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Los Mejores Administradores Contraseña Para Que Dueños de Sitios Web Usen en el 2021

La seguridad de las contraseñas es clave para mantener tu sitio a salvo de los hackers, pero crear una contraseña fuerte y única puede ser difícil. Desafortunadamente, recordarlas puede ser incluso más difícil — a menos que uses un administrador de contraseñas.  Previamente hemos visto las 10 Formas de asegurar efectivamente tu sitio web de …


Best Password Managers for Website Owners to Use in 2021

Password security is key to keeping your website safe from hackers, but creating a strong and unique password can be difficult. Unfortunately, remembering it can be even harder — unless you use a password manager. We’ve previously looked at 10 ways to keep your WordPress website secure, and today, we’re expanding on that with concrete …


WP Engine Launches Atlas Content Modeler

AUSTIN—Oct. 5, 2021 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced the launch of Atlas Content Modeler (ACM), a free WordPress plugin to create custom post types and fields for Headless WordPress sites. ACM integrates seamlessly with WPGraphQL, replacing the need for three separate plugins required to create content models for…


WP Engine UK Earns Recognition as a Best Workplace in Tech

After becoming Great Place to Work-certified earlier this year, WP Engine UK has also been named as one of the UK’s Best Workplaces in Tech by the global authority on workplace culture.  WP Engine UK, (which includes our London team and our remote UK team members) ranked as a top Medium-sized companies listed by Great Place to Work® UK.…


Cómo Solucionar el Error de Publicación Programada y No Publicada en WordPress (2 Métodos)

Agendar tus publicaciones por adelantado en tu sitio WordPress puede salvarte la vida. Escribir múltiples publicaciones de blog y agendarlas debería darte paz mental sabiendo que serán publicadas a tiempo. Sin embargo, algunas veces esta característica no funciona correctamente y puede que termines con el error de publicación programada y no publicada o “missed scheduled …


Don’t Miss WP Engine at WordCamp US—This Friday!

After taking a hiatus last year due to the pandemic, WordCamp US is back and it’s right around the corner! WordCamps are incredible sources of information and inspiration for WordPress contributors, developers, users, and enthusiasts from all over the world. This year’s event will take place Friday, October 1, at 8:45 am PDT/11:45 am EDT…


How Four Generations Embraced & Led A New Digital Normal

AUSTIN, Texas — Sept. 20, 2021 — The fourth annual, international study of Gen Z, conducted by The Center for Generational Kinetics and commissioned by WP Engine, reveals new data on how Generation Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers adapted to digital in their own unique ways during the COVID-19 lockdowns. These ties to…


3 najčešće zablude o transferu domena

Jedna od najvažnijih stavki u našem radu, pored pouzdane i kvalitetne usluge, jeste i redovna komunikacija sa našim korisnicima. Zahvaljujući tome, u prilici smo da saznamo više o potrebama i nedoumicama koje ih muče i na pravi način odgovorimo na njih.


Faust.js, the Framework For Headless WordPress

Faust is the front-end framework for building Headless WordPress sites. Over the past six months, the Faust team has been researching, prototyping, and testing out a new way of building Headless WordPress sites that focuses on developer experience. Headless WordPress offers plenty of benefits over traditional WordPress: better developer experience, scalability, better security, and better…


WP Engine Limerick Celebrates Five Year Anniversary, Experiences Unprecedented Growth

LIMERICK, Ireland—Sept. 13, 2021 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced the fifth anniversary of its Limerick, Ireland office. The Limerick office, which opened with a team of 10 in September 2016, represented a significant expansion of WP Engine’s customer support and engineering capabilities in Europe, while at the same…


Employee Spotlight: Andrei Matei

In this ongoing series, we speak with WP Engine employees around the globe to learn more about their roles, what they love about the cities they live and work in, and what they like most about WP Engine.  In this interview, we speak with Andrei Matei, a Sales Engineer Manager based in Austin, Texas, who’s…


Cómo Crear un Sitio Web de Currículo Profesional (En 7 Simples Pasos)

¿Aún estás usando hojas de vida estándar para aplicar a algún empleo? Si es así, ¡puede ser momento de actualizarte!  ¿Por qué? Porque los currículos tradicionales impresos pueden parecer un poco desactualizados y aburridos — algo que no se ve tan bien cuando estás intentando resaltar en un mercado laboral abarrotado. Afortunadamente, gracias a la …


How to Make a Professional Resume Website (In 7 Easy Steps)

Are you still using standard single-page CVs and resumes to apply for jobs? If so, it might be time for an update! Why? Because traditional paper resumes can come across as boring and outdated — not a good look if you’re trying to stand out in a crowded job market. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, anyone …


WP Engine Limerick Named a Best Workplace in Tech

After being named one of the best workplaces in Ireland earlier this year, WP Engine Limerick has also been designated as one of the Best Workplaces in Tech by Great Place to Work, the global authority on workplace culture. Those call-outs join additional recognition received across our global offices this year, which marked the first…


How to Fix the “Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk” Error in WordPress (3 Ways)

Are you encountering the “Upload: Failed to write file to disk” error message when uploading files in WordPress? Whether you’re trying to add images or videos to your site, this message can be very frustrating, as it prevents you from sharing your amazing visuals with your audience. Fortunately, you can troubleshoot this issue by following …


Cómo solucionar el error “La carga falló: No se pudo escribir el archivo en el disco” en WordPress (3 Formas)

¿Estás viendo el mensaje de error “La carga falló: No se pudo escribir el archivo en el disco” cuando intentas subir archivos a WordPress? Ya sea que estés intentando añadir imágenes o videos a tu sitio, este mensaje puede ser frustrante, ya que previene que compartas esas fantásticas imágenes con tu audiencia.  Afortunadamente, puedes solucionar …


Tackling Headless Head-On

Businesses today are facing an important question, and it’s truly a head-scratcher. With online sales surging in a world reshaped by the pandemic, improving your business, educational, or eCommerce website is more critical than ever before. It may even mean rethinking the entire framework on which your site currently exists. But revamping your site into…


Cómo Crear Y Presentar Tu Primer Seminario Web

Presentar un seminario web aún es una de las tácticas más significativas — y un poco desalentadoras — de involucrar tu audiencia existente, construir una nueva y hacer crecer tu negocio en línea.  Especialmente en esta nueva era de trabajar desde casa, los eventos en línea han proliferado, con un triple incremento en la audiencia …


How to Create and Host Your First Webinar

Hosting a webinar is still one of the most significant — if not slightly daunting — tactics for engaging your existing audience, building a new one, and growing your business online. Especially in this new era of working from home, online events have proliferated, with a threefold increase in webinar audience reported in 2020 compared to …


WP Engine Proudly Sponsors Maha Music Festival

WP Engine is turning Omaha into our new Homaha, and in an effort to give back to the community that’s been so welcoming to us, we decided to become a sponsor of Maha Music Festival! We had a blast at our sponsor booth filling up beach balls for the crowd, chowing down on some local…


How to Fix “The Site Ahead Contains Harmful Programs” Warning in WordPress

WordPress warnings are never pleasant. However, there’s one message that website owners particularly dread: “The site ahead contains harmful programs.” Fortunately, this doesn’t have to spell disaster for your website. By following some simple steps, you can remove every trace of this suspicious software. In this post, we’ll explore exactly what’s causing the “harmful programs” …