Web Hosting

Web Hosting Latest News


AI and SEO: Empowering the Digital Success of Tomorrow, Today

Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked a new wave of innovation across numerous industries, and search engine optimization (SEO) is no exception.  With breakthroughs in natural language processing, machine learning, and most recently, generative AI technology, AI is reshaping the way businesses approach SEO strategies, helping them navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape with…


Kako pametno odabrati email rešenje za svoj biznis?

Websajt ili profil na društvenim mrežama jesu prva stvar koju potencijalni kupci ili posetioci vide kada se upoznaju sa biznisom, ali šta se događa kada odluče da stupe u kontakt sa vama? Da li ste razmišljali u kojoj meri način na koji komunicirate utiče na sliku koju krajnji korisnik stiče o vama? Saznajte zašto je


WP Engine Launches Improved Agency Directory

WP Engine’s Agency Partner Program, the world’s largest WordPress agency ecosystem, is designed to help digital agencies grow and improve their efficiency with access to industry-leading incentives. With the launch of our newly revamped Agency Partner Directory, we’re excited to provide yet another resource for driving leads and creating value for our agency partners.  Our…


Demand for Headless Increases, Finds the Latest Report by WP Engine

AUSTIN, Texas—SEPT. 10, 2024—WP Engine, a global web enablement company providing premium products and solutions for websites built on WordPress, today published The State of Headless 2024, a research report highlighting the widespread adoption of headless web architecture among industry leaders. The international survey found that 73% of respondents are now using headless, and nearly…


Find WP Engine at WordCamp US!

WP Engine is headed to Portland for WordCamp US, and we’re proud to serve as Super Admin sponsors once again! WordCamps provide an excellent opportunity for WordPress users to explore new trends, network with other professionals, and give back to the community. Plus, this year’s WordCamp US includes a special Showcase Day, which promises to…


WordPress Roundup: August 2024

Welcome to the WordPress Roundup, your monthly digest of the latest news and updates from the WordPress community. We bring you essential WordPress developments for all experience levels each month, keeping you informed about the latest core updates and upcoming releases. Whether you’re a seasoned developer, a dedicated site owner, or launching your first WordPress…


WP Engine Appoints Samuel Monti as its Chief Financial Officer

AUSTIN, Texas—SEPT. 5, 2024—WP Engine, a global web enablement company providing premium products and solutions for websites built on WordPress, today announced the hiring of a new Chief Financial Officer, Samuel (“Sam”) Monti. In his new role, Monti is responsible for the leadership and management of all aspects of WP Engine’s financial organization, including corporate…


Unlock Faster Site Speed With Edge Full Page Cache

Whether you’re a site owner, a developer, or you lead a digital agency, the demand for faster, more reliable digital experiences has never been higher. In speaking with our customers, we know this isn’t just a constant source of pressure—it’s a critical element of business strategy and success.  To help meet this demand, we’re proud…


Web hosting za početnike

Kada bismo naše dugogodišnje iskustvo u razgovorima sa pojedincima koji pokreću svoj prvi web sajt mogli da svedemo na jednu činjenicu –  većini je upoznavanje sa terminom “hosting” na prvu loptu delovalo strašno. Serveri, prostor, protok, cPanel, email nalozi, MySQL baze, više vrsta hostinga za različite tipove korisnika – sve su to informacije koje su


Understanding Upcoming Changes to Let’s Encrypt’s Chain of Trust

At WP Engine, we’re committed to ensuring your websites are always secure and easy to access. To this end, we use Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates to safeguard the communication between your site and its visitors, providing peace of mind that your digital presence is well-protected.  Let’s Encrypt remains a leader in SSL protection, providing SSL…


Press This: WordPress as a Design Tool—Empowering Users to Create

Welcome to Press This, a podcast that delivers valuable insights and actionable tips for navigating the ever-evolving world of WordPress.  In this episode, host Brian Gardner and Automattic Product Lead Rich Tabor, unpack WordPress’s design potential, highlighting its evolving features and the power it offers website builders. Powered by RedCircle Brian Gardner: Hey everybody, welcome…