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WP Engine Unveils New Omaha Office

OMAHA, Nebraska—May 5, 2021 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today unveiled its new Omaha office, located in the historic Ashton Building in the Millwork Commons community. Formerly known as Flywheel, the WP Engine Omaha office takes up the third and fourth floors of the Ashton Building, for a total of…


Decoding WordPress: New Site Blocks in 5.9

WordPress has always been a user-friendly platform that is flexible and easy to learn. However, those without coding skills may struggle to perform certain customization tasks. Fortunately, Version 5.9 introduced Full-Site Editing, which brings together both new and existing features to provide centralized control of your entire site. One of the most significant changes is …


Decodificando WordPress: Nuevos Bloques de Sitio en 5.9

WordPress siempre ha sido una plataforma amigable con los usuarios que es flexible y fácil de aprender. Sin embargo, aquellos sin habilidades para codificar pueden luchar para realizar ciertas tareas de personalización.  Afortunadamente, la Versión 5.9 introdujo el Full-Site Editing, el cual junta funciones nuevas y existentes para proporcionar control centralizado de tu sitio completo. …


Using WP Engine to Boost Website Productivity and Security

As part of our customer and technology spotlight series, this post by Innovaxis Marketing Founder and President Sean Parnell provides a look at the tools and services his teams use to help clients generate double-digit growth from their marketing efforts. Whether you’re using GoDaddy, Network Solutions, or your cousin’s IT company, there’s no lack of…


Decodificando WordPress: Cómo Crear Plantillas Personalizadas y Partes de Plantillas

Con la introducción de WordPress 5.9, ahora puedes utilizar el ‘Full Site Editing’ o ‘Edición Completa de Sitio’ para personalizar la apariencia de tu tema. Además, puedes acceder más funciones de diseño para construir tu sitio sin tener que codificar con un tema basado en bloques. Sin embargo, estas configuraciones básicas pueden no ajustarse a …


Decoding WordPress: Custom Templates and Template Parts

With the introduction of WordPress 5.9, you can now use Full-Site Editing to customize the appearance of your theme. Furthermore, you can access more design features to build your website without coding with a block-based theme. However, these basic settings might not meet your needs. Fortunately, you can add custom templates and template parts to …


50 of the Greatest Things Ever Published on The Web

When computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee – a fellow at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research headquartered in Meyrin, Switzerland – released the source code for the first web browser and editor on April 30, 1993, the World Wide Web was born. It was the first royalty-free, user-friendly way for people to browse information and …


50 de Las Mejores Cosas Jamás Publicadas en La Web

Cuando el científico informático Tim Berners-Lee — un miembro de CERN, la Organización Europea de Búsqueda Nuclear, ubicada en Meyrin, Suiza — lanzó el código fuente para el primer navegador web y editor en Abril 30, 1993. La World Wide Web nació. Era la primera manera libre de regalías, amigable con los usuarios, para que …


WP Engine UK Recognized as a 2022 Great Place to Work

Fostering a great workplace at WP Engine starts with ensuring all of our employees across the globe are engaged and feel like valued members of the team.  As WP Engine has grown to include offices and teams around the world, one way we keep a finger on the pulse of our companywide culture is through…


WP Engine Brings Together Empowered Women in Cloud Hosting

WP Engine welcomed in-person and virtual attendees from the Austin chapter of Society of Women Engineers (SWE) on Wednesday night at our headquarters in downtown Austin, TX. Sponsored by Roar, a WP Engine employee resource group (ERG) focused on promotion, education, and advocacy for women, the event was an excellent opportunity for attendees to hear…


¿Qué es el Cumplimiento de GDPR y Por Qué es Importante?

El GDPR o Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (conocido por sus siglas en inglés) es una legislación de la Unión Europea que fue creada para incrementar la protección de los datos de los ciudadanos Europeos. Aunque estamos hablando de una legislación europea, el GDPR contiene legislación que afecta a compañías y páginas web a …


The Plus Addons for Elementor Wins Torque’s Plugin Madness 2022!

Competition was fierce until the very end, but a winner has emerged in this year’s Plugin Madness tournament sponsored by Torque Magazine. The voters have spoken, and The Plus Addons for Elementor is the top WordPress plugin identified by Torque readers for 2022!  The Plus Addons for Elementor allows you to supercharge Elementor like never…


Tu Guía Completa Sobre SSL/TLS y HTTPS

Entre las amenazas de ciberseguridad que siempre están incrementando y Google mejorando los estándares de seguridad, hoy es más importante que nunca que los dueños de empresas tomen medidas activas para salvaguardar sus sitios web.  De lo contrario, estás poniéndote a ti y a tus clientes en riesgo. Pero, ¡hay esperanza!  Puedes mostrarle a los …


WP Engine DE{CODE} 2022: Now Available On-Demand

DE{CODE} 2022, WP Engine’s premier conference for WordPress developers, is now in the books, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to catch up on all of this year’s great content! If you already registered for this year’s DE{CODE} you can log in here to view all of the sessions. Otherwise, click “Still haven’t registered?”…


Una Guía Completa Sobre El Almacenamiento en Caché de Sitios Web

Como dueño de un sitio web, uno de tus objetivos principales es atraer más tráfico a tu sitio. Sin embargo, si tus visitantes experimentan velocidades lentas de página una vez que llegan allí, esto puede causar que se vayan sin leer tu contenido. En este escenario, todo tu arduo trabajo se desperdiciaría.  Afortunadamente, puedes mejorar …


A Comprehensive Guide to Website Caching

As a website owner, one of your main goals is to drive more traffic to your site. However, if your visitors experience slow page speeds once they get there, this can cause them to leave without reading your content. In this scenario, all of your hard work will have gone to waste. Fortunately, you can …


¿Cuáles Son Las Ventajas de Ser un Desarrollador en Latinoamérica?

Actualmente, estudiar para ser un desarrollador o programador es una de las mejores decisiones laborales que alguien puede tomar. Si tienes un título en alguna carrera relacionada con la programación o certificados equivalentes, lo más probable es que nunca pases por dificultades consiguiendo un trabajo. Eso aplica globalmente, incluyendo en regiones como Latinoamérica. Desde hace …


Join Us This Week For DE{CODE} 2022: The Virtual Developer Conference

DE{CODE} 2022, WP Engine’s premier conference for developers, kicks off this week featuring the leading perspectives on all the latest developments in WordPress.  Register for DE{CODE} 2022 today! This year’s DE{CODE} will be a worldwide event, featuring the same great content across three major regions at convenient times: Australia: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. AEST…


YARPP—Yet Another Related Posts Plugin—Now Supported On WP Engine

WP Engine is thrilled to announce that after outstanding performance optimizations to the YARPP—Yet Another Related Posts Plugin, it has officially been removed from our disallowed plugins list and is now available for use by all WP Engine customers. Plugins remain one of WordPress’ most widely-used features, and for good reason. With nearly 60,000 free…


WP Engine Accelerates Headless WordPress Innovation With Launch of New Plans and Atlas Blueprints

AUSTIN—April 12, 2022 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced Atlas, its award-winning headless WordPress solution, is now available to businesses of all sizes with four new headless WordPress plans, ranging from $49 to $499, allowing developers to learn, build and grow their sites on Atlas. It also announced the…


Heightened Cyber Diligence: Harden Your WordPress Security

In response to the elevated threat of cyber attacks, the White House has urged business owners to increase their cyber diligence and “lock their digital doors.” While the government has stepped up efforts to strengthen national cyber defenses, most of America’s critical infrastructure is owned and operated by the private sector, sparking calls for U.S.…


12 Tendencias de Diseño web en WordPress Para Inspirarte

¡La tipografía en negrita (bold) está de vuelta! Bueno, tal vez nunca se fue. Pero, digamos que solo estamos interesados en un tipo particular de tipografía negrita hoy, uno acompañado por un diseño elevado, limpio, cohesivo y con propósito. Los sitios web son herramientas para contar una historia, llevan al usuario en una nueva aventura. …


12 WordPress Web Design Trends That Will Inspire You

Bold is Back, Baby! Well, maybe it never left. But let’s just say we are interested in a particular kind of bold today, one accompanied by an overall elevated and sleek, purposeful, cohesive design. Websites are storytelling tools, taking the user on a brand adventure, and are more emotive, tactile, interactive, and joy-inducing than ever …


Formas de Manejar el Estrés en La Oficina (y Fuera de Ella)

Solo en los últimos años, los cambios en las maneras en las que trabajamos han sido dramáticos. A medida que la pandemia global empujó a las compañías a reestructurar sus organizaciones y dejar atrás las rutinas tradicionales de trabajo para un lugar de trabajo más flexible y moderno. Mientras que algunos todavía se dirigen a …


Ways to Manage Stress In (and Out of) the Workplace

In the past few years alone, the shifts in the ways we work have changed dramatically. As the global pandemic pushed companies to restructure their organization and leave traditional workplace routines behind for a more modern, flexible workplace. While some are still heading to the office, many are now working from home, which means that …


Develop Your Skills From Anywhere at DE{CODE}, the Global Developer Conference

For the last two years, DE{CODE}—the premier conference for WordPress developers—has brought together thought-provoking sessions and expert insights, and this year’s event will be no exception. Whether you’re a seasoned WordPress wizard who’s interested in the latest headless innovations, a designer looking to dip your toes into the wide world of development, or an agency…


20 Incredibly Popular WordPress Plugins You Need to Know About

Since WordPress is beginner-friendly and flexible, it is the perfect platform for creating any type of website. However, there are certain things this Content Management System (CMS) can’t do by default, so you might struggle to add specific features. Fortunately, the larger WordPress community has created a solution with plugins. These are add-ons you can …


20 Plugins Esenciales de WordPress

Ya que WordPress es amigable y flexible con los principiantes, es la plataforma perfecta para crear casi cualquier tipo de sitio web. Sin embargo, hay ciertas cosas que un Sistema de Gestión de Contenidos (CMS) no está equipado para hacer por defecto, entonces puede que luches para añadir funciones específicas.  Afortunadamente, la amplia comunidad de …