AUSTIN, Texas — Jan. 28, 2021 — WP Engine, the WordPress technology company, today announced the appointment of Tarsha McCormick as the company’s first Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Culture and Engagement. “I am incredibly honored and excited to have Tarsha join our team,” said Heather Brunner, Chairwoman and CEO for WP Engine. “With…
Well, that was fast! 2020 is suddenly behind us, and in the blink of an eye, we’re well into the start of another busy year. While you may have been diligent over the holiday break preparing your eCommerce strategy for 2021, there’s a chance you may have missed some of the trends and projections for…
Emily Dennis estaba en negación sobre sus planes de lanzar un negocio. Incluso cuando Dennis comenzó un blog y una cuenta de Instagram para compartir las colchas modernas que creaba, cultivando a sus seguidores, no podía realmente admitirse a sí misma que ya estaba creando la base de un pequeño negocio. “Tengo el hábito de …
Emily Dennis was in denial about her plans to launch a business. Even when Dennis started a blog and Instagram to share the modern quilts she crafted, carefully cultivating a following, she couldn’t quite admit to herself that she was building the foundation of a small business. “I have a habit of turning hobbies into businesses,” …
Si encontraste este artículo porque estás mirando fijamente a un mensaje de error de WordPress donde solía estar tu sitio, respira profundo y ponte tu capa de superhéroe (las mayas son opcionales). Sí, hay un problema, pero es posible arreglarlo. Tu sitio no ha desaparecido en el éter. Aún está allí, detrás de ese mensaje de …
If you found this article because you’re staring at a WordPress error message where your website used to be, take a deep breath and put on your superhero cape (tights are optional). Yes, there’s a problem, but it’s possible to fix it. Your site hasn’t disappeared into the ether. It’s still there, behind that error message. The issue …
Nearly 40% of all websites today are powered by WordPress, representing a massive share of the web that continues to grow as the need for flexible, scalable web solutions permeates businesses of all sizes. In addition to new sites built and launched for the first time on WordPress, a huge portion of WordPress builds include…
Ver un error 500 — internal server error donde debería estar tu sitio web es suficiente para que cualquiera entre en pánico. Cuando tu sitio web se cae, pierdes tráfico y ventas potenciales. Si está fuera de línea por cierto tiempo, también puede impactar negativamente tus esfuerzos de Optimización de Motores de Búsqueda (SEO). Afortunadamente, hay muchas …
Seeing a 500 internal server error where your website should be is enough to throw anyone into a panic. When your website goes down, you lose out on potential traffic and sales. If it’s offline for a while, it can also negatively impact your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to …
The Code Company is a technical WordPress agency that solves complex problems at scale. Given the agency’s specific expertise in helping niche publishers rebuild and customize their sites, it was no wonder that digital media company Private Media enlisted their services for help reimagining the entire website (and technology stack) for one of its most…
This year, we’re extra thankful for all you’ve done to make us who we are! Throughout 2020, we’ve been inspired by your ability to adapt and your unswerving commitment to digital innovation, and we’ve been proud to serve as your digital engine as you’ve tapped into creative solutions that unlock the power and versatility of…
With the holiday season upon us and the end of the year in sight, we’re pleased to kick off Web Week at WP Engine with awesome deals and discounts from our partners! Web Week—the week between Christmas and New Year’s—is typically a quieter period for many businesses, and at WP Engine, we encourage our customers…
In this ongoing blog series, we speak with WP Engine employees around the globe to learn more about their roles, what they love about the cities they work in, and what they like most about working at WP Engine. In this interview, we speak with Frontend Engineer in our Limerick office, Theo Despoudis. Theo is…
No lo podemos negar — este año ha sido bastante difícil. Todos hemos encontrado formas de tratar el estrés, desde hornear en cuarentena (y comer) hasta desplazamientos infinitos en el internet. Kasee Bailey — Ubicada en Austin, lectora, escritora, fanática de la cultura pop, creadora y mamá de cuatro niños menores de cuatro años (sí, …
There’s no denying it — this year’s been a rough one. We’ve all found ways to deal with the stress, from quarantine baking (and eating) to endless internet scrolling. Kasee Bailey — Austin-based reader, writer, pop-culture fan, creator, and mom of four kids under age four (yes, you read that right) — found her 2020 …
To say everything has been different in 2020 is an understatement. Ever since COVID-19 hit, life has been turned around, from work to school to play. That goes for the upcoming holiday season, too. You might have to carve the turkey over Zoom this Thanksgiving. And the typical shopping sprees that follow on Black Friday …
Decir que todo ha sido diferente en el 2020 sería una subestimación. Desde que el COVID-19 llegó, la vida cambió por completo, desde el trabajo hasta el estudio. Eso aplica también para la temporada navideña. Puede que tengas que preparar el pavo en una sesión de Zoom este Thanksgiving. Y la típica fiebre de compras …
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and you know what that means—turkey, stuffing, and great Cyber Weekend deals from WP Engine and our world-class partners! Cyber Weekend has come to represent the traditional “Black Friday through Cyber Monday” time period, which kicks off in the wee hours of the Friday after Thanksgiving. While in year’s…
Svakog četvrtog petka u novembru događa se dan velikih sniženja širom sveta – Black Friday iliti Crni petak. Iako ovaj praznik kupovine i rasprodaja svoju najveću popularnost beleži u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, tokom proteklih godina trend sniženja koje prati ovaj dan došao je i u našu zemlju. Ove godine, Mint Hosting želi da ponudi više
Novembar 2020. godine je za Mint Hosting mesec u kom predstavljamo novine na kojima smo radili u proteklom periodu. Već je bilo reči o novoj usluzi hostinga 100% optimizovanog za WordPress, kao i unapređenju postojećih usluga, o čemu je već bilo reči u blog članku koji govori o novom portfoliju hosting usluga. Pored brige o
WP Engine has been recognized as no. 8 on the list of 25 Highest Rated Private Cloud Computing Companies To Work For by Battery Ventures. The global investment firm and cloud investor used data, regarding how companies have handled issues like remote work amid the broader economic downturn, specifically provided by Glassdoor to establish its rankings.…
Cuando administras un sitio web, algunas veces puede sentirse como que estás siendo jalado en muchas direcciones a la vez. Hay ventas por hacer, contenido para publicar y clientes a los cuales responder. Con tantas obligaciones, puede ser fácil perder la vista de por qué iniciaste tu negocio en primer lugar. Sin embargo, poner objetivos Specific (específicos), Mensurable (medibles), …
When you run a website, it can sometimes feel like you’re pulled in many directions at once. There are sales to make, content to publish, and customers to respond to. With so many obligations, it can be easy to lose sight of why you started your business in the first place. However, setting Specific, Measurable, …
Iako će mnogi 2020. godinu pamtiti po ne baš lepim stvarima, za nas je 2020. godina bila godina kompletne transformacije. Prošle godine smo postali deo Enartia grupe brendova, koju čine, vodeći registar domena u Grčkoj i grupe kompanija koje se bave Web hostingom i Cloud servisima. Početkom ove godine smo uveli nove kapacitete i osavremenili
Seven years ago, we celebrated what remains one of our most important accomplishments at WP Engine—the declaration of our Core Values—which had an immediate and lasting impact on our business. I remember it well. It was September 2013, and I was a brand new CEO at WP Engine. I knew then that putting the essence…
In this ongoing blog series, we speak with WP Engine employees around the globe to learn more about their roles, what they love about the cities they work in, and what they like most about working at WP Engine. In this interview, we speak with Anna Romanowicz, a software engineer at our newest office in…
Lightbulb! You’ve got a great idea. We’re sure of it: You’re destined to sell the next must-have tech toy or life-changing product. The virtual masses have a problem, and your business has the solution. Trouble is, you need a little $$$ to get your venture the ground. No problem. In this day of 280-character tweets …
WordPress 5.5 “Eckstine” is the second major release for WordPress this year, and it’s jam-packed with exciting features and functionality—it’s also now the current default version of WordPress for all new sites built on WP Engine’s managed WordPress platform. If you’re a current WP Engine customer and you’re unsure which version of WordPress you’re running,…
2020. godina svakako neće mnogima ostati u lepom sećanju zbog okolnosti u kojima su se našli stanovnici širom sveta, bez izuzetaka. Kao i većina kompanija, tako smo i mi imali definisane planove za ovu godinu, poput ažuriranja postojećeg portfolija usluga, ali i predstavljanja nekih novih na našem tržištu. Uprkos turbulentim dešavanjima, zadovoljstvo mi je da
La llamada industria fast fashion o en español, moda rápida — la cual trae la moda de las pasarelas a las tiendas de descuentos — significa que más ropa que es tendencia es producida rápidamente y a bajo costo. También quiere decir que, cuando las tendencias cambian o las telas baratas se desgastan, muchas de estas …