Si quieres crear una tienda en línea donde vendes productos físicos, es esencial que sepas cómo monitorear el inventario de tu negocio. No obstante, muchas plataformas de e-commerce vienen con un funcionamiento básico de seguimiento de existencias. Por eso, puede resultar difícil saber cuándo reponer inventario o analizar qué productos se venden bien y cuáles …
WP Engine is excited to announce the availability of Flywheel Growth Suite for all sites hosted on our platform! Flywheel Growth Suite is the single platform WordPress agencies can use to manage their clients, sites, and billing, all under their own brand and under one roof. It keeps your agency organized to give you more…
Since its launch in 2020, Barcelona start-up 11Onze has rapidly become the leading community fintech company in Europe. After the launch of its unique, private social network La Plaça / The Square last year, the company has grown both its membership and services by more than 50%. With a focus on empowering its community through…
Continually working to optimize your website for search engine visibility will ensure that new users can find your content on the web. There are a range of techniques you can use to improve your website’s SEO rankings for a national audience, however when trying to target audiences in multiple countries or visitors who speak more …
Trabajar continuamente para optimizar tu sitio para que tenga una mejor visibilidad en los motores de búsqueda, asegurará que los nuevos usuarios puedan encontrarte en el internet. Hay un rango de técnicas que puedes usar para mejorar las clasificaciones de SEO de tu sitio web para una audiencia nacional, sin embargo, cuando intentas. Sin embargo, …
WP Engine formally kicked off its APAC expansion plans last week, hosting a landmark customer event at The Fullerton Hotel Singapore. With some 50 attendees, including representatives from leading Singapore-based agencies and brands as well as members of the WordPress community and media, the event was a smashing success, and a fitting way to highlight…
Probablemente, no sea sorpresa saber que el Inglés es el idioma más común en la web. Sin embargo, está bastante lejos de ser el único. De hecho, casi la mitad de los usuarios de internet hablan otro idioma. Esto quiere decir que si no estás traduciendo tu sitio web, puedes estar perdiendo conversiones potenciales y …
It probably won’t surprise you to learn that English is the most common language on the web. However, it’s far from the only one. In fact, nearly half of all internet users speak another language. This means that if you’re not translating your website, you may be losing out on potential conversions and revenue. Fortunately, …
Si quieres crear una tienda online en WordPress, tu mejor opción es usar WooCommerce. Este plugin de WordPress te permite crear tu tienda de comercio electrónico utilizando el Sistema de Manejo de Contenido (CMS) que ya conoces. WooCommerce no solo es la opción de plugin de e-commerce más popular para WordPress, sino que también es …
WP Engine is pleased to announce the expansion of the largest Agency Partner Program in WordPress, providing faster access to senior tech support from WordPress experts, aggressive incentives and discounts, and agency growth benefits including leads from WP Engine’s brand customers. The Largest Agency Program in WordPress Just Got Bigger Today, WP Engine is excited…
Actualmente, 46% de las personas se sienten incapaces de proteger su información personal. Ya que el motor de búsqueda de Google a menudo extrae y almacena información de usuario para propósitos publicitarios, muchas personas están recurriendo a DuckDuckGo. Sin embargo, puede que te estés preguntando si es una alternativa efectiva para encontrar información en línea. …
Currently, 46% of people feel unable to protect their personal data. Since Google’s search engine often extracts and stores user information for advertising purposes, many people are turning to DuckDuckGo. However, you may be wondering if it is an effective alternative for finding information online. Using DuckDuckGo, you can search for content without worrying about …
Singapore—August 24, 2022 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company announces its APAC expansion plans with a new presence in Singapore. Building on the company’s accelerated success in the region since opening its Brisbane, Australia office in 2017, WP Engine is launching in Singapore with new regional product offerings and a landmark…
When attendees walked out of WordCamp US (WCUS) 2019 in St. Louis, they had no idea it would be the last time the conference would take place for nearly three years. Nevertheless, WordCamp US 2022 is set to kick off in San Diego on September 9, marking the long-awaited in-person return of this widely-beloved event.…
In this ongoing blog series, we speak with WP Engine employees around the globe to learn more about their roles, what they love about the cities they work in, and what they like most about working at WP Engine. In this interview, we speak with Joel Foo, WP Engine’s first hire in Singapore, to find…
El Editor en Bloque de WordPress te permite cargar imágenes y archivos directamente a las páginas y publicaciones de tu sitio. Sin embargo, tu colección multimedia puede desorganizarse con el tiempo y puedes luchar para encontrar archivos que has subido anteriormente. Afortunadamente, puedes usar la Biblioteca WordPress Multimedia para organizar tus archivos e imágenes. Gracias …
The WordPress Block Editor enables you to upload images and files directly to your site’s posts and pages. However, your media collection can become disorganized over time, and you might struggle to find media that you uploaded in the past. Fortunately, you can use the WordPress Media Library to organize your images and files. Thanks …
There are plenty of resources available that can help you learn Python in no time. From free to paid options, you can find a wide selection of online courses and websites to guide you through the lessons. Using these resources, you can quickly progress from beginner to advanced. In this post, we’ll explain what Python …
Si estás interesado en seguir una carrera en desarrollo web o estás progresando en tu campo actual, podría ser conveniente aprender lenguajes de programación populares y en demanda. Hay varios que están disponibles, incluyendo Python. Sin embargo, saber dónde comenzar puede ser un reto. Afortunadamente, hay suficientes recursos disponibles que pueden ayudarte a aprender Python …
AUSTIN, Texas — August 18, 2022 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced exciting changes to its executive leadership team. Proven product and innovation leader Ezinne Udezue has been appointed as Chief Product Officer, leading product strategy and management across the company’s WordPress technology brands and developer solutions. Ramadass Prabhakar,…
Si estás trabajando en tu primer proyecto web, puede que no entiendas por completo el concepto de una base de datos o qué es MySQL. Las bases de datos son componentes claves de las páginas web dinámicas. MySQL es un sistema (¡no un lenguaje!) que te permite manejar estas bases de datos. Aunque MySQL no …
In alignment with our core value, “Committed to Give Back,” WP Engine held its first internal WordPress Contributor Day on July 22, 2022. Launched as a pilot event, the day-long contributor sprint provided dedicated time and space for our employees to contribute to WordPress core—with the hope that it would chart a course for similar…
¿Estás considerando un futuro en el diseño web o desarrollo? Con tantas trayectorias de carrera y habilidades superpuestas, puede ser difícil elegir el camino correcto para perseguir. Por lo tanto, puede que estés viendo los pros y los contras, además de estarte preguntando cuánto gana un diseñador web. Mientras que el salario promedio de un …
Are you considering a future in web design or development? With so many career trajectories and overlapping skills, it can be hard to choose the right role to pursue. Therefore, you may be weighing the pros and cons, and wondering how much a web designer makes. While the average web designer salary varies, you can …
Whether you want to become a back end developer or simply familiarize yourself with databases, you’ll need to learn SQL. However, programming languages can seem a little daunting for beginners. Fortunately, you can start learning SQL even without coding experience. Watching YouTube tutorials and taking online courses are some of the best ways to master …
Ya sea que te quieras convertir en un desarrollador backend o simplemente quieras familiarizarte con las bases de datos, tendrás que aprender SQL. Sin embargo, los lenguajes de programación pueden parecer un poco intimidantes para los principiantes. Afortunadamente, puedes comenzar a aprender SQL incluso sin tener experiencia previa en programación. Ver tutoriales de YouTube y …
AUSTIN — August 9, 2022 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced that it has received ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification for its Information Security Management System (ISMS). This certification demonstrates WP Engine’s continued commitment to information security at every level and ensures that the security of customer data and information has…
Cada negocio y página web debería tener una audiencia objetivo. Estos son los usuarios que más pueden beneficiar de los productos, servicios y contenido que ofreces. En otras palabras, es la audiencia para que trabajes. Si no sabes cuál es tu audiencia objetivo, puede ser difícil definir qué rumbo debe tomar tu negocio. Tener una …
No son pocas las maneras en las que puedes ganar dinero en línea. Sin embargo, pocas son tan flexibles y gratificantes como el marketing de afiliados. Si lo haces correctamente, puedes ser una manera lucrativa de obtener ingresos al producir contenido creativo y de valor. En resumen, el marketing de afiliados te permite monetizar tu …
There’s no shortage of ways you can make money online. However, few are as flexible and rewarding as affiliate marketing. If done right, it can be a lucrative way of earning an income by producing creative and valuable content. In a nutshell, affiliate marketing enables you to monetize your content by promoting other companies’ products …