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9 saveta za proveru sigurnosti vašeg sajta

Kao što su računari ranjivi na viruse i zlonamerni softver koji može da ošteti fajlove, ugrozi privatnost i proširi se na druge računare bez vašeg znanja, isto možemo reći i za veb-sajtove iako se njihovi fajlovi nalaze na udaljenim serverima, a ne na vašem lokalnom računaru. Obavljanje redovnih provera i testiranje stepena bezbednosti veb-sajta je


Clear Your Caches With Confidence

Caching is a great way to speed up server requests and deliver a better user experience, but it can also prevent changes from appearing in real-time when you (or your clients) are working on sites. This often prompts the question: “have you cleared the cache?” But there’s more than one cache, and determining which one(s)…


The Best Tech Horror Movies to Watch This Halloween

It’s that magical time of year again when spooks and spirits abound. And what better way to celebrate Halloween season than by watching some scary movies alone in the dark? Mwahahaha! Evil laughter aside, horror films have a storied history, beginning in the silent era with stars like Lon Chaney and Max Schreck up until …


Las mejores películas de terror en tecnología para este Halloween

De nuevo es esa época mágica del año donde los espíritus y disfraces abundan. Y ¿qué mejor forma de celebrar la temporada de Halloween que ver algunas películas de terror solo en la oscuridad? ¡Muajajaja! Aparte de la risa malévola, las películas de terror tienen una historia legendaria, empezando en la era silenciosa de estrellas …


Join WP Engine at Summit/2021 EMEA!

WP Engine is bringing Summit/2021 to Europe and the wider EMEA region with an all-virtual event on 4 November! It’s just a few short days away, and while spots are filling up quickly, you can still register for free right now. Our EMEA Summit promises to deliver powerful insights with an impressive list of keynote…


An Extraordinary October at WP Engine Omaha

Brisk autumn air and the changing colors of the leaves might spark the urge for a mug of hot cocoa and a crackling fire, but for WP Engine’s team in Omaha, the fall season is when we shift into high gear.  This is certainly true “in the office,” where we’re focused on helping our customers…


7 Best Practices for Buying A Good Domain Name

If you’re looking to run your next small business entirely online, choosing the right domain is essential. You’ll need to develop a strategy, do some market research, and, of course, brainstorm a ton of ideas. So instead of taking advice from your uncle who is “really smart with computers,” here are seven best practices for …


7 Mejores Prácticas Para Comprar un Buen Nombre de Dominio

Si estás buscando administrar tu siguiente emprendimiento completamente en línea, elegir el dominio correcto es esencial. Necesitarás desarrollar una estrategia, realizar un poco de investigación de mercado y por supuesto, recopilar un montón de ideas.  Entonces en vez de tomar consejo de ese primo que es “realmente bueno con los computadores”, aquí hay 7 mejores …


Cómo Solucionar el Problema de Miniaturas Incorrectas de WordPress en Facebook (4 Métodos)

Cuando se trata de realizar marketing para tu sitio WordPress, compartir tus publicaciones en Facebook puede ser un método poderoso. Sin embargo, algunas veces esta plataforma de redes sociales puede mostrar tus imágenes equivocadamente. Si te has enfrentado con el problema de las miniaturas incorrectas en Facebook, probablemente entenderás el dolor de cabeza que puede …


How to Fix the Facebook Incorrect Thumbnail Issue in WordPress (4 Methods)

When it comes to marketing your WordPress website, sharing posts to Facebook can be a powerful method. However, sometimes this social media platform can wrongly display your images. If you’ve been struggling to fix the Facebook incorrect thumbnail issue, you probably understand what a headache that can be. Fortunately, this issue isn’t anything that a …


Demolish Core Web Vitals Requirements

“Core Web Vitals” have generated a lot of buzz In recent months, due in large part to Google’s page experience update, which concluded in August.  The update elevated the role of Core Web Vitals in Google’s search algorithm, meaning these new, user experience-focused metrics now have a direct impact on your site’s findability and position…


Key Takeaways From Helping WooCommerce Store Owners With WP Engine

As part of our customer and technology spotlight series, this guest post by MakeWebBetter Co-Founder Himanshu Rauthan describes how WordPress and WP Engine’s eCommerce hosting plans provide solutions for a wide range of client requirements and demands that often come up when building successful WooCommerce stores. Learn more about WP Engine’s new hosting solutions that…


Catch WP Engine at Geekapalooza!

GeekPack, one of the Internet’s largest groups aimed at empowering women and girls through coding, is launching Geekapalooza this month! The four-day virtual event will feature dozens of experts from a range of marketing, business, and technology backgrounds as they share their most important industry insights. WP Engine is proud to take part, and you…


Sve što treba da znate o IP adresama

IP adresa (eng. Internet Protocol address) je jedinstveni niz brojeva koji koriste mašine (najčešće računari) u međusobnom saobraćaju putem interneta. Drugim rečima, IP adresa je medij komunikacije koja pomaže uređajima i računarima da upute korisnika na pravu stranicu.


Los Mejores Administradores Contraseña Para Que Dueños de Sitios Web Usen en el 2021

La seguridad de las contraseñas es clave para mantener tu sitio a salvo de los hackers, pero crear una contraseña fuerte y única puede ser difícil. Desafortunadamente, recordarlas puede ser incluso más difícil — a menos que uses un administrador de contraseñas.  Previamente hemos visto las 10 Formas de asegurar efectivamente tu sitio web de …


Best Password Managers for Website Owners to Use in 2021

Password security is key to keeping your website safe from hackers, but creating a strong and unique password can be difficult. Unfortunately, remembering it can be even harder — unless you use a password manager. We’ve previously looked at 10 ways to keep your WordPress website secure, and today, we’re expanding on that with concrete …


WP Engine Launches Atlas Content Modeler

AUSTIN—Oct. 5, 2021 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced the launch of Atlas Content Modeler (ACM), a free WordPress plugin to create custom post types and fields for Headless WordPress sites. ACM integrates seamlessly with WPGraphQL, replacing the need for three separate plugins required to create content models for…


WP Engine UK Earns Recognition as a Best Workplace in Tech

After becoming Great Place to Work-certified earlier this year, WP Engine UK has also been named as one of the UK’s Best Workplaces in Tech by the global authority on workplace culture.  WP Engine UK, (which includes our London team and our remote UK team members) ranked as a top Medium-sized companies listed by Great Place to Work® UK.…


Cómo Solucionar el Error de Publicación Programada y No Publicada en WordPress (2 Métodos)

Agendar tus publicaciones por adelantado en tu sitio WordPress puede salvarte la vida. Escribir múltiples publicaciones de blog y agendarlas debería darte paz mental sabiendo que serán publicadas a tiempo. Sin embargo, algunas veces esta característica no funciona correctamente y puede que termines con el error de publicación programada y no publicada o “missed scheduled …


Don’t Miss WP Engine at WordCamp US—This Friday!

After taking a hiatus last year due to the pandemic, WordCamp US is back and it’s right around the corner! WordCamps are incredible sources of information and inspiration for WordPress contributors, developers, users, and enthusiasts from all over the world. This year’s event will take place Friday, October 1, at 8:45 am PDT/11:45 am EDT…


How Four Generations Embraced & Led A New Digital Normal

AUSTIN, Texas — Sept. 20, 2021 — The fourth annual, international study of Gen Z, conducted by The Center for Generational Kinetics and commissioned by WP Engine, reveals new data on how Generation Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers adapted to digital in their own unique ways during the COVID-19 lockdowns. These ties to…


Faust.js, the Framework For Headless WordPress

Faust is the front-end framework for building Headless WordPress sites. Over the past six months, the Faust team has been researching, prototyping, and testing out a new way of building Headless WordPress sites that focuses on developer experience. Headless WordPress offers plenty of benefits over traditional WordPress: better developer experience, scalability, better security, and better…


WP Engine Limerick Celebrates Five Year Anniversary, Experiences Unprecedented Growth

LIMERICK, Ireland—Sept. 13, 2021 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced the fifth anniversary of its Limerick, Ireland office. The Limerick office, which opened with a team of 10 in September 2016, represented a significant expansion of WP Engine’s customer support and engineering capabilities in Europe, while at the same…