to share your contact information without getting overwhelmed by spam email you need a solution. I run into this problem a few months ago. While I was researching how to solve it, I found different interesting solutions. Only one of them was perfect for my needs. …


Using Web Components With Next (or Any SSR Framework)

In my previous post we looked at Shoelace, which is a component library with a full suite of UX components that are beautiful, accessible, and — perhaps unexpectedly — built with Web Components. This means they can be used with any JavaScript framework. While React’s Web Component interoperability is, at present, less than ideal, there …


State of CSS 2022 Survey Now Open

The State of CSS survey recently opened up. Last year, the survey confirmed everyone’s assumptions that TailwindCSS is super popular and CSS variables are mainstream. It also codified what many of us want from CSS, from Container Queries to a parent selector. (Spoiler alert, we now have both of ’em.) While I wouldn’t say the …


Getting Started With WordPress Block Development

Let’s acknowledge that developing for WordPress is weird right now. Whether you’re new to WordPress or have worked with it for eons, the introduction of “Full-Site Editing” (FSE) features, including the Block Editor (WordPress 5.0) and the Site Editor (WordPress 5.9), have upended the traditional way we build WordPress themes and plugins. Even though it’s …


How to Create Wavy Shapes & Patterns in CSS

The wave is probably one of the most difficult shapes to make in CSS. We always try to approximate it with properties like border-radius and lots of magic numbers until we get something that feels kinda close. And that’s before we even get into wavy patterns, which are more difficult. “SVG it!” you might say, …


The Web is Good Now

The video of Chris Coyier’s talk at CascadiaJS 2022 is now available. It’s his first in-person talk in more than two years, so it’s great to see our good friend back on stage slinging gems on what makes the web good these days. Container Queries! WAAPI! Scroll Timelines! offset-path! FLIP! Variable fonts! Fluid type! We …


CSS Rules vs. CSS Rulesets

The latest spec: A style rule is a qualified rule that associates a selector list with a list of property declarations and possibly a list of nested rules. They are also called rule sets in CSS2. Louis Lazaris: As the above quote from W3C indicates, it seems like the W3C considers “rule set” to be a bit of an outdated term, preferring the term …