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More Details on `details`

A lot of chatter around the ol’ <details> and <summary> elements lately! I saw Lea Verou recently tweet an observation about the element’s display behavior and that sorta splintered into more observations and usage notes from folks, including a revived discussion on whether <summary> should be allowed to contain interactive elements or not. There are …


When is it OK to Disable Text Selection?

Using CSS, it’s possible to prevent users from selecting text within an element using user-select: none. Now, it’s understandable why doing so might be considered “controversial”. I mean, should we be disabling standard user behaviors? Generally speaking, no, we shouldn’t be doing that. But does disabling text selection have some legitimate (albeit rare) use-cases? I …


WebKit Features in Safari 16.0

Whew boy, Safari 16 is officially out in the wild and it packs in a bunch of features, some new and exciting (Subgrid! Container Queries! Font Palettes!) and others we’ve been waiting on for better cross-browser support (Motion Path! Overscroll Behavior! AVIF!). I imagine Jen Simmons typing cheerfully writing out all of the new goodies …


The Basics of Remix

You’ve probably heard a lot of hype around one of the newest kids on the framework block, Remix. It may be surprising that it got its start back in 2019, but it was originally only available as a subscription-based premium framework. In 2021, the founders raised seed funding and open sourced the framework to let …


Building Interactive Figma Widgets

Figma has always encouraged collaboration between developers and designers. It strives on an endless treasury of community-made plugins. Need 3D elements? There’s a plugin for that. Need abstract SVGs? There’s a plugin for that, too. That said, the design part of Figma has always been relatively static — always working with unmovable rectangles connected to each other through predefined user interactions. But …


How I Made a Pure CSS Puzzle Game

I recently discovered the joy of creating CSS-only games. It’s always fascinating how HTML and CSS are capable of handling the logic of an entire online game, so I had to try it! Such games usually rely on the ol’ Checkbox Hack where we combine the checked/unchecked state of a HTML input with the :checked …


Overlapping Bar Charts

As the name suggests, overlapping charts visualize two different sets of data in a single diagram. The idea is that the overlapping bars allow us to compare data, say, year-over-year. They are also useful for things like tracking progress for a goal where one bar represents the goal and the other shows the current amount. …


Hacking CSS Animation State and Playback Time

CSS-only Wolfenstein is a little project that I made a few weeks ago. It was an experiment with CSS 3D transformations and animations. Inspired by the FPS demo and another Wolfenstein CodePen, I decided to build my own version. It is loosely based on Episode 1 – Floor 9 of the original Wolfenstein 3D game. …


Flutter For Front-End Web Developers

I started as a front-end web developer and then became a Flutter developer. I think there were some concepts that helped me adopt Flutter easier. There were also some new concepts that were different. In this article, I want to share my experience and inspire anyone feeling paralyzed with choosing one ecosystem over the other …


Behind the CSScenes, September 2022

Those of you who have been reading CSS-Tricks for a while may remember that we used to publish a little thing we called CSS-Tricks Chronicles. Our friend Chris Coyier would write up a reflection from the past couple of months or so, and it was a great way to get a pulse on what’s happening …


A Brief Introduction to JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver

A screen reader is an important accessibility tool for people with no or limited vision. People who are blind or those with low vision can use a screen reader to navigate the computer. Screen readers will read contents on the screen and explain to the user what is on the page. Screen readers allow people …


Using Grid Named Areas to Visualize (and Reference) Your Layout

Whenever we build simple or complex layouts using CSS Grid, we’re usually positioning items with line numbers. Grid layouts contain grid lines that are automatically indexed with positive and negative line numbers (that is unless we explicitly name them). Positioning items with line numbers is a fine way to lay things out, though CSS Grid …


Not Sure How to WordPress Anymore?

Neither do I! And that’s probably because there’s a lot happening in WordPress-land. The evolution towards full-site editing (FSE) introduces frequent changes to the way we build themes and plugins, and at such break-neck speed that the documentation itself is either non-existent or nearly stale upon being published. Heck, the term “full-site editing” might even …


Removing jQuery from GOV.UK

The GOV.UK team recently published “How and why we removed jQuery from GOV.UK“. This was an insightful look at how an organization can assess its tooling and whether something is still the best tool for the job. This is not a nudge to strip libraries out of your current project right now! Many of us …


When Do You Use CSS Columns?

That ain’t rhetorical: I’m really interested in finding great use cases for CSS multi-column layouts. The answer seems straightforward. Use columns when you want to split any content into columns, right? Here is generally the sort of example you’ll find in articles that show how CSS mutli-column layouts work, including our very own Almanac:


Why (and How) I Write Code With Pencil and Paper

If the thought of handwriting code seems silly, it might surprise you to know that it’s inevitable. If you’re unsure, think about the last job interview you did, and remember how there was no computer around in the interview room — just your interviewers, a blank sheet of paper, and a blue ball-point pen. For …


CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 1

In a previous article, I looked at CSS Grid’s ability to create complex layouts using its auto-placement powers. I took that one step further in another article that added a zooming hover effect to images in a grid layout. This time, I want to dive into another type of grid, one that works with shapes.


Designing for Long-Form Articles

Designing a beautiful “article” is wrought with tons of considerations. Unlike, say, a homepage, a long-form article is less about designing an interface than it is designing text in a way that creates a relaxed and comfortable reading experience. That’s because articles deal with long-form content which, in turn, tends to be valued by a …


Committing CSS Crimes

The time for CSS-Tricks is over. Now is the time for CSS Crimes! In this current landscape of content service providers, users are often limited to expressing themselves in text, links, and images. Sanitization rules tend to strip out HTML, JavaScript, and various attributes. Social media service Cohost allows users to have greater freedom with …


Zooming Images in a Grid Layout

Creating a grid of images is easy, thanks to CSS Grid. But making the grid do fancy things after the images have been placed can be tricky to pull off. Say you want to add some fancy hover effect to the images where they grow and zoom beyond the rows and columns where they sit? …


How I Added Scroll Snapping To My Twitter Timeline

CSS Scroll Snap allows websites to snap the web page or any other scroll container to a specific scroll position when the user performs a scrolling operation. This feature has been supported in all modern browsers for over two years, but many websites that could benefit from it are still not using it. Scroll snapping …


Converting Speech to PDF with NextJS and ExpressJS

With speech interfaces becoming more of a thing, it’s worth exploring some of the things we can do with speech interactions. Like, what if we could say something and have that transcribed and pumped out as a downloadable PDF? Well, spoiler alert: we absolutely can do that! There are libraries and frameworks we can cobble …