IT Latest News

Introducing the Udemy Free Resource Center

Udemy Community, In these times of challenge and change, Udemy’s mission to improve lives through learning is more vital than ever. We remain committed to providing people around the world affordable access to the skills needed to meet the demands of our changing world. Since Udemy’s founding over a decade ago, we’ve enabled our expert …

Lens curator S05E03

The third edition of Lens Curator’s fifth season brings you 5 new excerpts from the world of photography and videography. This month we take a look at origins of Instagram, Fiverr, global shutter, car photo editing and weather resistant cameras.

‘Cloud gaming’ nije zagonetka samo za igrače – već i za gejm developere

Većina ljudi industriju video igara vidi kao stvaraoca proizvoda za zabavu, ekonomisti je posmatraju kao granu koja je po prihodima pretekla filmsku i industriju muzike zajedno, a mi koji se bavimo razvojem igara vidimo je kao tehnički izazovan posao u kom možemo da ispoljimo svoju kreativnost – posebno sada kada dolazi vreme igara ‘u oblaku’.