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WP Engine Ireland Recognized as a Great Place to Work

The accolades continue to stack up for WP Engine Ireland!  Our Limerick, Ireland-based hub has been certified as a Great Place to Work® for the fifth year in a row, adding to a growing list of acknowledgments for its outstanding workplace culture.  Back in March, Great Place to Work recognized WP Engine Ireland as a…


8 Myths About Headless WordPress—Debunked

Headless WordPress is a hot topic, and it’s increasingly used by brands and agencies to achieve significant performance improvements and deliver dynamic content across multiple touchpoints.  At the same time, there are a number of lingering myths about headless, and headless WordPress specifically, which continue to skew the view for curious potential adopters.   Though these…


Najčešće SEO greške na WordPress sajtovima

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) predstavlja proces unapređenja vidljivosti i rangiranja jednog web sajta u organskim rezultatima na pretraživačima poput Google, Bing ili Yahoo. Ukoliko ste vlasnik ili administrirate tuđi WordPress sajt, sigurno ste upoznati s važnošću optimizacije za pretraživače (SEO) kako biste povećali vidljivost sajta i privukli veći broj posetilaca. Međutim, iako WordPress nudi brojne


The 100 Best WordPress Plugins (Including New AI Tools)

WordPress is by far the most popular system for managing websites. In part, this is because you can adapt the platform for any purpose using plugins. Whether you’re a budding blogger or an aspiring e-commerce entrepreneur, there’s a tool out there to match your needs. The only question is, which ones should you install? We …


Preparing for MySQL 8.0

The widely used MySQL version 5.7 will reach end-of-life (EOL) status in October 2023, formally shifting all official support to MySQL 8.0.  What does this mean for you? Well, if your site is among the 75% of all WordPress sites still running MySQL 5.7 or older, you’ll need to take steps to ensure your site…


Complete Beginner’s Guide to Generative AI

You’ve almost certainly heard of generative AI. This subset of machine learning has become one of the most-used buzzwords in tech circles – and beyond. Generative AI is everywhere right now. But what exactly is it? How does it work? How can we use it to make our lives (and jobs) easier? As we enter a …


Guía Para Principiantes Sobre la IA Generativa

Es muy probable que hayas oído sobre el IA generativo. Este subconjunto de machine learning se ha convertido en una de las palabras de moda más utilizadas en los círculos tecnológicos — y más allá.  Las IA generativas están por doquier en este momento. Pero, ¿qué es exactamente? ¿Cómo funciona? ¿Cómo las podemos usar para …


Website Metrics: 20 Critical KPIs for Your Online Business

Success is a journey, not a destination, and in this expedition, understanding metrics is your most reliable compass. It’s the secret language that translates user behavior into actionable insights. In this blog post, we delve into the world of web analytics, sessions, and bounce rates, to uncover the hidden story behind the numbers. The key …


Una Introducción Completa Sobre los Plugins de WordPress

Crear un sitio web simple y efectivo realmente es posible, gracias a las características básicas de WordPress — pero, ¿qué pasa cuando tus aspiraciones en línea superan el tener un blog propio, para principiantes, o un pequeño portafolio? Aquí es cuando el poder de los plugins de WordPress realmente sale a la luz. Los plugins, …


Your Complete Introduction to WordPress Plugins

Building a straightforward, effective website is absolutely achievable with WordPress’s basic features – but what happens when your online aspirations extend beyond a starter blog or small portfolio? This is when the power of WordPress plugins really comes to the fore. Plugins are extensions that can broaden the functionality of your WordPress website in almost …


La Guía Completa sobre Sistemas de Gestión de Contenidos (CMS)

Si aún no has revisado el tan famoso (para algunos hasta infame) mapa de la tecnología del marketing, y te has sorprendido con las miles de soluciones disponibles al alcance de nuestros dedos hoy en día, eres mejor especialista en marketing que quien escribe este texto. Cientos de estas soluciones son una categoría determinante para …


The Comprehensive Guide to Content Management Systems

If you haven’t looked at the now-famous (or perhaps infamous) map of marketing technology and gasped at the thousands upon thousands of solutions at our fingertips today, you’re a better marketer than I. Hundreds of these solutions fall into one very important category for businesses and the marketers who help make them successful: content management …


Expanding Atlas Commerce With the Shopify Blueprint

End-to-end headless eCommerce just got easier! After launching the Atlas BigCommerce Blueprint earlier this year, WP Engine has doubled down on end-to-end headless eCommerce with the Shopify Blueprint, a complete headless storefront starter project that seamlessly connects to Shopify. The new blueprint is now available in the Atlas portal, where you can add it to…


Cambiando de Universal Analytics A Google Analytics 4

En el 2019, Google introdujo Google Analytics 4 como una alternativa a Universal Analytics. Los usuarios tuvieron la libertad de elegir entre las propiedades estándar de Analytics o cambiar a la nueva versión. Ahora, Google planea retirar Universal Analytics en un par de semanas — exigiendo que todos los usuarios realicen la transición a Google …


26 Portafolios de Diseño para Inspirarte

Si trabajas en cualquier campo de diseño — diseño gráfico, diseño UX o desarrollo web — necesitas tener tu portafolio. Como diseñador, o profesional de otra área creativa, tu portafolio en línea servirá como un registro de tu trabajo. Podrás ver tu progreso durante el tiempo y mostrar previos proyectos a posibles clientes y empleadores. …


26 Design Portfolio Examples to Inspire You

If you work in any design field — graphic design, UX design, web development — you need a portfolio. For designers and other creatives, an online portfolio helps serve as a record of your work, where you can see your progress over time and show off past projects to potential clients and employers. It also …


WP Engine Named One of Texas’ Best Workplaces

WP Engine has once again been named one of the best workplaces in Texas by Great Place to Work®, the global authority on workplace culture. The recognition, which follows the company’s seventh annual certification as a Great Place to Work in the U.S., brings its total number of Great Place to Work certifications (globally) to…


Održavanje sigurnosti emaila na poslu: Kako se zaštititi od malvera i krađe podataka?

U današnjem digitalnom dobu, email je postao neizostavan alat u poslovnoj komunikaciji. Međutim, uz sve prednosti koje pruža, email donosi i određene rizike i sigurnosne izazove. Bezbednost ovog načina komunikacije postaje ključna u zaštiti poslovnih informacija i očuvanju reputacije preduzeća. Statistički podaci jasno pokazuju razmere sigurnosnih pretnji u vezi sa emailom. Prema izveštaju kompanije Verizon,


25 Temas WordPress Perfectos Para Tu Sitio Web de Reparaciones

Cuando necesitas arreglar algo en tu casa o apartamento, ¿a quién llamas? Bueno, para ser honestos, casi nadie hace llamadas hoy en día. Si el yeso de la pared se rompe o hay alguna tarea decorativa para realizar, la mayoría de personas simplemente buscan en línea una persona o servicio de reparaciones locativas.  En otras …


25 WordPress Themes Perfect for Your Handyman Website

When you need something fixed around your home, who do you call? Well, actually, almost no-one makes calls nowadays. If the plaster cracks or there’s some decorating to do, most people simply search online for a handyman or tradesperson. In other words, maintaining a great website is incredibly important if you offer home improvement and …


Dominando Analytics: Ahorra Tiempo con la Galería de Plantillas para Exploraciones de GA4

Ya casi es la hora: estamos a tan solo semanas de que Universal Analytics deje de procesar datos y los administradores migren todo a Google Analytics 4. Afortunadamente, para todos nosotros, esta transición trae muchos beneficios: Mejoras en el seguimiento entre dispositivos y plataformas, más privacidad, capacidades más avanzadas de machine learning, mejor integración con …