WordPress continues to play a dominant role as the world’s most popular content management system (CMS), and as its use cases expand, it’s also finding new appeal with larger organizations looking to scale back on web costs and do more with less. That’s because WordPress is open source, which means there are no upfront licensing…
Convertirte en un desarrollador backend requiere un conjunto especial de habilidades y una inversión significativa de tiempo. Antes de comenzar este camino, querrás conocer si el resultado final valdrá la pena. Las buenas noticias son que los desarrolladores backend en los Estados Unidos pueden esperar ganar hasta 6 dígitos, con un salario anual promedio de …
Becoming a back end developer requires a specialized skill set and a significant time investment. Before starting down that path, you may want to know if the end result will be worth your time. The good news is that back end developers in the United States can expect to reach six figures, with an average …
WP Engine’s new office hub in Limerick, Ireland opened to a warm reception last week, with employees, customers, partners, and government officials all in attendance at a celebratory ribbon-cutting ceremony in the recently-renovated space. The new office, located on Henry Street in downtown Limerick, reflects WP Engine’s massive international momentum and investment in Ireland, where…
La mayoría (si no todos) los negocios exitosos entienden perfectamente quien es su audiencia. Eso significa saber qué clase de personas necesitan tus productos o servicios y cuáles son sus otros intereses. Toda esa información puede formar parte de un ‘buyer persona’ (del inglés) y mientras más acertada sea, más fácil se vuelve crear productos …
El Sistema de Nombres de Dominio (DNS) es básicamente el directorio telefónico de internet. Cuando alguien escribe la dirección de tu sitio web en un navegador, el DNS es el que traduce ese memorable nombre de dominio en una dirección de protocolo de internet (IP) mucho menos memorable, que los servidores web usan para cargar …
An Enhanced DNS Configuration Experience The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the internet. When someone types your website’s address into a browser, DNS is what translates that memorable domain name into the much-less-memorable internet protocol (IP) addresses that web servers use to load your site’s content. With multiple DNS record types that …
Si quieres convertirte en un desarrollador front end, es importante conocer el salario promedio de esta posición. De esta manera, puedes negociar exitosamente tu pago durante las entrevistas de trabajo. De lo contrario, podrías no ganar un salario justo por tu amplia lista de habilidades. Como desarrollador front end, el promedio de salario en los …
If you want to become a front end developer, it’s important to know the average salary of this position. This way, you can successfully negotiate your pay during job interviews. Otherwise, you might not gain a fair wage for your extensive skillset. As a front end developer, the average salary in the United States is …
Un formulario de contacto es uno de los elementos más populares en la web. El formulario correcto en el lugar adecuado te permitirá recaudar información de tus visitantes, suscribirlos a tu lista de correos electrónicos, y saber que opinan sobre tu página web. Todo esto solo es posible si tus formularios de contacto logran llamar …
WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, is pleased to announce the opening of its new Henry Street office based in Limerick, Ireland. The move reflects WP Engine’s massive international momentum and investment in Ireland, where it was recently recognized as a Great Place to Work for the fourth year in a row.…
Commitment to Customer Service The DreamHost Tech Support team completed numerous initiatives in 2021 that had a unified end-goal: to significantly improve the experience and support services that our customers receive. Even as we head into the second half of 2022, we’d like to highlight these milestones that were achieved on your behalf and that …
El equipo de liderazgo de Soporte Técnico de DreamHost completó numerosas iniciativas en el 2021 que tenían un objetivo unificado: mejorar significativamente la experiencia y los servicios de soporte que reciben nuestros clientes. Incluso a medida que entramos en la segunda mitad del 2022, nos gustaría resaltar estos triunfos que hemos alcanzado por ti y …
Hasta las mejores páginas web tienen una fecha de caducidad. Después de un tiempo, es probable que alguno de los componentes que usaste para construir la página web necesite ser actualizado. En cuanto a diseño web, las modas van y vienen y es importante que tu sitio web se mantenga relativamente moderno. Saber cuándo actualizar, …
Las nuevas opciones de configuración en WordPress están haciendo más fácil que nunca modificar la apariencia de tu sitio web a tus necesidades únicas y específicas. Además, la habilidad de convertir temas clásicos en temas de bloques está añadiendo aún más funcionalidades para hacerlo amigable con los usuarios. En esta publicación, la cuarta de nuestra …
New theme configuration options in WordPress are making it easier than ever before to modify the appearance of your site to your specific and unique needs. What’s more, the ability to convert classic themes to block themes is adding even more user-friendly functionality. In this blog post, the fourth in our “Decoding WordPress” series, we’ll …
In this content series, we’ll be talking about WP Engine’s commitment to empowering the open web. While our portfolio of modern WordPress solutions includes proprietary products and services tailored specifically to our customers and the success of their sites, many of our solutions include extremely powerful and popular open source projects used by millions of…
It’s no secret that blogs have become a ubiquitous part of the online landscape. Just about everyone — from your next door neighbor to the majority of Fortune 500 companies — have one. And for good reason. Blogs are a great way to build an audience, add value, create loyalty, and even earn money. However, …
No es un secreto que los blogs se han convertido en una parte fundamental del paisaje en línea. Casi todo el mundo — desde tu vecino de al lado hasta la mayoría de las compañías de la lista Fortune 500 — tienen uno. Y por una buena razón. Los blogs son una grandiosa manera de …
As a leader in WordPress innovation, we regularly rework and enhance our product offerings at WP Engine to better address the needs of our customers. Our platform is Built for Growth, and powering the space where customers can build a digital presence and truly thrive online is the most important thing we do. To create…
WP Engine’s proprietary cache, EverCache, just got an upgrade that extends our smart caching functionality to WooCommerce. Why does this matter to you? Speed! More cached content means better—faster—browsing for your shoppers. With shoppers expecting highly personalized and more immersive shopping experiences, performance optimization becomes more difficult to configure and maintain. EverCache for WooCommerce takes…
WP Engine, the WordPress technology company, is extending its global presence and performance in the Nordics. Offering the fastest managed platform for WordPress, WP Engine launched in 2010 with a clear mission: to provide WordPress users with the best way to build and host incredible websites. In the years since, that idea has taken off.…
WP Engine, the WordPress technology company, is extending its global presence and performance in APAC with the launch of new servers in Singapore. This brings the power of WP Engine’s industry-leading WordPress platform closer than ever to our customers, partners, and their website visitors across Asia, further solidifying our commitment to their success. Across APAC…
WordPress 5.9 introdujo el Full Site Editing, una colección de funciones que te ayudan a construir un hermoso sitio web empleando bloques y otras funciones útiles. Sin embargo, para sacar todo el provecho de los nuevos cambios en WordPress, puede que quieras considerar cambiarte a un nuevo tema. Afortunadamente, hay muchos temas de bloque de …
WordPress 5.9 introduced Full Site Editing, a collection of features that help you build a beautiful website using blocks and other handy features. However, to take full advantage of the new changes in WordPress, you might want to consider switching to a new theme. Fortunately, there are many WordPress block themes to choose from. These …
Great Place to Work has once again recognized WP Engine as one of this year’s Best Workplaces in Texas. This is the fourth year in a row WP Engine has been named to the prestigious list, ranking 27th on the list of 50 companies headquartered in Texas. The Best Workplaces in Texas award is based…
WP Engine strives to be a place where employees can bring their full selves to work. That can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. For some, it means the flexibility to work from home when they need to care for their kids or when they’re having a tough mental health…
Nuestro mundo cada día es más accesible a través de la digitalidad. Ya sea que simplemente navegues en redes sociales, revises tus correos o trabajes de forma remota desde una tablet, smartphone, portátil o computadora, sin importar cuál sea tu ubicación o proveedor de internet, siempre estás en contacto con los distintos protocolos de internet. …
DevOps has been a valuable software development methodology for more than a decade, and its impact continues to have a transformative effect on organizations that implement DevOps successfully. While those organizations are still few in number, WP Engine was recently highlighted as one of them, winning a Google Cloud DevOps Award—the first of its kind—for…
If you’re a freelancer or a small business owner, chances are you’ve had to learn by doing. This works really well for many things (perhaps excluding rocket science). While this learn-as-you-go approach can take you far in the technical realm, it can occasionally have its downsides. For instance, changing your entire website domain, all your …