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Building With WooCommerce That Works 

In the increasingly competitive eCommerce landscape, WooCommerce stands in a league of its own.  Not only is it the most widely used solution for building a digital store on WordPress, but its ease of use, flexibility, and extensibility allow online merchants to create the storefront of their choice while integrating seamlessly with your site’s content. …


Celebrating Usability Day at WP Engine

Established 2004 by the User Experience Professionals Association, World Usability Day is an opportunity for professionals across a spectrum of industries to reflect on their efforts to make the services and products important to our lives easier to access and simpler to use. At WP Engine, we believe technology should enhance our lives, not make…


502 Bad Gateway Error: Qué Es Y Cómo Solucionarlo

¿Estás experimentando un error 502 Bad Gateway? No lo dejes pasar por alto demasiado rápido. Si bien una simple actualización a menudo resuelve un error puntual, los errores recurrentes pueden indicar problemas más profundos. Si se dejan sin atención, estos problemas pueden convertirse en desafíos significativos: disminución del tráfico, mala experiencia de usuario y riesgos …


502 Bad Gateway Error: What It Is and How to Fix It

Experiencing a 502 Bad Gateway error? Don’t brush it off too quickly. While a simple refresh often resolves a one-off, recurring errors might signal deeper issues. If left unattended, these can snowball into significant challenges: Dwindling traffic, poor user experience, and elevated security risks, to name a few. It’s important to root out the cause …


Crafted Future: 2024, On the Radar

Composer Theodore Hook once said, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” Web designers and developers are intimately familiar with what it means to invent the future, as they’re often the ones using cutting-edge technology to shape the ways we buy, sell, consume, interact, and communicate. Inventing the future was a…


What Is VPS? A Beginner’s Guide to Virtual Private Servers

Has it happened? Have you hit the big time? Are you finding your website struggles to keep up with all that new visitor traffic? It might be time to upgrade to VPS hosting. VPS, short for virtual private server, gives your site dedicated resources to perform better than shared hosting. In this guide, we’ll dive …


La Guía Completa Sobre Full-Site Editing de WordPress

Personalizar la apariencia de tu sitio WordPress es una de las mejores formas de controlar la imagen de tu sitio y personalizarlo para tus necesidades.  Y hoy, es más personalizable que nunca gracias a un conjunto (relativamente) nuevo de funciones conocidas como Edición Completa de Sitio, o Full Site Editing (FSE). El nuevo nombre oficial …


Your Complete Guide to WordPress Full-Site Editing

Customizing your WordPress website’s appearance is one of the best ways to control your site’s image and tailor it to your needs. And today, it’s more customizable than ever thanks to a (relatively) new feature set known as Full Site Editing (FSE). The new official name is Site Editor. Of course, this introduction brought with …


45 Ejemplos de Diseños de Páginas ‘Sobre Nosotros’

Si solo te enfocas en vender productos y servicios en tu sitio web, es probable que tus clientes potenciales no crean que tu negocio es confiable. Puede que sea difícil construir conexiones con los nuevos visitantes sin explicar tu historia y valores principales.  Al crear una página ‘Sobre Nosotros’, tienes la oportunidad de ganar nuevos …


45 Inspiring About Us Page Design Examples

If you focus only on selling products and services on your website, potential customers might not find your business trustworthy. You may find it difficult to build connections with new visitors without explaining your story and core values. By creating an About Us page, you have the chance to win over visitors with a compelling …


Expanding Payment Options Through Stripe Connect—Buy Now, Pay Later

In March, WP Engine announced our partnership with Stripe, which included a dedicated Stripe Connect solution integrated with WP Engine’s portal and provided free with our eCommerce plans. The Stripe Connect integration makes it easier and more secure to connect and manage payments in WooCommerce.  Since launch, we’ve been working to expand our payment options…


14 Practical Small Business Apps You Need To Know

It’s Monday morning. You’ve barely taken a sip of your coffee (or tea or smoothie) and are already buried under a mountain of emails, customer inquiries, and endless to-do lists. As a small business owner, you wear many hats — balancing bookkeeping, sales, marketing, and all other business needs. Time is a luxury you can’t …


12 Tips Para Elegir El Nombre De Dominio Perfecto Para Tu Sitio Web

Elegir tu nombre de dominio, será de las decisiones más importantes que tomarás como dueño de tu sitio.   El nombre de dominio equivocado puede hacer que tu sitio sea difícil de encontrar, afectando negativamente la reputación de tu marca. Incluso, puede dar pie a los criminales cibernéticos para que suplanten tu sitio web, en busca …


12 Tips For Choosing The Perfect Domain Name For Your Website

Choosing a domain name is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make as a website owner. The wrong domain name can make your site hard to find, negatively impact your brand’s reputation, or even give squatters opportunities to impersonate your website for nefarious activities. So what’s the secret to avoiding all of that and choosing …


Double Down on Site Traffic Ahead of the Holiday Rush

As the holiday season approaches, eCommerce businesses should anticipate an influx of online shoppers—beginning just after Thanksgiving and extending through Christmas. This period is by far the busiest time of year for eCommerce, and it can also be the most lucrative, especially if your digital storefront is ready for the impending rush. Sites that head…



In today’s lightning-fast, digital world, there’s nothing more frustrating than trying to visit a website, watching the loading bar creep slowly across the page… and then getting an error message instead of the site you expected. When this happens, a lot of times it’s the “ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT” error. This is a common error that has a …



En nuestro veloz mundo digital de hoy, no hay nada más frustrante que tratar de entrar a un sitio web, ver cómo la barra de carga avanza con lentitud… y recibir un mensaje de error al final, en lugar de acceso al sitio. Cuando esto pasa, puede ser por cortesía del error “ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT”. Este es …


Šta je enkripcija i zašto je važna?

Zaštita osetljivih informacija putem kodova i šifri ima hiljadugodišnju istoriju. Sa razvojem pisma javila se i potreba da se informacije sačuvaju od osetljivih pogleda, što je nama danas poznatije kao – enkpricija. Stari Egipćani su koristili hijeroglifsku enkripciju, dok su stari Grci koristili scitalu, uređaj za zamagljivanje teksta. Julije Cezar je poznat po upotrebi Cezarove


Cómo Comenzar Con Un Negocio de Dropshipping

Administrar una exitosa tienda en línea, es una manera comprobada de ganar dinero.  Pero, a menos que tu apellido sea Bezos, la idea de comprar un depósito y enviar paquetes sin parar, puede sonar desalentador.  Afortunadamente, hay una solución: comenzar con tu negocio de dropshipping. Tal vez has escuchado hablar de dropshipping en las redes …


How To Start A Dropshipping Business

Running a successful online store is a proven way to make money. But unless your last name is Bezos, the idea of buying a warehouse and shipping endless packages might seem a little off putting. Luckily, there is a workaround: start a dropshipping business. You’ve probably heard people talking about dropshipping on social media. Those …


Your Last-Minute eCommerce Guide for the Holidays

While there has been concern that economic uncertainty and cyber-weary consumers may combine to temper this year’s holiday shopping season, many factors now point to an expected increase in online holiday sales. With many big-box retailers moving their largest sales online in recent years, eCommerce is the odds-on favorite to dominate the days and weeks…


Error ‘403 Forbidden’: Qué Significa & 11 Soluciones Rápidas

Entrar sin permiso a algún lugar, es ilegal. Pero, si estás viendo un error 403 Forbidden, probablemente no será porque estás intentando ingresar a un sitio privado de alta seguridad. El error 403 Forbidden, suele ocurrir cuando intentas iniciar sesión en WordPress, o visitar una página específica, sin éxito. Esto puede ser muy frustrante. Afortunadamente, …


403 Forbidden Error: What It Means & 11 Ways To Fix It Fast

Trespassing is illegal. But, if you’re encountering the 403 Forbidden error, you’re probably not trying to break into some sort of a top-secret black site. The 403 Forbidden error typically occurs when you’re trying to log in to WordPress or visit a specific page, but can’t. This can be incredibly frustrating. Fortunately, there are a …