Krajem prošle godine, Registar nacionalnog internet domena Srbije (RNIDS) sproveo je istraživanje tržišta o načinu na koji privreda, odnosno, privredni subjekti koriste internet domene u svom poslovanju. Istraživanje je uključilo 382 predstavnika preduzeća sa teritorije cele Srbije, koji su anketirani CAWI metodom (Computer-assisted web interviewing). Najveći procenat ispitanika predstavlja grupu preduzeća koji imaju do 50
For the third year in a row, WP Engine is a proud co-sponsor of the WP-CLI Project, an initiative led by a small team of developers who dutifully maintain the command-line interface that’s beloved by so many WordPress users around the globe. Since its launch more than a decade ago, WP-CLI has become the go-to…
Spoiler alert: Setting up a website can be stressful — especially if it’s your first time. And even if you’re a pro, having something go wrong with your website at one point or another is pretty much inevitable. The hard truth is that technical difficulties can make you want to throw in the towel. But …
Alerta de Spoiler: Construir un sitio web puede ser estresante — especialmente si es tu primera vez. E incluso si eres un profesional, que algo salga mal con tu sitio web en un punto u otro es casi inevitable. La cruda verdad es que las dificultades técnicas pueden hacer que quieras tirar la toalla. Pero …
¿Cómo usar Git con WordPress? Probablemente ya hayas oído hablar de Git, pero es posible que no estés familiarizado con el sistema más allá de su nombre. Tal vez seas un principiante que acaba de comenzar con el desarrollo, o tal vez tengas curiosidad acerca de cómo puedes aplicar Git con WordPress, pero no sabes …
Melbourne-based Toro Digital focuses specifically on helping legal firms of all sizes master their digital marketing strategies. With an in-house team of senior marketing experts, Toro Digital’s staff has worked with some of Australia’s leading and fastest-growing commercial firms to effect rapid change. With this solid track record of successful projects, it made perfect sense…
Ethan Herald es un narrador innato. Casi tan pronto empezó a hablar, inventó personajes hechos de carne y hueso y le dijo a sus papás sobre ellos — que hicieron ellos, a donde fueron, que querían para la cena. Hoy, Ethan de 5 años de edad es un autor publicado — gracias a su papá, …
Ethan Herald is a natural storyteller. Almost as soon as he started talking, he made up fully-fleshed characters and told his parents all about them — what they did, where they went, what they wanted for dinner. Today, five-year-old Ethan is a published author — thanks to his dad, Brian Herald. Herald, a technical writer …
With male leaders outnumbering women four to one, the tech industry has notoriously been a gentleman’s club. Still, more and more women are “leaning in” and finding their places at the table in technology and science. But are their voices equally valued? DreamHost takes this issue to heart and has been working to support women …
Con hombres líderes superando a las mujeres cuatro a uno, la industria de tecnología notoriamente ha sido un club para caballeros. Aún más y más mujeres están “apoyándose” y encontrando sus lugares en la mesa de la tecnología y la ciencia. Pero, ¿son sus voces valoradas de igual manera? DreamHost toma este problema muy seriamente …
As the world continues to shift to a digital-first model, it’s become more important than ever for businesses to create engaging digital experiences for their brands. At the same time, the ongoing expansion of the digital world has made it more difficult than ever for these businesses to be discovered by the very people who…
Las imágenes que escoges compartir — en tu sitio, cuentas de redes sociales, y material de mercadeo — dice mucho sobre tu negocio. Después de todo, una foto vale más que mil palabras. Clientes potenciales y regulares, así como empleados y cualquiera que se cruce en el camino con tu negocio, verá las decisiones que …
The imagery you choose to share — on your website, social media accounts, and marketing materials — says a lot about your business. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. Returning and potential customers, as well as employees and anyone else who crosses paths with your business, will look at the choices you make …
¡Qué momento para estar vivo! Los principiantes sin experiencia en código ahora pueden construir un sitio con un esfuerzo y gastos mínimos. Aún mejor, las opciones son infinitas: tienes un arsenal entero de colores, fuentes, imágenes, y botones a tu disposición. Pero con tantos elementos de diseño para jugar, puede ser tentador volverse un poco …
What a time to be alive! Beginners with no coding experience can now build a website with minimal effort and expense. Even better, the options are limitless: You’ve got an entire arsenal of colors, fonts, images, and buttons at your disposal. But with so many design elements to play with, it can be tempting to go …
Genesis Custom Blocks is the latest introduction to the Genesis family. It’s a free plugin that massively simplifies the experience of building custom blocks for the WordPress block editor. Using the plugin, which is available now on, means that anyone, regardless of where they host their sites or what theme they use, can build…
One of the most important concerns for any business is increasing brand visibility. Among other things, this requires choosing a strong domain name. But here’s the (not quite) million-dollar question: How much will it cost you? There are a few factors involved, but it’s not hard to estimate what you can expect to spend on a …
If you want to build your own website, you can’t go wrong with WordPress. This flexible, powerful Content Management System (CMS) powers more than 37% of all sites on the internet, making it a leading platform. However, like a TSA agent, it can be intimidating at first glance. Fortunately, WordPress is much easier to understand …
Si quieres construir tu propio sitio web, no te puedes equivocar con WordPress. Este flexible, y poderoso Content Management System (CMS) potencia más del 30% de los sitios en el internet, haciéndolo una plataforma líder. Sin embargo, como un agente de seguridad del aeropuerto, puede ser intimidante a primera vista Afortunadamente, WordPress es mucho más …
Episode 1 of the rebooted Genesis Community Livecast kicked off Tuesday with an important topic at hand: contributions members of the Black community have made to WordPress and Genesis, as well as the significant challenges they and other people of color continue to face within these respective developer communities. Brian Kenney, who leads Management Development…
One of the key foundations of WordPress is its dedicated community of contributors, who regularly lend their time and efforts to core development, translation, and training (among other things), with the overarching goal of making WordPress better for everyone. At WP Engine, we’ve long been enthusiastic supporters of the WordPress community and the WordPress open…
The Official AMP Plugin for WordPress enables AMP content publishing in WordPress in a way that is seamlessly integrated with the standard workflows of the WordPress platform. Version 2.0 of the plugin was recently launched, and with it, a new set of features have rolled out that make the plugin even more powerful than it…
Decided to start your own website? That’s great! The first thing you will need is to choose a domain name and register it with one of the many available domain registrars on the web. You just find a great deal and click “purchase.” Simple enough, right? Not exactly. While you can find websites advertising domains for …
After a brief hiatus, the Genesis Community Livecast is set to reboot next week, featuring an interview with WordPress co-creator Mike Little and Genesis community leaders Anita Carter and Sandee Jackson. The discussion will revolve around both the contributions members of the Black community have made to WordPress and Genesis, as well as the significant…
These days, anyone can build a stellar website. Fun fact: There are almost 2 billion websites around the world, with new ones created every second. Among all that internet noise, your website and ideas deserve to stand out. And that means you’ve got to advertise! Fight to get your name and brand out there and then draw …
SIXGUN is one of Melbourne’s leading boutique digital marketing agencies. Founded in 2017 by Managing Director David Pagotto, the agency has also become one of Australia’s fastest-growing, with a dedicated team of professionals who serve as the in-house marketing department for local and international brands alike. SIXGUN is also a member of WP Engine’s Agency… has experienced exponential growth in the past decade, expanding from a 10-person shop using homegrown CMS tools to a full-scale web and digital marketing services company with more than 550 employees around the globe. In 2013, was primarily using WordPress as a blogging tool, but as the company began to shift from web…
In this ongoing blog series, we speak with WP Engine employees around the globe to learn more about their roles, what they love about the cities they live and work in, and what they like most about working at WP Engine. In this interview, we speak with Associate Software Engineer Megan Duffy, who recently celebrated…
Ever since she can remember, Michelle S. Loyd has loved writing — in all its forms. “Writing has always come naturally to me and is one of my favorite ways to pass the time,” she says. “I find myself taking notes and writing things down in the weirdest situations in preparation for a new article, …