At WP Engine, our Hackathons are two-day innovation sprints in which teams collaborate to craft new product ideas, solve existing problems, or simply flex their creative muscles by trying to build something new. This year’s hackathon, which asked participants to channel their inner scrappiness and do more with less, was aptly dubbed Scrap-a-thon. Participants were…
A medida que el ámbito digital evoluciona continuamente, WordPress se mantiene a la vanguardia de la innovación en el desarrollo web. Conocido por sus actualizaciones transformadoras, WordPress constantemente empuja los límites de lo que es posible con su sistema de gestión de contenidos. La muy esperada versión 6.6 de WordPress, programada para ser lanzada el …
Descubre cómo resolver el error interno del servidor HTTP 500 con nuestra guía paso a paso. Obtén consejos de expertos para restaurar rápidamente tu sitio.
Learn how to fix the HTTP 500 internal server error with our step-by-step guide. With these expert tips, you can restore your site quickly and efficiently.
Welcome to Press This, a podcast that delivers valuable insights and actionable tips for navigating the ever-evolving world of WordPress. In this episode, host Brian Gardner and WP Engine Senior Product Manager Iain Poulson discuss the ACF annual survey, last year’s results, and what’s to come with WordPress 6.6. Powered by RedCircle Brian Gardner: Hey…
¿Ves el error ERR_CACHE_MISS en Google Chrome? Aprende cómo resolver rápidamente el error de Confirmar reenvío del formulario con nuestra guía fácil de seguir.
Elegir la mejor distribución de Linux es crucial para una experiencia informática fluida y eficiente. Nuestra guía detallada cubre 12 distribuciones de Linux de alto rendimiento y destaca sus fortalezas y debilidades para ayudarte a tomar una decisión informada y desbloquear todo el potencial de tu sistema.
Explore this list of the 12 best Linux distros, each offering unique advantages for different types of users. Whether you prioritize user-friendliness, customization, or cutting-edge features, this guide will help you discover the perfect Linux distro to enhance your computing experience.
¿Qué opciones tienes para los creadores de sitios web? Esta publicación cubre diferentes plugins, plataformas y opciones de alojamiento para ayudarte a elegir la mejor opción para tus requisitos únicos.
Explore the landscape of website builders, including various types, plugins, and platforms. Learn how to choose the right one based on your specific needs.
Veliki broj ljudi koji svakoga dana koristi istu rutu od i do posla dobro je upoznat sa stanjem u saobraćaju i već po nekoj navici može da proceni u kom delu grada se može očekivati gužva ili zastoj kao i koliko će vremena biti potrebno da bi došli do posla ili se vratili kući. Međutim,
Descubre cómo mejorar la seguridad de tu sitio web con el plugin Limit Login Attempts Reloaded y explora las mejores alternativas con nuestra guía completa.
Welcome to the WordPress Roundup, a monthly digest of the latest news and updates from the WordPress community. Each month, we’ll bring you a curated selection of the most important developments affecting all WordPress users, regardless of your experience level. Whether you’re a seasoned developer, a dedicated site owner, or just starting your first WordPress…
I attend a few WordPress events each year, big and small, and few products get the kind of love Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) does. Even at WordCamp Europe last month in Turin, Italy, I had more conversations with developers about how they use ACF than any other tool in the space. The truth is, ACF…
Descubre los conceptos básicos de los firewalls de aplicaciones web (WAF) y aprende cómo implementar uno para aumentar la seguridad de tu sitio de manera efectiva con nuestra guía completa.
Want to learn the basics of Web Application Firewalls and how to install them to enhance your site’s security? Our end-to-end guide will show you WAF’s up.
Welcome to Press This, a podcast that delivers valuable insights and actionable tips for navigating the ever-evolving world of WordPress. Powered by RedCircle Brian Gardner: Hey everyone, welcome back to Press This. In the last episode of the podcast, Sam and I explored the profound impact of the WordPress community and how it plays a…
Ukoliko se u svom poslovanju susrećete sa razmenom poverljivih informacija ili vam je poslovanje usko vezano za realizaciju online transakcija, sasvim je sigurno da vam je SSL sertifikat neophodan kao „alat“ koji obezbeđuje viši nivo sigurnosti i zaštite.
Actualiza a Python 3 para mayor seguridad y compatibilidad. Conoce los pasos clave: auditoría de código, pruebas y herramientas de automatización. Prepara tus proyectos Python para el futuro ahora.
Upgrade to Python 3 for security and compatibility. Learn key steps: code auditing, testing, and automation tools. Future-proof your Python projects now.
Crafted with Code is back, and this year’s collection of Webby-recognized projects features some of the best and most beautifully built sites yet. The Webby Awards exist to honor excellence online, and for the past five years, WP Engine has partnered with The Webbys to curate Crafted with Code as a digital showcase that lifts…
Seamos francos: construir un sitio web o una aplicación web con una interfaz de usuario verdaderamente interactiva y receptiva puede ser desafiante. Puede que tengas o no experiencia con HTML, CSS y JavaScript, y crear elementos de UI dinámicos que se mantengan rápidos y fluidos es difícil. Aquí es donde entra React. React simplifica el …
In honor of International Women in Engineering Day, we want to highlight some of the impressive women engineers who are constantly breaking barriers and rewriting technological innovation here at WP Engine. Although the field of engineering is changing, the barriers to entry and overall treatment of women in the past have created major obstacles, leading…