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TV Meets IRL: What Workplace Shows Most Resemble YOUR Workplace?

Sometimes work feels like a drama, sometimes more like a comedy. Our new “Udemy Snapshot: 2019 Workplace Happiness Report” found that our workplaces can often resemble our favorite TV shows. Turns out, the way you perceive your office culture says a lot about your IRL character. So, are you a Cersei Lannister or a Dwight …

How One Mom Fits In Learning Web Development During Nap Time

Thirty-three-year-old Tina lives in Germany, takes care of her one-and-a-half-year-old son, and learns web development in her rare spare time. She’s currently working through Andrei Neagoie‘s “The Complete Web Developer in 2019: Zero to Mastery” and Anthony Alicea‘s “JavaScript – Understanding the weird parts.” In the spirit of celebrating mothers this weekend, we sat down …

Star Wars Day 2019: May The Learning Be With You

Throw on your Wookiee costume because tomorrow is that one special day of the year when you can wear your fuzzy onesie proudly—without side glances from neighbors (OK, we can’t promise you that last part). May the 4th, of course, marks Star Wars Day, a commemorative day for fans of the classic movie franchise to …

4 Ways We Can Avoid Workplace Burnout

By Cara Brennan Allamano, SVP of People & Places, Udemy Let’s face it: we all hit the wall sometimes. Our inboxes are overflowing, our calendars are packed, and the chat messages won’t stop. But burnout is not a sustainable state of being. Learning and teaching are both awesome ways to recharge because they engage your …