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Crafted With Code: Performance Showcase

This year’s Crafted With Code showcase has already highlighted five projects recognized by the Webby Awards and WP Engine, each featuring beautifully designed, highly accessible digital experiences.  Now, Crafted With Code is shining a light on some of the most performant projects submitted to the Webbys this year. The Webby Awards exist to honor excellence…


PROMOCIJA | Besplatan .RS ili .COM domen uz Web hosting i WordPress hosting paket

Naši klijenti se najčešće odlučuju za .COM ili .RS domen jer prepoznaju njihovu vrednost u izgradnji svog online identiteta. Da bismo vam pomogli da lakše započnete svoj online biznis ili projekat, kreirali smo posebnu promociju koja omogućava BESPLATNU registraciju .RS ili .COM domena uz zakup bilo kog Web hosting ili WordPress hosting paketa. Promocija BESPLATAN


REM vs. EM: Cómo Elegir la Unidad CSS Correcta

Probablemente, no sueñes con el tamaño de los elementos CSS por la noche, pero si estás construyendo un sitio web o una aplicación, este tema definitivamente vale la pena considerarlo. Mientras que algunas unidades de CSS funcionan bien con tu diseño responsivo, otras pueden mostrar un lado rebelde. Poder identificar sus diferentes características puede ahorrarte …


Introducing Sandbox Sites on WP Engine

The wonderful thing about hosting more of the top 200,000 WordPress sites and watching site-building workflows evolve over a fourteen-year history is that you start to see patterns.  Patterns emerge in support queries, customer conversations, and developer behavior, and at WP Engine, these patterns have informed innovations like multi-dev environments, bulk site-management features, our Headless WordPress…


Why WordPress: The Right Choice for Everyone

Choosing the right platform to build an online presence is more crucial than ever. With nearly 20 years of experience working with WordPress, I’ve witnessed countless trends rise and fall. Yet, one thing has always stood out: the importance of selecting a website solution that aligns with long-term goals, offers scalability, and ensures complete control.…


10 Razones Para Obtener una Dirección de Correo Electrónico Personalizada (y Cómo Hacer el Cambio)

Digamos que tienes una estrategia de marketing sólida para llegar a nuevos clientes. Has hecho la investigación y creado el perfil de cliente perfecto. Has trabajado horas redactando un texto de venta convincente que termina con una llamada a la acción irresistible. Solo hay un problema: tu dirección de correo electrónico. Para ahorrar costos al …


La Diferencia Entre WordPress.com y WordPress.org Explicada

Probablemente, ya estés familiarizado con WordPress, al menos con la versión de WordPress.com, que te permite crear un blog básico con temas y características preinstalados.  Pero al visitar WordPress.org, te darás cuenta rápidamente de que hay otra opción. Con un sitio autoalojado en WordPress.org, abres un abanico completo de opciones de personalización. Si estás tratando …


Press This: The Pros and Cons of Using Block WordPress Child Themes

Welcome to Press This, a podcast that delivers valuable insights and actionable tips for navigating the ever-evolving world of WordPress.  In this episode, host Brian Gardner and Automattic Developer Advocate and Core Contributor Nick Diego explore the nuances and benefits of using child themes with block-based WordPress. Powered by RedCircle Brian Gardner: Hey everybody, welcome…


WordPress Roundup: July 2024

Welcome to the WordPress Roundup, your monthly digest of the latest news and updates from the WordPress community. We bring you essential WordPress developments for all experience levels each month, keeping you informed about the latest core updates and upcoming releases. Whether you’re a seasoned developer, a dedicated site owner, or launching your first WordPress…