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Cómo Mejorar Las Clasificaciones de SEO

La Optimización Para Motores de Búsqueda o Search Engine Optimization (SEO) es el arte de producir gran contenido que clasifica bien en los motores de búsqueda. Y qué tan bien clasifica está determinado por una variedad de razones y factores de clasificación.  Debido a la siempre cambiante naturaleza de esas razones y factores de clasificación, …


How to Improve SEO Rankings

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of producing great content that ranks well in search engines. And how well search engines position your content is determined by a variety of reasons and algorithmic ranking factors. Because of the ever-changing nature of those reasons and ranking factors, there will always be new concepts to explore …


WP Engine Joins Open Web Companies Acquia, Fastly, Gatsby, Netlify and Pantheon to Stand With Ukraine, Halts Business with Russian Companies

As the world watches in horror, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to leave heart-wrenching destruction in its wake. It is truly shocking that in 2022, a major world power would launch an unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation, causing the largest humanitarian crisis in Europe since WWII. As they face unimaginable hardships, we stand firmly…


Gaining X-Ray Vision into Digital Experience Trends at SXSW 2022

Although “digital transformation” is by now a well-worn phrase, it’s hard to find a more apt description for the widespread tech adoption and innovation that’s occurred over the last two years. Since 2020, businesses across every industry have adapted to changing customer behaviors and adopted new technologies to meet those changes at a rapid pace. …


Decoding WordPress: An Introduction to Global Styles

WordPress blocks and Full-Site Editing (FSE) features make building and styling a successful website quick and easy. Global Styles can help you unify the appearance of your WordPress site without having to edit single blocks or pages. So whether you want to change your background color or adjust the heading typography, you’ll be able to …


Not a Whisper but a ROAR: WP Engine Celebrates Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month, and in many ways, women today are still marching in the footsteps of our foremothers toward a better, more equitable society. This year, the National Women’s History Alliance proposed “Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope” as the designated theme to recognize the myriad ways in which women’s labor has provided hope…


How to Create a Custom Favicon in WordPress

Whether you’re creating a podcast website or personal blog, making it memorable and user-friendly can be challenging. As you configure your website settings, it’s essential to establish your brand identity and start building a solid reputation. A simple way to create a professional online presence is by designing a custom favicon. When you add your …


Cómo Crear un Favicon Personalizado en WordPress

Ya sea que estés creando un sitio web de podcast o un blog personal, hacer que sea memorable,  amigable con los usuarios puede ser un reto. A medida que configuras tu sitio, es esencial establecer la identidad de tu marca y comenzar a construir una reputación sólida.  Una manera simple de crear una presencia profesional …


Register Now for WP Engine DE{CODE} 2022!

Registration is officially open for DE{CODE} 2022, WP Engine’s premier conference for developers and the best place to get leading perspectives on all the latest developments in WordPress.  Register for DE{CODE} 2022 today, right here. The all-virtual event kicks off next month with two exciting new elements in store for attendees: Content Selected by You…


WP Engine’s Third Annual De{Code} Event Invites Global Developers To Be Inspired and Uplevel Their WordPress Skills

AUSTIN, Texas — Mar. 11, 2022 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced registration is open globally for its third annual, developer-focused event, DE{CODE} 2022.  Register for the event today, right here. The completely virtual event will take place April 20-21 and will be broadcast across three different time zones,…


Tu Guía Sobre Redirecciones Comunes (+ Casos de Uso)

Cuando estás actualizando el contenido de tu sitio web, puede que veas que accidentalmente has creado enlaces rotos o “broken links”. No te preocupes, ¡pasa!  Verás, cuando una URL cambia y no es redirigida apropiadamente, causará enlaces rotos, también conocidos como errores 404. Estos problemas dañan la Experiencia de Usuario y la Optimización para Motores …


Your Guide to Common Redirects (+ Use Cases)

When updating your website’s content, you may find that you’ve accidentally created some broken links. That’s okay, it happens! You see, when a URL changes and it’s not properly redirected, it will cause those broken links, also known as 404 Errors. These issues harm user experience and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The good news is …


An Introduction to WordPress Shortcodes (With Examples)

WordPress shortcodes can easily enhance your website with engaging, interactive elements that can be repeated across posts and pages. Examples include image galleries, contact forms, and playlists to make your content more useful and engaging. In this post, we’ll discuss WordPress shortcodes and why they are helpful. Then, we’ll outline four methods to start using …


Una Introducción a los Shortcodes de WordPress (Con Ejemplos)

Los shortcodes o códigos abreviados de WordPress fácilmente pueden mejorar tu sitio web con elementos interactivos que pueden ser repetidos a través de las publicaciones y páginas. Algunos ejemplos incluyen galerías de imagen, formularios de contacto y listas de reproducción para hacer que tu contenido sea más útil y atractivo. En esta publicación, hablaremos sobre …


Las Mujeres en la Tecnología

Estos últimos años han sido significativos por un número de razones. Una década fresca que ha traído en la ciencia, tecnología, entretenimiento y política. Y las mujeres tienen un papel importante que jugar en todo esto. En política, por ejemplo, con el aumento de candidatas y promotoras, es claro que las mujeres están determinadas en …


[Report] The State of Women in Tech

The past few years have been significant ones for a number of reasons. A fresh decade brought with it advancements in science, tech, entertainment, and politics. And women have a significant role to play in all of that. Take politics, for example. With the rise of female candidates and advocacy, it’s clear that women are …


Cómo Crear un Sitio Web Gratis

Cuando estás creando tu primer sitio web, puede ser difícil encontrar una opción que se ajuste a tu presupuesto. Si eres un blogger o dueño de una pequeña empresa, querrás evitar las tarifas mensuales que vienen con los nombres de dominio personalizados, planes de alojamiento y creadores lujosos de sitios web. Afortunadamente, es posible construir …


How to Create a Website for Free

When creating your first website, it can be difficult to find an option that fits your budget. If you’re a blogger or a small business owner, you might want to avoid the monthly fees from custom domain names, hosting plans, and fancy website builders. Fortunately, it’s possible to build a website for free (or on …


WordPress for Publishers: A Study of the Digital Newsroom

In today’s digital-first world, it’s hard to imagine a time when newspapers were only consumed in physical, print form. Even though that was just over 30 years ago, newspapers and publishers at large have undergone a massive digital transformation in the time since—news is now primarily consumed online, and the vast majority of newspapers rely…


The Dos and Don’ts of Choosing a WordPress Theme

There are thousands (10,000-plus) of WordPress themes out there. So many that it would take days on end to search through them all. So how do you narrow it down to find the perfect one for your site? Choosing the right theme is obviously important—the right one should give your content pizzazz, keeping it responsive…


Cómo Solucionar el Error 503 ‘Servicio No Disponible’ en WordPress (4 Métodos)

Los errores de servidores web pueden ser increíblemente frustrantes, principalmente porque no siempre está claro qué está causando el problema o cómo lo puedes solucionar. El error ‘503 Service Unavailable’ o ‘503 Servicio no Disponible’, generalmente significa que tu servidor se ha quedado sin recursos. Sin embargo, la razón por la que ocurre puede variar.  …


How to Fix the 503 Error in WordPress

Server errors can be incredibly frustrating, primarily because it isn’t always clear what’s causing the problem or how you can fix it. The 503 Service Unavailable Error generally means that your server has run out of resources. However, why this is occurring may vary. For the most part, a 503 Service Unavailable Error happens because …


Cultivating Wellness: A Focus on Mental Health

“Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination.” —Mae Jemison As part of WP Engine’s Rise Employee Resource Group (ERG) observance of Black History Month in the U.S., Rise member and Sr. Manager of Engineering, Jennifer Parker, provides her thoughts on Health and Wellness in Black…


3 Ways to Support Open Source in 2022

When looking for a new piece of software, it’s easy to fall back on proprietary options. However, there’s another (and arguably better) way.  Whether you’re a hobbyist, entrepreneur, or business owner, open source has much to offer. By opting for open software, you can positively impact this vital and innovative community. In this post, we’ll …


3 Maneras de Apoyar el Código Abierto en el 2022

Cuando estás buscando una nueva pieza de software, es fácil recurrir a las opciones de licencia patentada. Sin embargo, hay otra indiscutible mejor manera.  Ya sea que seas un aficionado, emprendedor o dueño de un negocio, el código abierto tiene mucho que ofrecer. Al optar por el software de código abierto, puedes impactar positivamente esta …


17 Excelentes Temas de WordPress Para Marketing de Afiliados

Cuando se trata de tu sitio web, la primera impresión realmente cuenta. Todo desde las paletas de color, hasta elecciones de tipografías pueden impactar si un visitante hace clic en tus enlaces de afiliados. Pero, con tanto en juego en el diseño de tu sitio web, elegir el tema perfecto puede ser intimidante.  Afortunadamente, no …