As part of our customer and technology spotlight series, this guest post by Sean Conklin describes how his freelance business Coded Commerce leverages WordPress and the WP Engine platform to build successful WooCommerce stores that are a joy for clients to use while retaining the power and flexibility of open source. Learn more about WP…
¿Estás buscando un impulso y motivación adicional para iniciar tu emprendimiento? Ya sea diseño gráfico o un curso en línea, te tenemos cubierto con nuestro top 10 de cuentas de redes sociales que debes seguir para comenzar tu emprendimiento y hacer crecer tu negocio. Ya sea que estés comenzando tu emprendimiento o buscando una forma …
Are you looking for that extra push and motivation to kickstart and scale your side hustle? Whether it’s graphic design or an online course, we’ve got you covered with our top 10 social media accounts to follow to start your side hustle and grow your business. Whether you’re just starting your side hustle or looking for …
It’s important for your WordPress site to deliver a fast and responsive user experience, but how can you make sure your site continues to deliver that high-quality experience? Did you know there is a tool that allows you to measure how fast your site’s code is performing and lets you know if it starts running…
Here at DreamHost, we believe everyone should be able to use any website on the internet, regardless of any disability they may have. However, while we care about web accessibility, we also understand that designing a website that’s both accessible and visually attractive can be challenging. The good news is that accessible websites don’t have …
Es difícil entender la magnitud de los mega minoristas como Amazon. En el 2020, Amazon acogió casi un 38% de las ventas en línea en EE. UU. (el competidor más cercano fue Walmart con un 5.8% e eBay con 4.5%). ¿Aún más sorprendente? Las ventas netas de Amazon tuvieron un total de $96.15 Billones de …
It’s hard to grasp the sheer scale of mega-retailers such as Amazon. In 2020, Amazon alone took in almost 38% of US online sales (the next closest competitors were Walmart with 5.8% and Ebay with 4.5%). Even more staggering? Amazon’s net sales totaled $96.15 billion in Q3 2020. It’s safe to say that Amazon’s success …
Ya seas un escritor que busca llegar a una audiencia más amplia, el fabricante de una boutique que necesita impulsar las ventas, o alguien que simplemente quiere ganar dinero en línea — vas a necesitar un sitio web. Y no cualquier sitio web — necesitas uno que sea grandioso. Desafortunadamente, el World Wide Web ya …
Whether you’re a writer looking to reach a wider audience, a boutique manufacturer needing to boost sales, or you’re someone who just wants to make money online — you’re going to need a website. And not just any website — a great website. Unfortunately, the World Wide Web has been saturated with sites for some years …
Last month, thousands of attendees from around the world joined us for Summit/2021, WP Engine’s annual, signature event for developers and marketers. It was WP Engine’s most-attended event to date, and the agenda was filled with informative sessions covering everything from site security and performance to eCommerce and agency growth. If you were unable to…
Como diseñador de sitios web, tienes un papel significativo en la accesibilidad de un sitio web y su inclusividad. Muchos elementos de diseño, desde la tipografía hasta la parte audiovisual, pueden crear barreras para aquellos con discapacidades. Con tantos elementos que necesitan ser abordados, puede sentirse como una tarea imposible. Afortunadamente, hay muchas guías disponibles …
As a website designer, you play a significant role in a website’s accessibility and inclusiveness. Many design elements, from typography to media, can create barriers for those with disabilities. With so many items that need to be addressed, it may feel like an impossible task. Fortunately, there’s a lot of guidance available for designing a website that’s …
While the tech industry as a whole has shown more willingness than other corporate sectors to confront its lack of diversity, many technology companies continue to struggle with efforts to create a more diverse, equitable workforce. Recent reports show slow progress among prominent tech companies when it comes to hiring more employees from traditionally underrepresented…
Is your website stuck in maintenance mode? During updates, WordPress displays a temporary notice on your site that reads: “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute”. However, this message may sometimes remain visible after a few minutes, thus preventing visitors from accessing your site. Thankfully, fixing this error doesn’t require technical expertise. …
Inspiration is Susan Rodriguez’s favorite word. Inspiration is also what struck her while working for a big-name branding agency in Bogotá, Colombia. She loved her work as a manager, guiding the strategic vision to bring marketing services to clients throughout the country looking to grow businesses and increase profits. The only problem? The big agencies Rodriguez …
Inspiración, es la palabra favorita de Susan Rodríguez. Inspiración también es lo que obtuvo mientras trabajaba para una agencia de nombre importante en Bogotá, Colombia. Amaba su trabajo como gerente, guiando la visión estratégica de traer los servicios de marketing a clientes a lo largo del país que buscan hacer crecer sus negocios e incrementar …
Si administras un negocio en línea, es muy probable que gastes mucho tiempo en tu estrategia de marketing de redes sociales. Si no estás incluyendo Pinterest en tu plan de marketing, podrías estar perdiendo algunas oportunidades. Pinterest es una plataforma altamente visual que funciona más como un motor de búsqueda que como una red social. …
If you run an online business, chances are you spend a lot of time on your social media marketing. If you’re not including Pinterest in your marketing plan, you could be missing out. Pinterest is a highly visual platform that functions more like a search engine than a social network. As a result, you can …
The best things in life are free, and now that includes your favorite developer tools!! As of today, the Genesis Framework, the Genesis sample theme, and Local Pro are all available to everyone, free of charge! The Genesis Framework and Genesis sample theme were previously free for WP Engine and Flywheel customers. The added features…
AUSTIN, Texas — June 29, 2021 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced all Local tools and features for WordPress development, including those previously exclusive to Local Pro, are now free to everyone. Local is the most relied upon set of local WordPress developer tools and solutions with almost 300,000…
From the current state of the WordPress Economy to the exciting future of Headless WordPress, innovation, ingenuity, and inspiration were on display at WP Engine’s signature event, Summit/2021, which took place on June 24. With thousands of attendees from all over the world, it was WP Engine’s most-attended event to date, and the agenda was…
En abril de este año, un almacén de datos de logs y métricas de rendimiento que usamos en el pasado para ayudarnos a explorar el impacto de potenciales nuevas mejoras de DreamPress, inadvertidamente se hizo visible al público debido a una mala configuración automatizada en una regla del firewall. En total, 21 sitios web fueron …
In April of this year, a data warehouse for logs and performance metrics that we had used in the past to help us explore the impact of potential new DreamPress feature enhancements was inadvertently made publicly viewable due to an automated misconfiguration of a firewall rule. In total, 21 websites were affected. This database was …
AUSTIN, Texas — June 24, 2021 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced the launch of Premier, the enterprise WordPress platform that delivers industry-leading levels of security, performance and scalability for the world’s most popular and most visited sites. Customers using WP Engine Premier no longer need to worry about…
WP Engine Summit/2021 is this Thursday, June 24th. If you haven’t registered yet for our signature Digital Breakthrough event, make sure and sign up now—registration is free! The all-virtual conference will provide an excellent opportunity for developers and marketers to learn more about WordPress and the trends that shape our digital world. Now in its…
Pride Month carries a lot of weight for the LGBTQIA+ community—it is a time for love, celebration, and joy. It is also a time for reflection, amplification, and, most notably, protest, because Pride has and always will be an act of protest. Pride Month is an ongoing tribute to the 1969 Stonewall Riot, which was…
Tarah Wheeler escribió ‘Women in Tech: Take Your Career to the Next Level with Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories’ (‘Las mujeres en la tecnología: Lleva tu carrera al siguiente nivel con consejos prácticos e historias inspiradoras’), simplemente porque nadie más lo había hecho hasta ahora. “Lo escribí con rabia y lo edité con calma”, dice …
Tarah Wheeler wrote Women in Tech: Take Your Career to the Next Level with Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories simply because no one else had done it yet. “I wrote mad and edited more calmly,” she says. The book, published in 2016, topped the Amazon bestseller lists in Career Guides, Women & Business, and technology nonfiction. Based …
WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, is officially a globally recognized Great Place to Work! This year marks the first occasion that every single one of our teams has been eligible to participate in Great Place to Work certification—both Kraków and Australia were ineligible in years past due to the minimum employee…
¿El mensaje de error “Seguro que quieres hacer esto” sigue apareciendo cuando estás trabajando en tu sitio WordPress? Probablemente te estás preguntando qué está causándolo y si hay una forma de deshacerte de él. Esta advertencia puede ser frustrante, ya que no te dice realmente cuál es el problema. Además, previene que realices tareas básicas …