When it comes to your website, first impressions really do count. Everything from color palettes to font choices can impact whether a visitor clicks on your affiliate links. But, with so much riding on your site’s design, picking the perfect theme can be intimidating. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be a challenge. There are dozens …
Atraer nuevos clientes en línea no siempre es una tarea fácil. Encontrar tu audiencia y clasificar más alto en los resultados de búsqueda puede ser más complicado de lo que esperas. Sin embargo, con las búsquedas orgánicas dirigiendo el 53% del tráfico web, maximizar tu presencia en línea es crucial si deseas hacer crecer tu …
Attracting new customers online is not always an easy task. Finding your audience and ranking higher in search results can be more complicated than you expect. However, with organic search driving 53% of web traffic, maximizing your online presence is crucial if you want to grow your business. While there are many steps you can take, …
Torque’s annual Plugin Madness competition is officially underway! Now in its seventh year, Plugin Madness is a bracket-style competition that highlights the massive catalog of plugins available on WordPress.org and shows some love to the plugin developers whose efforts give WordPress the flexibility and extensibility it’s renowned for. At nearly 60,000 (and counting), plugins listed…
La realidad es freelance. ¿Sabías que…? Durante la pandemia del COVID-19, más de un tercio de la fuerza de trabajo americana contribuyó $1.2 trillones a la economía a través de los trabajos independientes o freelance — un incremento del 22% desde el 2019. Además, se predijo que para el 2027, los freelancers conformarán la mayoría, …
The reality is freelance. Did you know? During the COVID-19 pandemic, more than one-third of the American workforce contributed $1.2 trillion to the economy through freelance work — a 22% increase since 2019. Plus, it’s predicted that by 2027, freelancers will make up the majority, with more than 86 million people freelancing in the United …
Los emprendedores e inventores negros nos han traído algunas de las innovaciones más importantes del mundo, desde bancos de sangre hasta monitores de computadores a color. La historia de emprendimiento Afroamericano se remonta a varios siglos atrás y nuestras vidas no serían lo mismo sin él. No hay duda de que los dueños Afro de …
Black entrepreneurs and inventors have brought us some of the world’s most important innovations, from blood banks to color PC monitors. The history of Black entrepreneurialism stretches back centuries, and our lives would not be the same without it. There’s no denying that today’s Black business owners have hurdles to overcome, from accessing capital and mentorship opportunities …
At WP Engine, we’re committed to fostering a company culture that reflects our Core Values and is welcoming and inclusive for all. Our Employee Resource Groups are an integral part of that effort. Not only do they provide community and representation to the many lived experiences of our employees, these groups work continuously to offer…
La optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO) es una de las partes más difíciles de administrar un sitio web. La forma en que Google y otros motores de búsqueda clasifican tu sitio web cambia constantemente. Esto significa que debes mantenerte al día con los últimos desarrollos de SEO si deseas superar a la competencia. La …
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the things to master when running a website. The way Google and other search engines rank your website changes constantly. This means you need to keep up with the latest SEO developments if you want to outpace the competition. The good news is that there are plenty of …
Si administras un negocio, tener un sitio web sólido puede significar la diferencia entre el éxito o el fracaso, y elegir tu dominio principal de nivel superior (TLD) es un crucial paso inicial. Pero como dicen las papas Lay, te apuesto que no puedes comerte solo una. Comprar dominios múltiples para tu compañía puede incrementar …
If you run a business, having a solid website may mean the difference between failure and success, and choosing your primary top-level domain (TLD) is a crucial first step. But like Lay’s potato chips, I bet you can’t have just one. Purchasing multiple domains for your company can increase the visibility of your business and protect …
Con tantas personas conectadas en redes sociales, probablemente ya sabes que no puedes evitar construir la presencia de tu negocio en estas plataformas. Sin embargo, no solo se trata de mostrarte — también necesitarás encontrar una forma de interactuar con tus seguidores. Afortunadamente, no tienes que hacerlo solo. Al empuñar algunas poderosas herramientas de gestión …
With so many people plugged into social media, you probably already know that you can’t avoid building up your business’s presence on these platforms. However, it’s about more than just showing up – you’ll also need to find a way to engage with your followers. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. By wielding …
Si acabas de comenzar un negocio en línea, ya sabes que el marketing moderno no solo se trata de redes sociales. Las campañas de email marketing o marketing por correo pueden jugar un papel clave en tu estrategia en general. Sin embargo, es difícil progresar si tu lista de correos no es muy grande. Afortunadamente, …
If you’ve just started a small online business, you may already know that modern marketing isn’t just about social media. Email marketing campaigns can play a key role in your overall strategy. However, it’s hard to make much progress if your email list isn’t very long. Fortunately, there are lots of simple and inexpensive ways …
El marketing de afiliados es una de las formas más efectivas de ganar dinero a través de tu sitio web. Sin embargo, la manera en la que todo el mundo lo está haciendo no es necesariamente la manera en la que tú deberías hacerlo. Por ejemplo, tal vez no seas un blogger, o tal vez …
Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways to make money through your website. However, the way everyone’s doing it isn’t necessarily the way you should be doing it. For example, maybe you’re not a blogger, or perhaps you want to be original. Alternatively, maybe you do have a blog but want to explore new ways …
Hay muchos bloggers estrella allá afuera. Hemos entrevistado a un número de ellos para recoger 20 tips que ayudarán a llevar el contenido de tu blog a otro nivel. Solo abre la aplicación de Instagram, y es obvio: Hay muchos bloggers allá fuera. Influenciadores que comparten contenido en infinidad de temas — desde dietas paleo …
There are a lot of A-list bloggers out there. We interviewed a handful of them to gather 20 expert blogging tips that will help take your blog content to the next level this year. Just open your Instagram app, and it’s obvious: There are a lot of bloggers out there. Influencers sharing content on a …
The rapid adoption of digital technologies over the last two years has made the Internet an indispensable part of our lives. It’s also led to increased innovation that’s now blurring the lines between digital and physical experiences in ways we’ve never seen. While pre-pandemic life was still at arm’s length from the digital world, that…
Vender productos tangibles en línea es una excelente manera de ganar dinero. Sin embargo, no es la única opción que tienes. A medida que el mundo continúa moviéndose hacia un entorno digital, también puedes vender productos digitales para ganar dinero. El truco es decidir qué puedes ofrecerle a tus clientes. Si estás interesado en el …
Selling tangible goods online is an excellent way to make money. However, it’s not the only option you have. As the world continues to move toward an electronically-driven environment, you can also sell digital products to earn an income. The trick is deciding what you can offer your customers. If you’re interested in e-commerce, selling digital …
As part of our customer and technology spotlight series, this post by the team at brandiD offers a look at the tools and features they rely on when building sites for their growing portfolio of clients. Hi! We’re brandiD, a soulful digital design firm that helps our clients connect the dots between business, brand, and…
WordPress recientemente anunció el retraso de su tan anticipada actualización de Full Site Editing. Mientras que los desarrolladores inicialmente habían agendado este lanzamiento para mediados de diciembre, el mapa de planeación de desarrollo del producto ahora muestra el lanzamiento de la versión 5.9 en Enero 25, 2022. WordPress 5.9 presentará el Full Site Editing (FSE) …
WordPress recently announced the delay of its hotly-anticipated Full Site Editing update. While the developers had initially scheduled this release for mid-December, the updated product roadmap now shows the launch of version 5.9 on January 25, 2022. WordPress 5.9 will introduce Full Site Editing (FSE) — a critical update that should make it easier to customize and …
Much like 2020, this past year was a doozy — Jack left Twitter, the constant flow of celebrity news, a billionaire space race, and, oh yeah, a global pandemic — among a ton of other events. Things can only get better in 2022, right? Your resolutions might include actually reading the book for your Zoom …
Bastante parecido al 2020, este año fue un poco aturdidor — Jack dejó Twitter, el constante flujo de noticias sobre celebridades, la carrera al espacio de los multimillonarios, ah si, y la pandemia aún está aquí — entre muchos otros eventos. Las cosas solo pueden mejorar en el 2022, ¿verdad? Tus resoluciones de hecho pueden …
As I was doing my holiday shopping toward the end of 2021, I realized just how many of my product searches began on a very large, popular eCommerce site that many of us use as our default online shopping destination. What I realized I wasn’t doing though, was buying from small and medium businesses on…