IT Latest News

Mojih 5: Katarina Šonjić

U specijalu ‘Mojih 5’ kolege iz industrije deliće svoje preporuke serija, knjiga, YouTube kanala, muzike i članaka koje im trenutno okupiraju pažnju, a koji i nas mogu inspirisati dok željno iščekujemo povratak u normalan život.

SIX rules for mastering SEO in 2020

Plot twist: We have to stop treating SEO as an addition to our digital strategy but rather as the key ingredient of our business plan. But when did this shift happen and how to manage the seemingly endless process of radical updates Google is putting our SEO strategies down with?

Introducing the Udemy Free Resource Center

Udemy Community, In these times of challenge and change, Udemy’s mission to improve lives through learning is more vital than ever. We remain committed to providing people around the world affordable access to the skills needed to meet the demands of our changing world. Since Udemy’s founding over a decade ago, we’ve enabled our expert …