Web Hosting

Web Hosting Latest News


AI, Accessibility, and the Promise of the Universal Web

This article was written by Modus Agency Executive Vice President, Growth, Michael Stineman. Headquartered in New York City, Modus is a full-service digital agency, and WP Engine Agency Partner focused on building human-centered digital experiences that drive businesses forward. Any business or institution today wouldn’t fathom making their physical location inaccessible. However, for 1 in…


DE{CODE} Strikes a Chord, Achieves Record-Setting Attendance

Today marks the end of WP Engine’s fifth annual DE{CODE}, the virtual developer conference. With recorded sessions airing live across two days and three time zones, the conference had more than 4,000 attendees from 86 countries. More than 45 experts from across WordPress gathered to share their advice and insights on some of the most…


40 Esquemas de Color Para Tu Próximo Proyecto Web

El diseño web se trata básicamente de tomar decisiones. ¿Qué plantilla deberíamos usar? ¿Qué diseño les gustará a nuestros visitantes? ¿Cómo arreglamos esa imagen que siempre carga unos píxeles fuera de lugar? Cada decisión contribuye al aspecto y sensación de tu sitio web.  Seleccionar el esquema de color de tu sitio puede parecer una de …


Todo Lo Que Debes Saber Sobre Los Chatbots

Si has estado navegando recientemente en la web, es posible que te hayas encontrado con una ventana emergente ofreciéndote ayuda, aunque no lo hayas pedido.  ¡Te presentamos a los chatbots!  Utilizarlos se ha convertido en una de las mejores alternativas, que tiene un negocio al momento de responder las preguntas más frecuentes de sus clientes …


How WebDevStudios Saves Time and Simplifies Elementor Migrations for Enterprise Clients

This article was written by WebDevStudios Director of Accounts Jen Miller, MBA, MSML. A WP Engine Agency Partner, WebDevStudios is a WordPress website design and development agency creating quality-driven digital experiences that fuel client success. According to W3 Techs 43.2% of websites worldwide are powered by  WordPress, with 62.8% using WordPress as their content management…


Top 7 Elementos Básicos del Diseño Web

El diseño web moderno puede sentirse un poco como la alquimia: la antigua práctica de intentar convertir el plomo en oro. Incluso un principiante puede reconocer lo que hace que un sitio web sea bueno, pero cuando se trata de construirlo ellos mismos, digamos que hacer oro desde cero es más difícil de lo que …


Top 7 Basic Elements Of Web Design

Modern web design can feel a bit like alchemy: the ancient practice of trying to turn lead into gold. Even a beginner can recognize what makes a good website, but when it comes to building it themselves? Let’s just say making gold from scratch is harder than it seems. Finding the right design for your …


Kako firme prikupljaju podatke – First, second i third party podaci

Podaci su danas nova valuta koja pokreće svet. Svaki naš klik, interakcija na internetu, transakcija koju obavimo i digitalni trag koji ostavimo, pretvara se u podatak koji ima ogromnu vrednost. Ovi podaci su ključni za razumevanje ponašanja, preferencija i potreba korisnika, što omogućava kompanijama da kreiraju personalizovana iskustva, poboljšaju svoje proizvode i donose informisane odluke.


Contrata Un Desarrollador Web Con Estos 5 Pasos

¿No crees que un sitio web bien diseñado y bien codificado lo es todo? De hecho, es fundamental para… …Ser encontrado en los motores de búsqueda cuando los clientes potenciales buscan productos o servicios que ofreces. …Convertir ese tráfico de motores de búsqueda en clientes satisfechos que realizan compras, regresan una y otra vez e …


Hire A Web Developer With These 5 Steps

Don’t think an attractively-designed, well-coded website is all that and a bag of chips? Actually, it’s critical to: Being found on search engines when potential customers are looking for products or services you offer. Converting that search engine traffic into happy customers who make purchases, come back time and time again, and — if you’re …


Nameservers vs. DNS: La Guía Completa

Si estás pensando en migrar tu sitio a un nuevo proveedor de alojamiento web, te puedes estar preguntando qué puede significar esto para tu registro de dominio. ¿Cambiar de proveedor de alojamiento web impedirá que las personas accedan a tu contenido? Solo de pensarlo, ¡puede causar escalofríos! Es por esto que es importante entender qué …


Nameservers Vs. DNS: A Complete Guide

Are you thinking of migrating your site to a new hosting service provider? You might be wondering what this’ll mean for your domain registration. Will switching web hosts prevent people from accessing your content? It’s enough to send a shiver down your spine. This is why it’s important to understand what nameservers and the Domain …


Elevate Your WooCommerce Store With WP Engine’s New Stripe Checkout Integration

Introducing the all-new, frictionless Stripe Checkout integration for WooCommerce by WP Engine. Now you can optimize your store’s checkout flow with a world-class checkout experience customized to your brand and simplify compliance associated with online transactions—with the flip of a switch. Last year, we integrated Stripe with the WP Engine portal, giving our eCommerce users…


Crafted Future: UX For a New Era

Designing digital experiences is becoming increasingly complex year over year. Performance and accessibility are assumed, and users have come to expect highly personalized experiences across the digital touchpoints they encounter every day.  Brands and agencies must adapt to the needs of their users by creating digital experiences that not only adhere to modern best practices…


PostgreSQL Vs. MySQL: Aclarando Sus Diferencias

Los sistemas de gestión de bases de datos relacionales (RDBMS) como PostgreSQL y MySQL son fundamentales para almacenar, organizar y acceder a datos para aplicaciones y análisis. PostgreSQL y MySQL son populares bases de datos de código abierto con largas historias y conjuntos de funciones completos. Sin embargo, PostgreSQL y MySQL difieren en sus arquitecturas …


PostgreSQL Vs. MySQL: Digging Into Their Differences

Relational database management systems (RDBMS) like PostgreSQL and MySQL are critical for storing, organizing, and accessing data for applications and analytics. PostgreSQL and MySQL are popular open-source databases with long histories and rich feature sets. However, PostgreSQL and MySQL differ in their technical architectures and design philosophy. If you’re stuck between picking one database for …


How To Fix The “WordPress Keeps Logging Me Out” Problem

If you’re on this page, you’ve probably searched for something like, “Help! WordPress keeps logging me out!” WordPress is the internet’s most popular Content Management System (CMS), with an estimated 62% of the CMS market share. Despite this, it isn’t perfect. Things can still go wrong. For example, you may need to deal with the …


Istorija domaćih domena – od .YU do .RS domena

10. marta 2008. godine, tačno u 12h, zvanično je počela registracija .RS domena. Šesnaest godina kasnije registrovano je više od 137.000 .RS domena. Istorija nacionalnih domena traje već više decenija, a o putu koje je domaći internet prošao da bi dobio svoje mesto na domenskom nebu najbolje govori dokumentarna emisija koja se 2016. godine emitovala


Going From Local to Live Just Got a Whole Lot Easier!

Local, for many years now, has been the number one local WordPress development solution for those who want to build with WordPress on their local machines.  Easily spinning up a new site, configuring it, and operating it on the almost zero-latency environment that is your own desktop has been a huge productivity boost for developers.…


Voting is Open for Plugin Madness!

Voting for Plugin Madness, Torque’s annual bracket-style competition, is officially kicking off this week.  Out of all the plugins that were nominated, 64 of the top contenders were selected for the four initial categories: Marketing, Optimization, Performance, and eCommerce. Now that the bracket has been finalized, the contenders have taken their starting positions, and it’s…


¿Qué Es Node.js? Una Introducción Completa + Casos de Uso

Ya sea que estés abriendo tu primer libro sobre programación o seas un desarrollador experimentado que ha navegado a través de capítulos de lenguajes de programación, es probable que hayas encontrado el término “Node.js” en la narrativa tecnológica. ¿Qué es Node.js y por qué es tan prevalente? Piensa en Node.js como el fiel compañero en …


What Is Node.js? A Comprehensive Introduction + Use Cases

Whether you’re just cracking open your first book on coding or a seasoned developer who’s navigated through chapters of programming languages, “Node.js” is a term you’ve likely encountered across the tech narrative. What is Node.js, and why is it so prevalent? Think of Node.js as the trusty sidekick in your programming adventures, not just any …


A Sneak Peek Into DE{CODE} 2024

DE{CODE}, WP Engine’s premier developer conference, is back and better than ever! The fifth annual virtual event will take place on March 19 (North America: 10 a.m. CDT, APAC: 10 a.m. AEST) and March 21 (EMEA: 10 a.m. GMT). Four unique talk tracks and more than 40 expert speakers will provide insight into the modern…