IT Latest News

Welcome WooCommerce 4.0!

A major update for WooCommerce – it’s 4.0 edition has been released! Now you can go deeper with the analytics, more customizable dashboard and activity panel.

#NeuralabTour goes on

Ready, steady, go! #NeuralabTour rides again. In this Corona times many events are being cancelled or postponed, but some are still hanging strong. We marked in our calendars five destinations we are happy to be part of. Some of them are our long term well-known classics and some are the new stops we are eager to visit. Come on board and get an update on some of the current topics in the digital industry.

Webiz u Zrenjaninu odložen za oktobar

Kako je Vlada Republike Srbije juče donela odluku o zabrani skupova u zatvorenom prostoru na neodređeno vreme za skupove preko 100 ljudi, zarad bezbednosti svih učesnika organizacioni tim Webiz konferencije doneo je odluku da se ista održi od 15. do 18. oktobra.

Da li je širenje biznisa na regionalnom planu pametan potez?

Pokretanje svake nove kancelarije u regionu podseća na prve korake agencije u matičnom gradu. Skromno, skoro pa u ‘garaži’, iako je to za nas bio samo stan iznad garaže pre nekih devet godina. Ponekad imamo plan, viziju, ne uvek i klijente, ali je nabitnije strpljenje i spremnost da ulažete duže vreme u novi ofis dok on zapravo i postane profitabilan. Tako ćemo i u ovom novom – u Ljubljani.

Living and coding: everyday life of a developer couple

Couple that codes together stays together. We found a senior and junior developer duo, working remotely from Zagreb and let them debug some field questions for us. They both work from German IT companies, Klaudija being the junior frontend developer, and her fiancé Antonio senior iOS developer. Check out their daily behind-the-scenes routine, dev struggles on job interviews and find out when to use cutting edge modern tools or stick with your good old workflow.

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2020

“I like to learn. That’s an art and a science.” Katherine Johnson Equal rights for women has come a long way since the first International Women’s Day on March 8, 1908. First-wave feminism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries tackled discrimination on the basis of sex in many locations, on many issues. The …