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Introducing Your New and Improved WP Engine User Portal

At WP Engine, being “Customer Inspired” is a core value we rely on for our overall strategic vision as well as the day-to-day enthusiasm we put behind helping our customers win online.     We often solicit customer feedback for our various products and offerings, as most recently seen with our updates to Smart Plugin Manager, our…

How to Run an Online Giveaway on Your WordPress Website

Thinking of innovative ways to engage with your website visitors and social media followers can be a challenge. Creating fun and appealing activities might be on your list of marketing strategies to explore, but it’s hard to know where to start. Fortunately, online giveaways are a popular and easy way to engage loyal customers, gain new …


How to Run an Online Giveaway on Your WordPress Website

Thinking of innovative ways to engage with your website visitors and social media followers can be a challenge. Creating fun and appealing activities might be on your list of marketing strategies to explore, but it’s hard to know where to start. Fortunately, online giveaways are a popular and easy way to engage loyal customers, gain new …


Fighting the Australian Bushfires with an Open Heart

The bushfires currently raging in Australia are among the worst in the nation’s history, and since the fire season began in late July, they’ve devastated large swaths of the country—we won’t know the true extent of the crisis until after the fires have died down. It’s been estimated that more than 10.7 million hectares of…

The 30 Best Apps for Small Businesses in 2020

Mobile applications are changing the face of business. They’re becoming more prevalent and more powerful, and most importantly, they can help your business run more smoothly. Want to improve daily operations? Organize your ideas? Manage travel expenses? There’s literally an app for that. As a small business owner, the more you can automate tasks, stay …


Harness the Power of Atomic Blocks with Navigation Pro

One of the benefits of using WordPress is the massive library of themes users can choose from to quickly build great-looking websites that fit their needed use case.   Genesis-built themes are among the most widely-used themes in the WordPress ecosystem for this very reason. Each theme provides users with a professional look and feel, and…


Getting Ready for De{Code} 2020

Developers of all skill levels share a common trait—they’re always trying to get better at their craft and learn more. This is especially true in the WordPress community, where the open source values of collaboration, transparency, and ongoing education continue to make WordPress such a powerful tool for building amazing digital experiences. Those values were…

12 Marketing Strategies to Promote Your Local Business

Capturing new customers in your local market can be a challenge. Not only can people be set in their ways and routines, but local marketing channels can also be expensive and scarce. This means that creativity is a must when developing a strategy to promote your local business. The good news is that there are …


12 Marketing Strategies to Promote Your Local Business

Capturing new customers in your local market can be a challenge. Not only can people be set in their ways and routines, but local marketing channels can also be expensive and scarce. This means that creativity is a must when developing a strategy to promote your local business. The good news is that there are …


WP Engine: 2019 in Review

At WP Engine, we’re inspired by each and every one of our customers, and we’re committed to providing you with the best platform for your business. As we enter the new year laser-focused on that mission, take a look below as we unpack the past year and explore the highlights that helped you build your…

The 10 Best Web Management Tools for Small Businesses in 2020

From site design to social media and everything in between, managing your web presence is integral in today’s market. There are several reasons why you need a strong online presence: it reinforces your brand, boosts your marketing efforts, and most importantly, helps you connect with your customers. But what if you’ve got a local clientele …


The 11 Best Web Management Tools for Small Businesses in 2020

From site design to social media and everything in between, managing your web presence is integral in today’s market. There are several reasons why you need a strong online presence: it reinforces your brand, boosts your marketing efforts, and most importantly, helps you connect with your customers. But what if you’ve got a local clientele …

13 Lucrative Side Hustle Ideas for 2020

As you think about your resolutions for the new year, you’ve probably got some financial goals on the list, whether it’s paying off a student loan, making more money, or balancing work and life a little bit better. Figuring out how to achieve those goals with your day-job pay is where it gets challenging. Enter …

Want to Build a Website in 2020? Here’s Your Game Plan

Feeling committed to making this year better than the last? You’ve probably got your personal goals all set for the new year: read more books, call your mom, eat less pizza, walk off that holiday pie. How’s this for a New Year’s Resolution: Build a successful website from the ground up. Sounds like a lofty …


Radno vreme tokom praznika

Dragi korisnici, U predstojećem periodu novogodišnjih i božićnih praznika, naša korisnička podrška biće dostupna putem e-maila podrska@mint.rs, kao i ticketing sistema Moj Mint. Info telefon o Mint ponudi i uslugama biće nedostupan do srede 8. januara 2020. godine. Sve upite u vezi sa našim uslugama možete i dalje slati na podrska@mint.rs , a ukoliko imate pitanja za našu službu


Kako da pronađete .htaccess fajl na svom WordPress sajtu

“Gde se nalazi .htaccess fajl?” “Zašto ne mogu da pronađem ovaj fajl na svom WordPress sajtu?” “Redirekcija domena kroz .htaccess” “.htaccess nije dostupan za izmenu” “Izmenio sam .htaccess i sada mi sajt ne radi” Ovo su samo neka od čestih pitanja koje dobijamo od naših korisnika, a tiču se .htaccess fajla, njegove upotrebe i lokacije.

A Beginner’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing

There’s no shortage of ways you can make money online. However, few are as flexible and rewarding as affiliate marketing. If done right, it can be a lucrative way of earning an income by producing creative and valuable content. In a nutshell, affiliate marketing enables you to monetize your content by promoting other companies’ products …


Kako da ispravno prebacite WordPress sajt sa HTTP na HTTPS

Kako se bliži 2020. godina, krajnje je vreme da instalirate SSL sertifikat i migrirate vaš WordPress sa HTTP na HTTPS, ukoliko to već niste učinili. Ova tema je poslednjih godina dobila na važnosti pre svega zahvaljujući težnjama od strane Google-a koji je kroz uvođenje faznih promena obaveštavao korisnike da poseta određenim sajtovima nije u potpunosti


Program edukacije – Na klik do kupca

Kada su na konferenciji DIDS, u martu 2018. godine, predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja “Indeks digitalne vitalnosti mikro, malih i srednjih preduzeća u Srbiji” mnogi su bili iznenađeni dobijenim rezultatima. Naime, istraživanje je pokazalo da tek 45% anketiranih preduzeća poseduje sajt, dok sa druge strane 92% potrošača očekuje da firma poseduje isti. Kada su društvene mreže u


7 besplatnih alata za analizu web sajta

Imate web sajt, ali niste zadovoljni brojem posetilaca? I pored svih napora i ulaganja, broj konverzija nije u skladu sa planovima za ovu godinu? Kada dođe do ovakvih situacija, prvi korak je pronaći razlog zašto je do problema došlo. Tada na scenu stupa analiza sajta. Srećom, na tržištu postoji veliki broj alata čiji je posao


Još bolji bekap uz Bekap Plus

Danas unosimo još jedan novitet u našu ponudu u vidu Bekap Plus dodatka za naše web hosting korisnike. Bekap Plus je novi naziv za postojeći dodatak “Dodatna sigurnost uz dodatni bekap” i donosi jako veliki broj noviteta i poboljšanja svima onima koji su već aktivirali ovaj dodatak. Jedno od najvećih unapređenja odnosi se na kompletan


Registracija email adrese u APR-u – UPUTSTVO korak po korak

Izmene i dopune Zakona o privrednim društvima koje su usvojene 08. juna prošle godine, pored brojnih novina, kao što je ukidanje obavezne primene pečata u poslovanju, donele su i obavezu privrednim društvima da registruju adresu za prijem elektronske pošte. Član 21. Društvo je dužno da ima adresu za prijem elektronske pošte, koja se registruje u


Kako testirati WordPress sajt u različitim pregledačima

Testiranje WordPress sajta u različitim pregledačima (cross-browser) je praksa koja se preporučuje prilikom svake veće promene na sajtu, bilo da je u pitanju promena WordPress teme ili vizuelnog prikaza stranica. Pregled i testiranje kako WordPress sajt izgleda na različitim pregledačima, veličinama ekrana, operativnim sistemima i mobilnim uređajima je možda poslednja, ali ne i najmanje važna