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¡Dile Adiós al Spam! Una Guía Completa Sobre los reCAPTCHA

En 2013, Target comprometió los datos de decenas de millones de compradores de forma infame, en un evento que recortó las ventas, causó demandas, e incluso provocó la renuncia del CEO. ¿Qué pasó? Los hackers obtuvieron acceso a Target a través de un proveedor de terceros que no tenía un CAPTCHA, o algún tipo de …


In Major Update, Advanced Custom Fields 6.1 Lets Users Register Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies

Today, WP Engine announced the release of Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) version 6.1, which, for the first time, allows users to register custom post types and custom taxonomies from within the plugin. This significant expansion of the plugin’s capabilities represents the next generation of ACF, which is relied upon by more than 4.5 million users…


Say Goodbye to Spam! A Complete Guide to reCAPTCHA

In 2013, Target now infamously compromised the data of tens of millions of shoppers in an event that slashed sales, brought lawsuits, and even caused the CEO to resign. What happened? Hackers gained access to Target through a third-party vendor that lacked a CAPTCHA or any kind of authentication to ensure there was a human …


Artificial Intelligence and Headless Lay the Foundation for the Future of the Web

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) and headless technologies rapidly become more prevalent in modern web development, exciting innovations are fostering greater creative potential than ever before. Those innovations were on full display as WP Engine CMO Sachin Puri joined DD.NYC Founder and Managing Director Anjelika Kour as well as B-REEL Product Design Lead Adrià Montiel for…


WP Engine eCommerce Hosting—Now With Stripe Connect!

The way you process payments is one of the most important parts of your eCommerce site. After all, getting paid is integral to the eCommerce model.  But eCommerce payment processing goes well beyond revenue received and can have wider effects on other areas of your website, including user experience, site security, and overall site ownership…


Error 401 No Autorizado: Qué Es Y Cómo Solucionarlo

El error 401 – No autorizado, es el equivalente en internet del aviso “Entrada Restringida” de un elegante club nocturno. Por supuesto, te ayudará a mantener alejados algunos visitantes indeseados. Pero, también puede alejar posibles clientes legítimos, lo que te hará ver como un esnob. Peor aún, los errores 401 son causados frecuentemente por razones …


401 Unauthorized Error: What It Is & How to Fix It

401 – Unauthorized is the internet equivalent of a “Restricted Entry” sign at a posh nightclub. Sure, it may help you keep away some unsavory visitors. But it can also turn away legitimate customers while making you look like a snob. Worse still, 401 errors are often caused by reasons that have nothing to do …


DE{CODE} 2023 Now Available On-Demand!

DE{CODE} 2023, WP Engine’s premier conference for WordPress developers, is now in the books, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to catch up on all of this year’s great content! If you already registered for this year’s DE{CODE} you can log in here to view all of the sessions. Otherwise, click “Still haven’t registered?”…


Guía Para Profesionales de Marketing Sobre Creación de Eventos y Medición de Conversiones en GA4

Seguramente como profesional de marketing, o dueño de un sitio web, siempre supiste que llegaría el día en que necesitarías saber de GA4 y entenderlo. Y hoy es ese día.  Afortunadamente, tu búsqueda de conocimiento te trajo aquí. En lugar de moverte entre tutoriales muy complejos, escritos por nerds de analíticas, ¡puedes ver este! Aunque …


Guía del Emprendedor Para Monetizar tu Sitio Web (21 Ideas)

¿No sería genial que tu sitio web produjera suficiente dinero extra como para renunciar a tu trabajo? Pones todo ese esfuerzo en tu sitio web, por lo tanto, mereces que trabaje para ti. Monetizar tu sitio puede darte una fuente de ingresos pasivos, permitiéndote ganar dinero con poco tiempo y esfuerzo — Pero es importante …


Hustler’s Guide to Monetizing Your Website (21 Ideas)

Wouldn’t earning a little extra money from your website be fantastic? You put all this work into a website, and you deserve to have it work for you! Monetizing your website can give you a form of passive income, allowing you to make money with little time and effort – But it’s important to know …


WordPress Co-founder Matt Mullenweg Shares the Future of the Open Web at WP Engine’s DE{CODE} Developer Conference

AUSTIN, Texas—March 13, 2023—As a proud WordPress technology company, WP Engine has announced WordPress Co-founder and Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg and Gutenberg Lead Architect Matías Ventura will join its annual virtual developer conference, DE{CODE}, on March 21 and 23, 2023. DE{CODE} will be broadcast in three global time zones and anticipates over 5,000 attendees in…


Cómo Acelerar la Velocidad de Tu Sitio WordPress (15 Consejos)

La velocidad de un sitio web es crucial para alcanzar el éxito en línea. Afecta una variedad de métricas clave, como la visibilidad de tu sitio en los motores de búsqueda y la tasa de conversión. Optimizar la velocidad de tu sitio web es una necesidad clara, pero saber cómo hacerlo puede ser complicado. Afortunadamente, …


WP Engine Ireland Named a 2023 Best Workplace for Women

WP Engine Ireland has been recognized as a 2023 Best Workplace for Women by Great Place to Work, the Global Authority on workplace culture. The recognition marks the first time WP Engine’s Limerick, Ireland office hub has been named a Best Workplace for Women and comes just a week after being named one of Ireland’s…


Celebrating Women’s History Month at WP Engine

Women’s History Month is an annual opportunity to highlight the contributions of women to important events in American history and modern society.  Throughout the month of March, we honor women past and present for bringing new perspectives and ideas to the fore, pushing the boundaries of how and where women were allowed to participate in…


WP Engine Snags a Stevie Award for Excellence in Service

At WP Engine, our core values have always guided our mission, and one of our core values is to remain Customer Inspired in all we do. We aim to amaze our customers with our service, expertise, and transparency, choosing to build long lasting relationships that help our customers succeed. We’re so honored that the hard…


Kako koristiti email za promociju proizvoda ili usluge

Email marketing je veoma popularan način promovisanja proizvoda i usluga koji se koristi u različitim industrijama. Iako su društvene mreže i dalje dominantan kanal za promociju, email marketing ima mnogo prednosti koje ga čine vrednim alatom u marketinškim kampanjama. U ovom članku ćemo detaljnije istražiti načine na koje se email može koristiti u marketingu i


A Complete Guide to Digital Marketing for Manufacturers [+ 10 Must-Have Tools]

Buyers across every industry need information to make the best decisions, and according to Gartner B2B buyers spend the largest chunk of their buying time doing online research.  As your prospective clients are increasingly reliant on online research to help them determine which companies to work with, it’s essential to prioritize digital marketing in order…


How to Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Website

Are you looking for ways to earn a passive income from your website? Although this may seem challenging, it’s easier than you might think. It’s super easy to monetize your WordPress website with Google AdSense. Better yet, it’s a hassle-free approach since Google matches you with relevant companies and lets you integrate ads seamlessly into your …


Monetiza Tu sitio WordPress Añadiendo Google AdSense

¿Estás buscando maneras de tener una fuente pasiva de dinero con tu sitio web? Aunque esto puede parecer un reto, es mucho más fácil de lo que crees.  Es muy fácil monetizar tu sitio WordPress con Google AdSense. Mejor aún, es un enfoque descomplicado, ya que Google te empareja con compañías relevantes y te permite …


WP Engine’s Fourth Annual DE{CODE} Conference Doubles Registrations Fueling Interest in Open Source Innovation

AUSTIN, Texas—FEB 27, 2023—WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress platform, today announced registration is open for its fourth annual developer conference, DE{CODE} 2023. This completely free and 100% virtual event dedicated to sharing technical knowledge with the global WordPress community highlights WP Engine’s commitment to open source innovation and contribution. Since launching the first…