Dealing with puppy worms is part of many new dog owners early days of puppy parenting. Puppy worms are very infectious, and easily passed on to other members of the family if you don’t practice good hygiene. They are spread through contact with an infected dog or puppy’s feces. Your puppy might even have been …
Funny dog quotes can cheer up the darkest days, or add some unique sparkle to an occasion. Dogs are natural comedians, and our love for them comes wrapped in amusement at their silly ways. They are clumsy, messy, snorting, drooling, playful balls of joy wrapped up in fur and wiggly butts. Today we’ll share the …
Cartrophen is a brand name for the, slightly less catchy, active ingredient Pentosan-polysufate-sodium. Cartrophen for dogs is an anti-arthritic drug is used to treat osteoarthritis. This medication is veterinarian prescribed only, and often given subcutaneously by injection under the skin. Cartrophen injections are usually given to your dog once a week for a month. Although …
Can dogs have shrimp in general? Yes, dogs can eat a small quantity of cooked shrimp as an occasional treat. Shrimp is low in fat, high in protein and contains lots of healthy vitamins. But that doesn’t mean it’s a sensible meal for a canine. Limit your dog to a half cup or less per …
The best dog toys tap into your canine’s natural instincts to chew, tug, hunt, fetch or even dig. Different dog toys will appeal to certain types of dogs more than others. Sporting dogs will love to retrieve and chase, Hounds will want to follow scent trails, and herding dogs will thrive with puzzles and interactive …
A happy Labrador puppy is a young dog that feels safe and secure. Although playing wildly with your over excitable companion is great fun for a while, ensuring that life is calm and stable is actually the key to keeping your puppy happy as they grow and develop. Your happy Labrador puppy will have enough …
vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_textSurely, breeders all have their own methods of taking reservations, waiting lists, planning litters, and so on. But it’s definitely helpful to understand the timeline of a planned litter, so that as the buyer, you can better understand what your own timeline should look like./vc_column_text/vc_column/vc_rowvc_rowvc_columnvc_single_image image=”13651″/vc_column/vc_rowvc_rowvc_columnvc_column_textThere are certainly times of year that are popular for folks to look for a puppy… that tends to most often be Spring, right at the beginning of Summer, and also for many the Fall (after their Summer travels). As far as timing goes through, as a breeder… that’s sadly largely out of our control. …
ENGLISH VS AMERICAN LABRADORS We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the history of the Labrador Retriever, as we have included our personal history in the homepage text as well as in the section, “about us”. So many people ask us, “what’s the difference between the “English” and the “American” (field) labs? There is such a big difference that the AKC has, at times, considered splitting the breed. There is a difference in build, as well as temperament. If you are looking for strictly a “field” dog for field trial competition, go for the American field …
Arthritis in dogs is a term used to describe the inflammation of the tissues in the joints. It can occur in any of the joints in your dog’s body, and is fairly common especially in older dogs. Dog hip joints take quite a pounding over the years. It’s one of the body’s major muscles for …
vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_textPuppies play puppy games, not human games, with humans…And puppies in a litter play games such as wrestling, biting, chasing, tug-of-war, and keep away, until we teach him some others. Also, dogs and humans, despite our closeness and mutual affection, often miscommunicate. Children, particularly, routinely mishandle puppies, not realizing it, and are at risk of being nipped or even bitten (especially when they play puppy’s favorite game of “chase” for instance! ) It sounds weird, but to avoid lots of “hitting” on the nose or yelling, when your pup bites down on you or your child’s finger, take a finger …
vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text Worms, Bacteria, and Other Parasites that affect Puppies and Dogs After 25+ years of breeding, you can imagine I’ve seen it all…and heard it all…so I am sharing all of this based on that experience, plus the experience of other seasoned breeders who have even more experience than I do! If you breed any number of years, have dogs come to your kennel for stud service, send your dogs to dog shows, and let your dogs enjoy the outdoors (and pick up things in their mouths that they shouldn’t!) , there are certain things you can never get away …
vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text (CLICK PHOTO TO ENLARGE) We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the history of the Labrador Retriever, as we have included our personal history in the homepage text as well as in the section, “about us”. So many people ask us, “what’s the difference between the “English” and the “American” (field) labs? There is such a big difference that the AKC has, at times, considered splitting the breed. There is a difference in build, as well as temperament. If you are looking for strictly a “field” dog for field trial competition, go for the American field …
Milk thistle for dogs the common name for the medicinal nutritional supplement whose active ingredient is the flavonoid Silymarin. Taken in capsules or liquid for by dogs, milk thistle supplements have antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects. Silymarin acts by inhibiting enzymes which were causing damage to the dog’s cells. Milk thistle is used to treat …
The Boxer Lab mix is also known as the Boxador. This is a hybrid designer dog with one Labrador parent and one Boxer parent. Boxadors are lively, clever pups are a great fit for active families. The Boxer Lab mix has a varied history, with fighting and sporting dogs in each lineage. Your Boxador puppy …
The Pitbull Lab mix is also known as a Bullador, Pitlab or Labrabull. Pitbull Lab mixes are a designer hybrid dog that is energetic, intelligent, loyal and protective. A medium sized cross between Labrador Retriever and American Pitbull Terrier, they weigh up to 90lbs and are best suited to active homes with a backyard and …
Salmon contains lots of nutrients that are good for dogs. Cooked salmon is an exceptionally nutritious food for dogs as it is low in fat and high in protein. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals that are vital for good canine health. Fully cooked salmon, without bones, salt or spices, can also be beneficial …
vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text Folks who have had babies in their homes know about making the home safe for children. For those who have had no children, just get down at a puppy’s level and remove or safeguard everything they can possibly see and everything for about 5 feet up, anything near chairs, tables, sofas, etc. Prevention is worth a pound of cure. Here are some things you can do to make sure your home is safe for your new puppy. Secure electrical outlets and cords. Everything goes in puppy’s mouth…..that’s how they learn about the world. Make sure electrical cords are …
Can dogs eat pork safely, as a treat or part of their regular diet? Dogs are carnivores, but that doesn’t mean they can digest, eat or enjoy every kind of meat. Essential protein and fat can come from all sorts of animals or pre prepared doggy dinners. Your dog can eat pork, but the benefits …
Apoquel for dogs is a brand name that the drug Oclacitinib Maleate is sold under. It is prescribed by veterinarians to stop the itching sensation caused by dermatitis. Apoquel stops your dog scratching by changing how the immune system acts. When Apoquel enters the bloodstream it blocks particular enzymes, called Janus kinases. They’re the real …
Puppies can leave their mother when they are fully weaned, but you should wait until they are psychologically and physically ready before making this separation. Your puppy should not leave their mother before 8 weeks of age. Each week before this point that they spend with the mother and littermates will help to teach them …
Temaril P for dogs is a combination steroid and antihistamine. Temaril refers to Trimeprazine and the P stands for Prednisolone. The drugs in Temaril P compliment each other. The Trimeprazine works as an antipruritic and an antitussive. It helps relieve symptomatic itching and coughing. The Prednisolone is an anti-inflammatory, part of the corticosteroid family. It …
The Labrador characteristics can be divided into two distinct categories. Physical characteristics and behavioral characteristics. These can both differ between the show bred English and working bred American types, but there are plenty of common Labrador traits that both varieties share. Your Labrador will be friendly, sociable and often exuberant in personality. The Lab loves …
Dogs eat dirt for a variety of delightful reasons. Dirt eating in dogs is usually because something tasty has been spilled, deposited or grown in that area of the soil. Your dog might however have a mineral deficiency that needs veterinary intervention, or have learned that you give them a lot of attention, negative or …
Puppy training stages are a way of breaking down your puppy’s learning and obedience development into helpful steps. Today I’ll share your week by week schedule of what to teach your puppy. The puppy training schedules are aimed at different ages and stages of training, and to help you achieve your puppy training goals. However, …
Your 8 week old puppy has just left their old home behind and arrived to join the family. It is an emotional time for the puppy, who has suddenly lost their mother, littermates and everything they have ever known. Your 8 week old puppy is nervous, but they will soon settle in, form bonds with …
Lab nails grow slowly and steadily throughout their lives. Some Lab nails grow faster than others, and some dogs live their entire lives not ever needing their claws cutting. Your Lab’s nails however are not so lucky. Fortunately there are ways to trim Lab nails without any fuss, risk of lengthwise nail splits or cutting …
Limber tail syndrome goes by several rather descriptive names. Cold water tail, swimmers tail, broken wag and even dead tail, these names all give a nod to the sad state of your dog’s previously waggy appendage. Limber tail syndrome is characterized by a loss of movement of the tail, accompanied by pain. Limber tail is …
Your female dog will be in heat for about three to four weeks, once or twice a year. The dog heat cycle begins when your pup starts releasing the hormones that enable her to become ready for mating. Mating hormones will make your female dog more appealing to any local fertile male dogs, but you …
Your purebred dog comes from parents that are both registered members of the same breed. Purebred dog breeds have a lineage that has been selected for generations to have certain personality and physical characteristics. Yet you cannot tell if you have a purebred dog by looking. Purebred dog characteristics will match well with the breed …
Working out how to correct your dog when he ignores the recall is tricky. After all, you can’t punish your dog according to traditional training methods if you can’t get near them. Dog correction devices like shock collars or spray collars that work remotely are also now well understood to be unkind, confusing to the …