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Web Hosting Latest News


Hatching New Innovations at Spring Hackathon 2022

To make an omelet you’ve got to crack a couple eggs, and this year’s Spring Hackathon event, aptly themed “Hatchathon,” was a mad scramble of omelet-worthy ideas. Teams of WP Engine employees put their heads together to have fun, experiment with new skills, and, in some cases, create innovative solutions for some of the most…


Atención Vendedores en Línea: Los Dominios .SHOP Serán Gratuitos Por Un Tiempo Limitado

Asociación Premium DreamHost está lanzando una asociación con cinco de los nuevos TLDs más registrados, con más de 1.2 millones de dominios .SHOP registrados a la fecha. La asociación es con GMO Registry, miembro de GMO Internet Group, para obsequiar 300.000 dominios .SHOP gratuitos a los clientes existentes de DreamHost. El .SHOP es una extensión …


Attention Online Sellers: .SHOP Domains Now Free for a Limited Time

Premium Partnership DreamHost is launching a partnership with the top-five most registered new TLDs, with over 1.2 million .SHOP domains registered to date. The partnership is with GMO Registry, a member of the GMO Internet Group, to give away 300,000 free .SHOP domains to DreamHost’s existing customers. A .SHOP is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) …


Picture It: LGBTQ+ Representation in Stock Photography (+26 Sources)

Image Crisis The stock photography industry, which began to emerge and gain prominence in the 1920s, has experienced an image crisis in recent years as being stagnant in its stock even while the previously-marginalized LGBTQ+ community has welcomed a long-overdue inclusive seat at contemporary society’s table, but the industry is slowly but surely undergoing an …


WP Engine Acquires Popular Delicious Brains WordPress Plugins Including Developer Favorite Advanced Custom Fields

AUSTIN—June 02, 2022 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced it will acquire five of the most popular developer-centric tools for WordPress from Delicious Brains, strengthening the company’s offerings for both traditional and headless managed WordPress. The plugins have a total installed base of approximately 4 million users and are…


What WP Engine’s Acquisition of Delicious Brains Products Means For You

We are incredibly excited to bring the Delicious Brains WordPress plugins to WP Engine’s growing portfolio of modern development tools.  These powerful plugins already play a pivotal role in the way developers build WordPress sites today, and together with Local and Genesis, they represent the preferred way of building WordPress sites for the foreseeable future.…


WordPress Market Share: 2022-2023 & Beyond

There are a handful of reliable and popular Content Management Systems (CMSs) available today. Among them is WordPress, a free, open-source solution you may have heard of before. But just how widely used is WordPress, and what is its current and forecasted market share? We’ll cover that and more right here. Now, whether you’re looking …


Participación de Mercado de WordPress: 2022-2023 y Más allá

Hay solo un puñado de Sistemas de Gestión de Contenidos (CMSs) disponibles hoy en día. Entre ellos está WordPress, una solución gratuita de código abierto de la que puedes haber escuchado anteriormente. Pero, ¿qué tanto es utilizado WordPress y cuál es el pronóstico  actual de su participación en el mercado? Hablaremos de esto y más …


Cuánto Cobrar Por Desarrollar un Sitio Web Profesional

Cuando estás intentando lanzarte a una nueva profesión como desarrollador web independiente o incluso abrir una agencia de desarrollo o diseño web, es probable que la parte más complicada no sea sobre el trabajo en sí, sino negociar con clientes. Incluso, puedes ser ya un desarrollador con experiencia y no saber nada sobre cuánto cobrar …


WP Engine Recognized as a Best Workplace in Poland 

WP Engine has once again been named one of Poland’s Best Workplaces by Great Place to Work, marking the second year in a row our Kraków hub has been recognized as a workplace of choice.   WP Engine ranked 10th on the list of 30 small and medium businesses in Poland, highlighting organizations that have built…


Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre Privacidad de Registro de Dominio

Si no estás familiarizado con el proceso de registro de nombres de dominios, el proceso puede ser confuso. Hay muchas compañías de registro de las cuales puedes elegir, hay aparentemente opciones infinitas de extensión de dominio y los precios pueden variar ampliamente. Sin embargo, una de las causas más comunes de preocupación es que puedes …


Private Domain Registration FAQs

If you aren’t familiar with registering domain names, the process can be confusing. There are many registrars to choose from, there are seemingly infinite domain extension options, and prices can vary wildly. However, one of the more common causes of concern is that you may be publishing your personal information on the web without even …


Open Web. Open World. All Hands 2022

WP Engine All Hands 2022 wrapped up last week, marking the 10th anniversary of our company-wide event for employees.  All Hands has been a part of our DNA since 2012, when all WP Engine employees (around 30 people at the time) congregated at the Capital Factory in downtown Austin, TX, for a day of discussions…


El Auge de las Compras Móviles: Una Guía Sobre el M-Commerce

Las compras en línea no son un concepto nuevo. Sin embargo, las compras desde dispositivos móviles o “M-Commerce” han crecido drásticamente durante los últimos años. Se proyecta que para el 2025, el comercio móvil será responsable del 44.2% de todas las operaciones minoristas en línea, alcanzará $728 billones de dólares en ventas.  Además, las compras …


The Rise of Mobile Shopping: A Beginner’s Guide to M-Commerce

Online shopping is hardly a new concept. However, mobile shopping or “m-commerce” has grown drastically during the past few years. By 2025, mobile commerce is projected to account for 44.2% of all online retail operations, reaching a projected $728 billion in sales. Moreover, mobile shopping just keeps expanding year after year. That means if you’re …


WordCamp Europa 2022: Su Regreso & Qué Esperar

Cuando WordCamp Europa (WCEU) 2022 se celebre del 2 al 4 de junio en Oporto, Portugal, se habrá hecho esperar mucho, ya que regresa como un evento presencial después de dos años en formato virtual durante el pico de la pandemia de COVID-19. ¡Y el equipo de DreamHost está anticipando un momento emocionante y colaborativo! …


WordCamp Europe 2022: Welcome Back & What to Expect

When WordCamp Europe (WCEU) 2022 is held June 2 – 4 in Porto, Portugal, it will be a long time coming as it returns as an in-person event following two years in a virtual format during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. And the DreamHost team is eagerly anticipating an exciting and collaborative time! About …


[Actualizado] WordPress 6.0: Volviendo Gutenberg, “Guten–Mejor”

Los usuarios de WordPress alrededor del mundo están muy emocionados esperando el próximo lanzamiento oficial en Mayo 24, 2022, de WordPress 6.0. Con 97 increíbles mejoras y solicitudes de función, 131 soluciones de bugs, 13 soluciones de bug de Gutenberg y ¡productividad por igual para novatos y profesionales! Actualización 05/12/2022 Aquí te traemos una pequeña …


La Guía Completa Sobre Los Roles de Usuario en WordPress

WordPress es un poderoso y flexible Sistema de Gestión de Contenido (CMS), que puede ser una excelente solución para colaborar en equipo. Sin embargo, para sacar el mayor provecho del CMS, es importante entender cómo navegar y aprovechar sus funciones de roles de usuario y permisos. Los roles de usuario de WordPress te permiten asignar …


The Ultimate Guide to WordPress User Roles

WordPress is a powerful, flexible Content Management System (CMS) that can be an excellent solution for collaboration. However, to make the most of the CMS, it’s important to understand how to navigate and leverage its user roles and permissions features. WordPress user roles let you assign certain levels of access to people who are registered …


Instant Store Search: The Best Way to Power Your eCommerce Store is Now 10X Faster

WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting makes WooCommerce stores more performant, and our search functionality, Instant Store Search, just got a major speed upgrade.  Turn on Instant Results to bypass default WordPress search and provide your shoppers with more accurate, relevant search results up to 10x faster. It’s available right now to any WP Engine customer on…


WordPress Best Practices: Tips From Top Industry Experts

Whether you’re brand new to WordPress or you’ve been using it for years, following a few simple but important best practices will ensure that you get the most out of your website. From attracting more visitors through search engine optimization (SEO) to using analytics to track user activity once you’ve got them on your site…


ELI5: What Is a Headless CMS & Why Use One?

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs used to create and manage digital content. For years, the focus has been on traditional CMSs like WordPress or Drupal. However, many back and front-end developers are turning toward a more modern solution, headless CMS. This so-called “headless CMS” decouples the …


¿Qué es Un Headless CMS y Por Qué Usar Uno?

Un Sistema de Gestión de Contenido (CMS) es una aplicación de software o conjunto de programas relacionados para crear y administrar contenido digital. Durante muchos años, el enfoque ha estado en los CMSs tradicionales como WordPress o Drupal. Sin embargo, muchos desarrolladores de front-end y back-end están cambiándose a una solución más moderna, los “headless …


Por Qué Deberías Actualizar Tu Versión PHP (Y Cómo Hacerlo)

Actualizar regularmente tu sitio WordPress asegura que tu sitio tendrá un alto nivel de rendimiento y seguridad. Aunque si te olvidas de actualizar la versión PHP de tu sitio, estás dejando tu sitio vulnerable a hackers y embotellamientos de rendimiento.  Afortunadamente, es bastante fácil revisar la versión PHP actual de tu sitio y proceder con …


Why You Should Update Your PHP Version (& How to Do It)

Regularly updating your site’s copy of WordPress ensures that your website will have a high level of performance and security. If you forget to update your site’s PHP version though, you’re leaving your site vulnerable to both hackers and potential performance bottlenecks. Yikes! Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to check your site’s current PHP version and …