Domaća scena izrade zanatskih proizvoda je u ekspanziji, pa je sve više manjih proizvođača koji traže svoje mesto na ‘online’ i ‘offline’ tržištu. U tome im može pomoći Zanateria – nova Internet robna kuća, čiji su osnivači za Netokraciju podelili svoju poslovnu priču.
Krajem januara Google je najavio da će u naredne dve godine onemogućiti ‘third party’ kolačiće na web pretraživaču Chrome zarad veće privatnosti korisnika. Ova vest je, očekivano, uzdrmala planove oglašivača, a mi smo analizirali na koji način će ove promene uticati na industriju digitalnog oglašavanja.
Office Management je zaista dosadan posao ili nas to varaju naše predrasude? Sudeći po tome koliko ova pozicija može doprineti efikasnom poslovanju jedne kompanije, nema mesta skeptičnosti o njenom značaju.
Korona virus osim što je podigao svet na noge i alarmirao stotine miliona ljudi i zdravstvenih organizacija, polako je počeo da se ‘širi’ i na ekonomiju i poslovanje, kvareći biznise mnogima, pa i našim dropšiperima koji preprodaju robu iz Kine.
Koliko direktor jedne kompanije zapravo utiče na njenu kulturu? Pa, mnogo. Međutim, nemojte se opuštati ni ako ste osoba koja ima drugu vrstu liderske uloge u kompaniji – jer i vi imate veliku odgovornost. Zato, ukoliko ste jedan od njih, morate obratiti pažnju na sledeće stvari.
Nakon skoro jedanaest godina građanima Srbije dostupan je novi Portal eUprava. Portal ima novi dizajn i funkcionalnosti, njegov sadržaj je prilagođen mobilnim i tablet uređajima, a nalazi se na staroj adresi
Nakon četiri godine izgradnje, u sredu je završena prva i najvažnija faza Naučno-tehnološkog parka u Novom Sadu, čime je ovaj objekat i zvanično otvoren za studente Fakulteta tehničkih nauka i startape.
Mislite da je radno okruženje za zaposlene važno, ali ne toliko? Razmislite ponovo, jer ako je suditi po pravcu u kom se tržište razvija, ovo može biti jedan od bitnijih faktora za privlačenje kadrova. Možda je zato vreme da zaposlite Workplace Experience Manager-a.
The first edition of Lens Curator’s fifth season brings you 5 new excerpts from the world of photography and videography. This month we take a look at ‘1917’ cinematography, cheap cine lenses, AE plugins, the future of storytelling and 360 cameras in 2020.
U oktobru prošle godine kompanija Google je dodala Srbiju u spisak zemalja u kojima je podržan Google Merchant nalog. Ovim je omogućeno znatno lakše poslovanje developera koji sada iz Srbije mogu da monetizuju svoje aplikacije. Analizirali smo kako to sve izgleda u praksi i kako iskoristiti ove pogodnosti.
Kompanija ‘Awards International’ koja dodeljuje biznis nagrade širom sveta otvara prve ‘Customer Experience’ nagrade i za naš region – u Beogradu. Direktor i osnivač ove firme otkriva nam više detalja o predstojećem događaju i daljim planovima za poslovanje u Srbiji i regionu.
Sve oči svetske javnosti okrenute su ka Kini koja se, u ovom trenutku, bori sa širenjem smrtonosnog korona virusa. I dok čekamo da saznamo da li postoji rešenje za ovaj ozbiljan globalni zdravstveni problem, zapitali smo se – da li virus koji je par hiljada kilometara daleko može da se prenese i robom sa AliExpress-a?
Januar 2020. za preduzetnike paušalce doneo je još jednu novost – rešenje o porezu direktno u njihovo eSanduče. Međutim, sudeći po reakcijama preduzetnika, taj proces nije jednostavan kao što izgleda. O tome šta vam je sve potrebno kako biste pristupili rešenju o prispelim obavezama analiziramo u nastavku teksta.
Some weeks ago 9 Croatian companies got featured as one of the best B2B global development agencies. Mono, Ingemark, Five, Bornfight, Infinum, Inchoo, Factory, Kontra and Neuralab were chosen for this Clutch Top1000 list which is a massive success on the Croatian IT scene (keep in mind that Croatia counts for only 0.05 % of the global population)
The final edition of Lens Curator’s fourth season brings you 5 new excerpts from the world of photography and videography. This month we take a look at iphone11 VS URSA, setting up an overhead rig, editing beautiful Toyota Supra photo, how to capture perfect Log footage and a brief history of fisheye lens.
Team leaders are being barraged with a myriad of business and project management buzzwords – Agile, Scrum, Remote, Async, Kanban to name a few. None of them explore people, their backgrounds and underlying cultures – something that profoundly affects how teams coordinate and communicate
The Shawshank Redemption is currently smiling from the top of IMDB. Few know that this prison flick is written by Stephen King – that scary stories guy. His book “On Writing” is THE book you should salut if writing is your forte.
Adorio (formerly “Na Poslu”) is a modern recruitment platform, putting anonymous employee reviews in the spotlight. Potential workers can search for free jobs, employers, salaries, a career guide, and career advice. All work benefits are displayed and direct contacts are available for you.
Eleventh edition of Lens Curator’s fourth season brings you 5 new excerpts from the world of photography and videography. This month we take a look at high end commercials, time-lapse videos, AI photography, vertical videos and one very special lens.
The tenth edition of Lens Curator’s fourth season brings you 5 new excerpts from the world of photography and videography. This month we take a look at dynmic range, Aputure’s MC light, photography in the rain, 10 grip things to have on set and editing food photos.
DIGITAL 2019. The second edition of conference for next-gen interface designers and developers. And probably one of our favourite technical events. The reason for that is in the title itself – it’s for both designers and developers. Like its last year’s maiden voyage, the 2019 edition was divided to full-day workshops during Friday and the conference itself on Saturday.
The ninth edition of Lens Curator’s fourth season brings you 5 new excerpts from the world of photography and videography. This month we take a look at DSLRvsMirrorless, how to get video jobs, how to shoot on a steadicam, new gear for food photography, and creative process for taking a picture.
This article was written by summer intern Irene Suarez From ping pong tournaments to Friday lunch outings, we interns made the most of our time here at Udemy. With a total of twenty interns from all over the world, we learned and grew in personal and professional ways throughout the internship program, while enjoying budding …
Today (July 31) marks Uncommon Musical Instrument Day, a special day to appreciate the weird, bizarre, and truly extraordinary instruments of the world—from the water-powered hydrolauphone to the touchless theremin. If you’ve ever imagined yourself blowing a didgeridoo on an Australian beach, today is a great reminder to make good on that dream. The intention …
From teaching English classes to elementary school kids to creating an interactive learning experience for over 25,000 students, Alexandra Cote never fails to find unique ways to develop her own skills and educate others. She aims to become an influencer in order to spread her knowledge and motivate the online learning community to continue learning …
Fernando Alvarado-Sandoval lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and two kids. Although he’s currently a technical support specialist, Fernando is using Udemy to brush up on his graphic design skills in pursuit of a more creative career. Between raising a family and working full-time, Fernando squeezes learning into his …
For more than 20 years, the arrival of Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report has been an eagerly anticipated event. As one of the first investors in internet-based businesses, venture capitalist Meeker established herself early on as a leading expert at spotting emerging trends. She was on the Morgan Stanley team that managed Google’s IPO in …
On top of authoring more than 15 novels for teens, tweens, and adults, Jessica Brody pays her writing knowledge forward. She turned her in-person writing workshops into dynamic online courses and now hears from students all over the world who attribute their successes, including some book deals, to the help she shared with them online. …