
Labradors Latest News

F1b Labradoodle

Have you seen an F1b Labradoodle for sale or adoption, and wondered what the extra letters stand for? In this comprehensive guide to Labradoodle backcrossing, we answer the question ‘what does F1b Labradoodle mean?’, and look at what it’s like to own one. An F1b Labradoodle has one first generation Labradoodle parent, and one purebred …

Brown Labradoodle Puppy Guide

Brown Labradoodles are playful, energetic and very clever. Generally low shedding dogs, brown Labradoodle puppies are a great choice for lots of families. Today we’ll take a look at where to find a brown Labradoodle puppy, and how to predict what color they will be as an adult dog. Contents What are brown Labradoodles? Brown …


vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”WHAT DO I NEED FOR A NEW PUPPY? THE 12 ESSENTIALS!!!”You’re getting a puppy? Congratulations! (Insert me jumping up and down for you!) It’s exciting, but being a Pet Parent can feel overwhelming– especially if it’s your first time– or it’s been a LONG time (as in, you’ve had a senior dog for a few years). There’s a lot for both you and your new puppy to learn. To ensure a smooth transition, your efforts should start before you bring your precious pup home. Luckily for you, we’ve compiled the Ultimate New Puppy Checklist to get you started. Below …

Block Head Lab

Block head Lab or blockhead Labrador is a term used to describe English or show type Labs with broad, square heads and a distinctively chunky look. We’ll look at why this is significant to Labrador breeding, and how you can ensure your Lab has the block head look, if that’s what’s you want. Contents What …

Labrador Paws

Labrador paws are pretty interesting parts of our Labs! Like many of their other features, Lab paws are perfectly suited to help them in their original working roles. Labrador Retriever paws are webbed, which helped their original ancestors swim to retrieve game for their fishermen owners. Labradors also have dew claws, which on their front …

English American Lab Mix

Have you seen an English American Lab mix puppy for sale? In this article, we take a look at what you can expect them to be like as a pet, and whether mixing Labrador breeding lines is a good idea. An English American Lab mix has one parent from English Labrador breeding lines, and one …

Silver Lab Names

Silver Lab names can be a great way to compliment your Labrador’s unusual coat color. But, you don’t need to restrict your imagination to colors! You can choose a funny name, something cute, silly, or even something cool. Silver isn’t the most common color for Labradors, and there’s still quite a lot of controversy about …

Fluffy Labrador

A fluffy Labrador might not look quite how you think! Labs have a wonderful, thick, double-layered coat. In fact, their coat is one of their most distinctive features. The standard Labrador coat is pretty fluffy in its own right – especially as puppies! But, it’s also possible to get a long-haired variant, which is even …

Wavy Coat Labrador Retriever

A wavy coat Labrador Retriever is often what people think the Curly Coated Retriever breed is! It is possible for purebred Labs to have some slight waves in their fur. Particularly a raised line of wavy fur along the ridge of their back. In fact, this is even accepted in the breed standard. But, it’s …

Why does my dog do “Zoomies?”

vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”Why does my Labrador do Zoomies????”So you know the drill, right? You get home and your dog gives you that “look” or the “puppy play bow” and then that wild look commences on their face and –-off they goo!!! Zoomies around the living room again–and again–all cheered on my our infectious giggling associated with one the most favorite past times we enjoy with our dogs! But why do dogs do Zoomies? Well, here at Endless Mt. Labradors–its one of our favorite past times! According to the AKC, (Stephanie Gibeault, MSc, CPDT), “Certain times of day may trigger Zoomies in …

Why Does my Dog Howl?

vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”Why Does My Dog Howl?”As HOWLoween approaches quickly, I thought a blog on ‘why dogs howl’ would be appropriate! Howling is one of many forms of vocal communication used by dogs. Dogs howl to attract attention, to make contact with others, and to announce their presence. Some dogs even howl in response to high-pitched sounds, such as emergency vehicle sirens or musical instruments (I’ve even had a dog howl when I sang—not sure how to take that!). For instance, you may want to notice if an emergency vehicle is in your neighborhood again, if your dog responds. They may also …

Have You Made Arrangements in Your Will for Your Labrador?

vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”Why should I make stipulations for the care of my dog in my WILL should I die???”Why should I have a stipulation for my dog in my WILL? Many of us think about our children and spouses in our will, should we suddenly pass from this life to the next. Many don’t think about their dogs, and from experience, it can be very traumatic to a dog whose owner suddenly “disappears.” Its hard to know how they process this and adapt—but we know there is an emotional bond that can’t be argued. About 10 years ago, HERE AT ENDLESS …

Labrador Tail

The Labrador tail is one of the most distinguishing features of the breed as a whole. Often, it is called an ‘otter tail’, referring to its appearance. Lab tails are thick and tapering, covered in the same dense hair as the rest of their bodies. Labrador tails are also practical, helping them to steer quickly …

Pros And Cons Of Neutering A Labrador

In this article we present all the scientific research on the pros and cons of neutering a Labrador, to help you make the right choice for your boy. Neutering your male dog is a very personal decision. Whilst there are only two options in the end – do it or don’t do it – the …

Great Pyrenees Black Lab Mix

Have you heard of the Great Pyrenees black Lab mix? In this guide, we explore the possibilities when these two rather different breeds collide. From looks and temperament, to health and exercise requirements. The Great Pyrenees black Lab mix combines a traditional guardian breed affectionately know as ‘the polar bear dog’ with our all-time favorite …

How’s it Hangin’? (A Lesson on Cryptorchids: Undescended Testicles)

vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”How’s it Hangin’???? (Cryptorchidism: One Testicle)” What Exactly Is This Odd and Oddly Named Condition? (Does neutering dogs cause cancer?) Rated PG! Cryptorchidism is the scientific term for a condition in male dogs in which one or both testicles (testes) fail to descend into the scrotum, which is the pouch or sac that holds the testicles (in the case of neutered dogs, it shrinks over time and pretty much disappears). The condition affects approximately 1% – 3% of dogs and is probably inherited since it is commonly seen in families of dogs; however, the exact cause is not fully …

Black and Tan Lab

A black and tan Lab is an unusual sight, and can be quite controversial! Labrador Retrievers with black and tan markings can be achieved in two ways. Either, they can be crossed with another breed to achieve this pattern, creating a Labrador mixed breed. Or, a purebred Lab can receive the recessive genes required for …

Black Lab Chow Mix

A black Lab Chow mix dog has one black Labrador Retriever parent, and one Chow Chow parent. Because these two purebred dogs are quite different, one black Lab Chow mix can be very different to the next. Many breeders hope to get black fur, by using a black Labrador. But, this mix is also generally …

Guest Blog: Labrador Lover and Author, Annette Whipple (Interview)

vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”Guest Blog: Interview with Labrador Lover and author, Annette Whipple: “WOOF!“”Tell us about your first dog, the name, and how this influenced you to write “WOOF!” I have such fond memories of my first dog! He was a golden retriever lab mix named Dog. He was a constant companion and friend. One of my favorite memories is dancing with him to one of my dad’s old records: “Hooked on a Feeling” by B. J. Thomas. When I was brainstorming animals that I could continue with The Truth About series after Whooo Knew? The Truth About Owls was finished, dogs …

What does the word “IN-BRED” mean in dogs?

vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”What does the word “IN-BRED“ mean?”I bet this conjures up a visual image of an extra toe or tail—but it’s MUCH deeper than that when you ask the professional breeder about what this term implies– and what it really means. Strap on your ‘knowledge craving’ part of your brain and here we go into my world! (CLICK ON ANY OF THE IMAGES TO ENLARGE!) As breeders, we spend a lifetime’s work building our bloodlines so that we have not just the AKC breed standard, but also passing health clearances going back at least 5 generations. But, just like the …

How To Calm An Over Excited Puppy

Spotting the signs of an over excited puppy What to do if your puppy gets overly excited during play Tips for managing over excited puppy biting Living with an over excited puppy isn’t easy. And every puppy has the potential to get themselves worked up. Today we’re going to look at how to calm a puppy …

Fox-Red Labradors: Their origins and features

vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”Fox-Red Labradors: Their origin and features”What is a FOX RED Labrador—its rise and fall in popularity over the years Above Photo: Fox Red Labradors courtesy of The Field Magazine, UK Of course I resisted the temptation to name this blog “50 shades of Yellow”—I believe that one is already taken! But I’d love to delve into the development of this part of our wonderful Labrador breed. “The Kennel Club formally acknowledges only three colors: black, yellow and liver – which has mutated to chocolate and thereby boosted the appeal of the brown version considerably. Black, everyone agrees, is black; …

What does the word “OVER-BRED” actually mean?

vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”What does the word “OVER-BRED“ MEAN?”If I had a dollar for every time I heard a pet parent use the word “over-bred”, I’d be a millionaire. I hear it from pet owners, veterinarians, groomers, rescue parents, and from people who generally don’t understand what this really means—NOR WHAT THEY ARE IMPLYING WHEN THEY SAY IT. Here’s some possible misconceptions about this phrase/word’s meaning: *”It means that breeders interfered too much in the breeding of retriever dogs and, while they may have achieved some characteristics they wanted, they also caused some inherited problems…” (usually caused by breeding with dogs that …


vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text title=”Her Majesty, the Queen’s Sandringham Labradors (UK)”The Queen’s gundogs are respected throughout the Labrador world, especially when it comes to highly skilled gun dogs I have to admit, I’ve always liked that the Queen loves dogs and horses–as do I!!! But when I found out she bred LABRADORS I had to research it–and how FUN that research is for those interested in the history of the English/British/UK Labrador. (CLICK ON ANY OF THE BELOW PICTURES TO ENLARGE THEM TO SEE THE ORIGINAL CAPTIONS!) THE QUEEN’S GUNDOGS Miss Elizabeth Walton, of The Field magazine says, “Norfolk was, as the natives …

What is that WHITE SPOT on my Labrador?

vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_text (Pictured Above: Meet historic and expert breeder, Mary Roslin Williams) I’m excited to dig into the history books of Labradors and let you peer into the very beginning of the breed and its most dedicated mentors, including the famous, ADVANCED breeder of Labradors,  Mary Roslin Williams. I tried to bid on her book “Reaching for the Stars”, written in 1988, at our World Labrador Specialty and it went for $1,400! BUT I have a rag-tag copy I keep that I call my LABRADOR BIBLE! Any breeder who has put their heart, soul and blood into the dedication to this …

What is a Dog Warden?

What is a dog warden and what sort of person suits this job role? Dog wardens work closely with animals and humans alike. Their job involves helping stray, lost, and mistreated dogs, but also educating owners and enforcing dog-related legislation. Although this career appeals to many, it doesn’t suit everyone. Dog wardens need to be …

Do Labrador Retrievers Drool A Lot?

Before you commit to owning one, you might want the answer to the question “do Labrador Retrievers drool a lot?” Labradors are not a breed typically associated with being very drooly. But as for all dogs, there are some things which will trigger them to start drooling more than usual. Occasionally, if your Labrador drools …

Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?

Can dogs eat peanut butter safely? And is peanut butter good for dogs? Peanut butter is a popular treat for dogs. But, it is high in fats and salt, which can be bad for dogs in large amounts. Plus, some peanut butter brands contain xylitol. This is an artificial sweetener that is toxic to dogs. …

Black Lab Rottweiler Mix

A black Lab Rottweiler mix has one purebred Labrador parent with a black coat, and one purebred Rottweiler parent. There’s no guarantee that puppies will have a black coat even with a black Lab parent. But it’s much more likely if both parent breeds have black fur. The black Lab Rottweiler mix is loyal, intelligent, …

What is a Champion Bloodline Dog?

What is a champion bloodline dog and are they any better than a non-champion bloodline dog? Champion bloodline dogs have a champion title winning dog in their family tree. This could be a parent, grandparent, or a dog that is generations above them. Champion bloodlines don’t guarantee that your dog will be a champion themselves. …