Web Hosting

Web Hosting Latest News


A Story of Growth: All Hands 2022

In today’s extremely competitive and saturated digital environment, the stories you tell are the things that set you apart. At WP Engine, we’re in the business of helping our customers tell better stories through incredible digital experiences. But to ensure we’re doing everything we can to help our customers grow, it’s also important for us…


Cyberduck vs. FileZilla: Which is the Better FTP Client?

As you become more experienced with web design and development, you may need to access your site’s files directly to make advanced customizations. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) clients make it easy for you to manage these files. However, you may not know which FTP software is the right option for you. Cyberduck and FileZilla are …


Cyberduck vs FileZilla: ¿Cuál es El Mejor Cliente FTP?

Es posible que al sumar experiencia en WordPress, necesites ingresar directamente a los archivos de tu sitio, para hacer personalizaciones avanzadas. Los clientes de Protocolo de Transferencia de Archivos o File Transfer Protocol (FTP, por sus siglas en inglés) te ayudarán a administrar más fácilmente esos archivos. Sin embargo, puede que no sepas cuál software …


A Smarter Way to WordPress

There are a lot of different ways to “do” WordPress. That’s part of the beauty and flexibility of open source. Choice. Freedom. Options.    And decision fatigue is a thing. How do developers, technologists, and site owners decide which way to go when it comes to hosting WordPress? Especially if everything can appear the same on…


Cómo Añadir Campos Personalizados a Tus Publicaciones de WordPress

A medida que te familiarizas con WordPress, puede que comiences a presionar sus límites. Esto quiere decir experimentar con algunas de las opciones más avanzadas de la plataforma, las cuales incluyen aprender cómo crear campos personalizados.  Añadir un campo personalizado a tus publicaciones de WordPress te permite añadir información adicional. En cambio, te ayuda a …


How to Add Custom Fields to Your WordPress Posts

As you become comfortable with WordPress, you may want to start pushing its boundaries. This means experimenting with some of the platform’s more advanced options, which includes learning how to create custom fields. Adding a custom field to your WordPress post enables you to assign extra data to it. In turn, this helps you add …


Spread the Word: WP Engine is a 2022 Monster’s Award Nominee!

Good things come in twos, and when it comes to this year’s Monster’s Award competition, WP Engine is delighted to be doubled up! That’s right, WP Engine is in the running for two prestigious Monster’s Awards this year—one for Best WordPress Hosting Provider and another, highlighting Torque Magazine, for Best WordPress Blog.  But nominations, while…


Black Friday 2022 – 75% popusta na usluge!

Black Friday je stigao u Mint Hosting! Za ovaj Crni petak smo, poput prethodnih godina, pripremili popust od 75% na zakup novih hosting usluga. Ovaj fantastičan popust mogu iskoristiti naši postojeći, ali i korisnici koji tek žele da postanu deo Mint porodice. Popusti na usluge su automatski generisani i biće aplicirani prilikom poručivanja. Postojeći korisnici


Why Choose WP Engine for WordPress Managed Hosting

A website is an investment—and like any investment, you want to keep it secure and maximize its value. If your site was built using WordPress, choosing the right hosting provider is crucial to your site’s security and performance. The options can feel overwhelming, which is why our team of expert WordPress website developers makes things…


Rečnik domenskih termina na jednom mestu

Odabir pravog imena za svoj biznis i registracija istoimenog domena je osnova za predstavljanje poslovanja na mreži. Kako bismo vam približili sve pojmove koji se povezuju sa registracijom i upravljanjem domenima, napravili smo rečnik domenskih pojmova koji opisuju različite segmente vezane za ovaj deo internet prisustva. Za prikaz sekcije početnog slova ili pojedinačnog pojma, kliknite


Guía Completa Para Compradores de Hosting Dedicado

Elegir el tipo de alojamiento correcto es una decisión vital para tu sitio web. Aunque el alojamiento compartido y el VPS son buenas opciones, ten en cuenta que te darán control limitado de tu servidor y el ambiente compartido no siempre será el más estable para sitios web que esperan altos niveles de tráfico. Afortunadamente, …


The Complete Dedicated Hosting Buyer’s Guide

Choosing the right type of web hosting is one of the most important considerations for your website. While shared hosting and VPS are great options, they provide limited control over your server, and the shared server environment isn’t always the best option for websites that expect consistently high levels of traffic. Fortunately, dedicated hosting boasts …


WP Engine’s Starting Eleven

Building a winning team goes far beyond the playing field. While the thrill of victory often plays out on the pitch, the fundamentals that lead to success on the field can also be applied to your growing business.  In today’s world of digital acceleration, that begins with your website, and the hosting provider you select…


Cuáles Son Los Beneficios del Cloud Hosting

Seguramente has escuchado de “la nube”. La nube informática maneja recursos compartidos como servidores remotos y centros de datos, para llevar a cabo un rango de tareas, desde el cálculo intensivo de desempeño, hasta el hospedaje de páginas web on demand. Pero, ¿qué hace a los servicios en la nube o cloud sean superiores a …


What Are the Benefits of Cloud Hosting?

You’ve undoubtedly heard of “the cloud”. Cloud computing uses distributed resources, like remote servers and data centers, to accomplish a range of tasks, from performing intensive calculations to serving up web page content on demand. But what makes cloud services superior to alternatives such as running your website locally? Cloud hosting provides swift performance, accessibility, …


17 Clever Domain Name Generators Guaranteed to Inspire You

Typically, the best websites have the catchiest domain names. They’re short, memorable, and fresh. However, it can be challenging to generate a unique domain name that matches your goals (and hasn’t already been taken). The good news is, you’re able to use domain generators to come up with clever domain names for your site. These …


WP Engine Sets Example for WordPress Performance and Global Scale on Microsoft Azure

AUSTIN, Texas—Nov. 16, 2022—WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress platform*, today announced the launch of its Managed WordPress Platform on Microsoft Azure. Companies who prefer Microsoft can now choose Azure to build and scale WordPress experiences with WP Engine, meeting advanced IT and technology requirements for scaled performance and certified security for enterprise and…


The Next Generation of Faust.js Has Arrived

Headless WordPress is changing the game when it comes to building faster, safer sites on the world’s most trusted CMS, and Faust.js is one of the most important pieces of technology for headless development.  The JavaScript framework is designed to make building the frontends of headless sites easier, and thousands of developers have already harnessed…


Cómo Usar GitHub Para Desarrollo WordPress

Si has pasado bastante tiempo leyendo sobre WordPress, es posible que hayas escuchado sobre GitHub. Es una de las plataformas más populares para que los desarrolladores alojen sus proyectos y colaboren con otros. Tal vez incluso has considerado probarlo tú mismo, pero no sabes por dónde comenzar.   Es momento de familiarizarte con este invaluable recurso …


How to Use GitHub for WordPress Development

If you’ve spent much time reading up on WordPress, chances are you’ve heard about GitHub. It’s one of the most popular platforms for developers to host their projects and collaborate with others. Maybe you’ve even considered trying it out yourself but don’t know where to start. The time has come to familiarize yourself with this …


Ignite London: Highlighting WordPress Innovation and Strategies for Growth

WP Engine played host to a different type of WordPress experience this week, welcoming top agencies and brands at the Londoner Hotel for our most recent installment of WP Engine Ignite,  Ignite brings together industry experts for roundtable discussions, presentations, and excellent networking opportunities for all attendees, at both virtual and in-person events. At this…


Guía Para Crear Una Estrategia Ganadora Para Redes Sociales

Las redes sociales pueden ayudarte a alcanzar nuevas audiencias, promover tu contenido y, últimamente, impulsar a tu marca o negocio para que crezca. Sin embargo, no es tan simple como publicar enlaces en Facebook e Instagram que lleven a tu sitio y ya. Para triunfar en redes sociales necesitas una estrategia detallada, con un plan …


WP Engine’s Starting Eleven

Building a winning team goes far beyond the playing field. While the thrill of victory often plays out on the pitch, the fundamentals that lead to success on the field can also be applied to your growing business.  In today’s world of digital acceleration, that begins with your website, and the hosting provider you select…


Consejos Clave Para Crear Una Página FAQ en Tu Sitio E-Commerce

Muchas de tus sitios web y tiendas en línea favoritos probablemente tengan páginas de FAQ. Estas siglas vienen de “Frequently Asked Questions” del inglés, que se traduce como “preguntas hechas frecuentemente”. Las páginas de FAQ no solo son útiles para ayudar a tus visitantes a entender mejor lo que ofreces, sino que también pueden beneficiarte …


Cómo Escribir la Meta Descripción Perfecta & Impulsar Tu Tasa Orgánica de Clics (9 Consejos)

Tener fuertes fundamentos de Optimización para Motores de Búsqueda (SEO) son esenciales si quieres que tu contenido sea encontrado de manera organizada en los motores de búsqueda. Sin embargo, a pesar de todos nuestros esfuerzos por servir a los robots de Google, aún tenemos que asegurar que estamos poniendo la atención adecuada al elemento humano.  …


How to Write the Perfect Meta Description & Supercharge Your Organic Click-Through Rate

Strong Search Engine Optimization (SEO) fundamentals are essential if you want to get your content to be found organically in search engines. However, despite all of our efforts to cater to Google’s robots, we still need to ensure we’re paying special attention to the human element. Fortunately, a well-written meta description can catch readers’ attention …


What Is the WordPress CLI (And How Can You Use It)?

As you get more comfortable developing WordPress, you’ll want some tools that will help you complete your tasks quickly and efficiently. The WordPress admin dashboard is intuitive and comprehensive, but it can also be time-consuming to navigate. What if you want to manage your site more directly, with just a few easy commands? This is …