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Šta je malver i koji tipovi zlonamernog softvera postoje?

Malver (eng. malware) iliti zlonamerni softver predstavlja jedan od najčešćih oblika sajber napada. Malver je namerno dizajniran softver sa ciljem da nanese štetu računarima i računarskim sistemima i obično se koristi za krađu informacija, širenje virusa i drugih vrsta napada, kao i za špijuniranje i praćenje korisnika. Prema statistikama, oko 560.000 novih malvera se detektuje


Informes en Tiempo Real de GA4: Guía Completa y Casos de Uso

Por allá hace mucho — o así se siente, al menos — en el 2019, Google presentó Google Analytics 4 (GA4), el eventual reemplazo de Universal Analytics (UA). En marzo de 2023, Google comenzó a trasladar algunos sitios web que no excluidos de UA a GA4. Y una vez llegue julio de 2023, Universal Analytics dejará …


GA4 Realtime Reporting: Complete Guide & Use Cases

Waaay back — at least it feels that way — in 2019, Google unveiled Google Analytics 4 (GA4),  its eventual replacement for Universal Analytics (UA). As of March 2023, Google began moving websites that weren’t opted out from UA to GA4. When July 2023 rolls around, Universal Analytics will stop working with any new website data …


Introducing Frost Version 1.0

At the end of 2021—and in alignment with WP Engine’s core value of “Committed to Give Back”—the block-based Full Site Editing theme, Frost, was acquired and open-sourced. By freely distributing Frost to a growing user base, it became an experimental theme that not only helped WordPress builders familiarize themselves with the new Site Editor, it…


The Annual ACF Survey: Help Us Shape the Future of ACF

There’s a small chance you may have missed the news, but last year, we had a very exciting team and line of products join us here at WP Engine. One of those products, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), is the industry’s OG and favorite solution for registering custom fields, and it was warmly welcomed alongside the…


Blog vs. Vlog Showdown: Which Should You Choose?

So, you want to promote your brand and share a message. You have heard that some people achieve this by setting up a blog, but others swear that creating a vlog is the way to go. Who is right? In some ways, both groups have a point. Blogs and vlogs both offer a range of …


Blog vs. Vlog: ¿Cuál Deberías Elegir?

Entonces, quieres promover tu marca y compartir un mensaje. Posiblemente, has oído que hay quienes logran esto con un blog, mientras otros tantos aseguran que crear un vlog es el camino a seguir. ¿Quiénes tienen razón? De cierta manera, ambos grupos tienen un punto. Los blogs y vlogs ofrecen, por sí mismos, una serie de …


The Stories Behind Webby-Nominated Sites

Winners were announced this week for the 27th annual Webby Awards, including more than 60 innovative digital projects that make up the fourth Crafted with Code: a unique and interactive showcase of some of the best Webby-recognized websites brought to you by the Webby’s and WP Engine marketing teams. The Webby Awards are all about…


Dominando Analytics: Saca El Máximo Provecho de Analytics Intelligence en GA4

Luego de dar el salto de Universal Analytics a GA4, puede que acostumbrarte te tome algo de tiempo. Tal vez necesites ayuda para encontrar información que solías ver regularmente. Es más, es posible que no sepas dónde encontrar nada. Afortunadamente, hay una poderosa herramienta para ayudarte: Google Analytics Intelligence. Es una herramienta de Inteligencia Artificial, …


CSS Animations: Enhance Your Website With These 17 Options

Captivating animations that hold your gaze while a webpage loads. Seamless transitions guiding you effortlessly through a website’s content. Unexpected bursts of color and motion as you interact with buttons on an app. Though subtle, these elements greatly influence your perception of a brand and your overall digital experience. So what brings these engaging details …


Animaciones CSS: Mejora Tu Sitio Web con Estas 17 Opciones

Esas pequeñas animaciones en las que te pierdes mientras que estás esperando que una página o función cargue completamente.  Encantadoras transiciones que captan tu atención y te inspiran a continuar de una sección de contenido a la siguiente en un sitio web.  Colores inesperados que resaltan y movimiento que atrapa tu atención a medida que …


ACF Crowned Winner of Torque’s Plugin Madness 2023

After weeks of close calls and tight races, Torque Magazine has announced the winner of this year’s Plugin Madness competition. Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) has taken home the crown, earning the votes to secure a first place finish in the 2023 bracket. ACF allows developers to create and manage custom fields across WordPress sites, helping…


¿Qué Es El Error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN? Una Guía Definitiva

No, ‘DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN’ no es una frase pronunciada por seres extraterrestres después de que finalizan un procedimiento quirúrgico en algún pobre animal de granja. De hecho, es un código de error presentado por tu navegador cuando un sitio web al que estás intentando acceder no carga.  Pero, como con todos los errores de código, esa frase …


What Is the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN Error? A Definitive Guide

No, DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN isn’t a phrase uttered by extraterrestrial robots after they finish performing a surgical procedure on some poor bovine. It’s actually an error code displayed by your browser when a website you are trying to access fails to load. But like all good error codes, the statement doesn’t provide any context as to why …


Expanding the Global Reach of Our #1 WordPress Platform

WP Engine, the WordPress technology company, is extending its global presence and performance with expanded offerings in the Nordics, Israel, and Singapore.  Offering the fastest managed platform for WordPress, WP Engine provides WordPress users with the best way to build and host incredible websites—no matter where in the world they’re located. Now serving more than…


Crea Reportes de Analytics en Looker Studio (Paso A Paso)

Los esteroides no son solo para los fisicoculturistas. Imagina aplicarle esteroides a las Analíticas de sitios web. Usar Looker Studio (antes Google Data Studio) para crear reportes personalizados de análisis, es como trabajar de modo especial sobre tus datos más importantes, para que puedas rastrear, entender y optimizar tu sitio web. Looker Studio es extremadamente …


How to Create Website Analytics Reports in Looker Studio (Step By Step)

Steroids aren’t just for bodybuilders. Imagine: Website analytics on steroids. Using Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio) to build a custom analytics report is like juicing up your most important data to help you track, understand, and optimize your website. Looker Studio is extremely powerful, which means it can also be a bit complicated. But, …


Custom Post Types and Taxonomies in ACF 6.1

Custom fields are the standard method for assigning custom metadata to posts and pages in WordPress, and for more than 10 years, Advanced Custom Fields has been the undisputed leading solution for developers and content creators who want simplicity and flexibility. Features like field groups, conditional logic, the Repeater field, Relationship fields, and more recently…


Guía Para Solucionar El Error 405 Method Not Allowed

Curiosamente, los errores de código HTTP son realmente útiles e increíblemente frustrantes al mismo tiempo.  Ver un error cuando cargas una página te hace saber muy claramente que algo está mal con el sitio web — Pero la mayoría de nosotros no tiene la menor idea de qué significa “405 Method Not Allowed” o “error …