Wouldn’t earning a little extra money from your website be fantastic? You put all this work into a website, and you deserve to have it work for you! Monetizing your website can give you a form of passive income, allowing you to make money with little time and effort – But it’s important to know …
AUSTIN, Texas—March 13, 2023—As a proud WordPress technology company, WP Engine has announced WordPress Co-founder and Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg and Gutenberg Lead Architect Matías Ventura will join its annual virtual developer conference, DE{CODE}, on March 21 and 23, 2023. DE{CODE} will be broadcast in three global time zones and anticipates over 5,000 attendees in…
La velocidad de un sitio web es crucial para alcanzar el éxito en línea. Afecta una variedad de métricas clave, como la visibilidad de tu sitio en los motores de búsqueda y la tasa de conversión. Optimizar la velocidad de tu sitio web es una necesidad clara, pero saber cómo hacerlo puede ser complicado. Afortunadamente, …
IP adrese su jedinstveni identifikatori koji se koriste za povezivanje računara i drugih uređaja na internetu. One omogućavaju komunikaciju između uređaja na globalnoj mreži i bez njih ne bi bilo moguće slati i primati podatke putem interneta. U ovom članku istražićemo više o tome zašto su IP adrese važne za internet i koja je razlika
WP Engine Ireland has been recognized as a 2023 Best Workplace for Women by Great Place to Work, the Global Authority on workplace culture. The recognition marks the first time WP Engine’s Limerick, Ireland office hub has been named a Best Workplace for Women and comes just a week after being named one of Ireland’s…
Women’s History Month is an annual opportunity to highlight the contributions of women to important events in American history and modern society. Throughout the month of March, we honor women past and present for bringing new perspectives and ideas to the fore, pushing the boundaries of how and where women were allowed to participate in…
Elegir un servicio de alojamiento web puede ser desafiante — en especial, si lo haces para tu primer sitio web. Hay mucha información a considerar al respecto, la cual es fácil de olvidar al evaluar tanto las ventajas de los diferentes proveedores, como sus desventajas. Sin embargo, si sabes cuáles son las preguntas correctas que …
What Is Web Hosting? Every website is stored on a server. Your site’s server makes it available to users on the web. In turn, web hosting is the service of storing a website — or ‘hosting’ it — on a server. Your ‘web host’ or ‘hosting provider’ is the company that owns and maintains the …
At WP Engine, our core values have always guided our mission, and one of our core values is to remain Customer Inspired in all we do. We aim to amaze our customers with our service, expertise, and transparency, choosing to build long lasting relationships that help our customers succeed. We’re so honored that the hard…
Email marketing je veoma popularan način promovisanja proizvoda i usluga koji se koristi u različitim industrijama. Iako su društvene mreže i dalje dominantan kanal za promociju, email marketing ima mnogo prednosti koje ga čine vrednim alatom u marketinškim kampanjama. U ovom članku ćemo detaljnije istražiti načine na koje se email može koristiti u marketingu i
Sin importar qué tan grande o pequeño, todos los negocios modernos necesitan un sitio web – eso incluye el tuyo. No necesitas un sitio web bonito que de hecho no atraiga a las personas o que te ayude a convertirla en clientes. El sitio web de un pequeño negocio que tan solo es placentero visualmente …
No matter how big or small, every modern business needs a website – that includes yours. You don’t need a pretty site that doesn’t actually attract people or help convert them into customers. A small business website that’s only visually pleasing can be fun, but it’s a huge missed opportunity. A great website should help …
Buyers across every industry need information to make the best decisions, and according to Gartner B2B buyers spend the largest chunk of their buying time doing online research. As your prospective clients are increasingly reliant on online research to help them determine which companies to work with, it’s essential to prioritize digital marketing in order…
Are you looking for ways to earn a passive income from your website? Although this may seem challenging, it’s easier than you might think. It’s super easy to monetize your WordPress website with Google AdSense. Better yet, it’s a hassle-free approach since Google matches you with relevant companies and lets you integrate ads seamlessly into your …
¿Estás buscando maneras de tener una fuente pasiva de dinero con tu sitio web? Aunque esto puede parecer un reto, es mucho más fácil de lo que crees. Es muy fácil monetizar tu sitio WordPress con Google AdSense. Mejor aún, es un enfoque descomplicado, ya que Google te empareja con compañías relevantes y te permite …
AUSTIN, Texas—FEB 27, 2023—WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress platform, today announced registration is open for its fourth annual developer conference, DE{CODE} 2023. This completely free and 100% virtual event dedicated to sharing technical knowledge with the global WordPress community highlights WP Engine’s commitment to open source innovation and contribution. Since launching the first…
The day has finally come: Voting is open for the eighth annual Plugin Madness competition sponsored by Torque Magazine! Each year, Plugin Madness shines a light on the extensive catalog of plugins available in the WordPress Plugin Repository with a friendly, bracket-style competition that pits the best of the best against one another. The tournament…
Each year, Black History Month provides an opportunity to recognize the contributions of Black Americans and raise awareness of past and present struggles facing the Black community. What was once a week-long celebration during the second week of February (coinciding with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln) Black History Month is today celebrated…
Las galerías de fotos son elementos esenciales en la web. Son colecciones de imágenes que te permiten moverte de un elemento a otro y no ocupan mucho espacio en las páginas. Las galerías están presentes en muchos tipos de sitios web, desde tiendas de e-commerce hasta portafolios. La buena noticia es que crear galerías de …
El 6 de Febrero, 2023, el equipo principal de desarrollo de WordPress, publicó su “mapa de trabajo 6.2”, el cual incluye una gran cantidad de detalles emocionantes sobre secciones clave de trabajo que esperan completar para WordPress 6.2, la siguiente iteración de WordPress que está planeada para el lanzamiento el 28 de Marzo. Este lanzamiento, …
On February 6, 2023, the WordPress core development team published its Roadmap to 6.2, which includes a wealth of exciting details about the key sections of work expected to be completed for WordPress 6.2, the next iteration of WordPress that’s planned for a March 28 release. This release, like the ones that have come before …
Las primeras impresiones hacen toda la diferencia. Si quieres que tu pequeño negocio se destaque entre la multitud, necesitas un logo atractivo. Sin embargo, es más fácil decirlo que conseguirlo, especialmente si no tienes presupuesto para invertir en un buen diseñador gráfico. ¡La buena noticia que es muy fácil crear, gratis, un logo en línea! …
First impressions make all the difference. If you want your brand or small business to stand out from the crowd, you’ll want an eye-catching logo. For many bootstrappers, however, this might seem easier said than done, especially if you don’t have the budget to invest in a professional graphic designer. The good news is that …
Hey, you! Check this out! Over here! Do we have your attention? While the best calls to action may not involve obnoxiously shouting at your readers (sorry), the example above does showcase what we’re talking about here today. Calls to action (CTA’s) are incredibly important website elements that can help you make the most out of …
¡Oye, tú! ¡Sí, tú! ¡Aquí estamos! ¿Tenemos tu atención? Aunque los mejores llamados a la acción (CTAs) no involucran llamar a gritos la atención de tus lectores, como acabamos de hacer (lo sentimos, por cierto), nuestro ejemplo es justo lo que necesitamos para presentar de qué hablaremos hoy. Los CTAs son elementos realmente importantes en …
WP Engine’s platform for headless WordPress, Atlas, has seen incredible growth over the past year, thanks to a full suite of products supported by many of our internal teams. Throughout 2022, those teams and products led the way as WP Engine made significant strides in the headless WordPress space. We’re excited to share some of…
Probablemente, hayas escuchado hablar de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). Eso es porque la IA no es nada nuevo desde un punto de vista teórico. Pero ahora, hemos llegado al punto en el que este tipo de software ofrece mucho más que experimentación, especialmente en el mundo del diseño web. En este momento, puedes usar generadores …
February 17–19, WordPress community members from across the region will gather in Bangkok, Thailand for WordCamp Asia. While this is the first WordCamp to be held in Asia (other WordCamps have been held in the U.S., Europe, and Central America), it will undoubtedly be an excellent opportunity for WordPress community members to network, learn about…
March Madness brings out the best in collegiate basketball, and this year, Torque Magazine’s eighth-annual Plugin Madness competition is here to do the same for WordPress. The bracket-style contest pits the best of the best plugins from across the WordPress ecosystem against one another to find out which one the community loves most. With more…
Al trabajar en el diseño de tu sitio web, puede que estés tentado a enfocarte más en páginas como Inicio, Nosotros y las de destino de tus productos. Sin embargo, no olvides la página Contáctanos — Sin ella, tus clientes no podrán comunicarse contigo, ni hacerte preguntas. Afortunadamente, puedes armar una página Contáctanos bien diseñada, …