It’s time to learn how to draw a Labrador! Drawing is a skill that comes naturally to some, but most of us need a little help. Even talented artists don’t always get it right on the first go, and sometimes need a hand perfecting a new technique. How To Draw A Labrador – Step by …
Dogs do have memories, and impressive ones at that. Memories are the basis of how dogs learn, are socialized and even how they understand the passage of time. Your dog can memorize and recall information about the people they have met and the places they have visited. The learning process is also closely linked to, …
The best dog food for sensitive skin removes the ingredient or ingredients that were causing your dog to have a reaction. So the right brand or line for one dog, won’t always be the same as for another. We’ve got the top options for the best dog food for dogs with itchy skin, as well …
How much does a puppy cost? The answer can be a bit shocking depending on where you are looking and the breed you are buying. Puppies from shelters are usually around $100. But if you are buying a purebred puppy from a breeder that specializes in sought after dogs, or those with high medical needs …
Do dogs have a sense of time, or is it just luck that they seem to realise when dinner is just around the corner? Dogs do have a sense of time, but it isn’t quite like ours. Evidence suggests that dogs do not organize time into hours and weeks. But they do appreciate the passing …
All dogs drool sometimes. Dog drool keeps the mouth moist and helps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. It’s 98% water but also contains various enzymes, proteins, minerals and antibacterial compounds. The average dog produces lots of slightly sticky saliva when they are about to eat, as it helps to break down food and …
Hypothyroidism in Labrador Retrievers is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. It is also known as thyroid hormone deficiency as it arises when the body doesn’t produce enough of the thyroid hormone T4. The thyroid produces two forms of the hormone, T4 (Thyroxin) and T3 (tri-iodothyronine). T3 is the …
Can dogs eat egg shells as part of a normal healthy diet? Egg shells are safe for dogs to eat in moderation. Adult dogs can even eat whole eggs, although you’ll need to make sure they are from salmonella free chickens if you are feeding them raw. There is the potential for pieces to shatter …
The Chabrador is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Chow Chow. Also known as the Chow Chow Lab mix, this dignified designer breed has a reputation for intelligence, high energy, and faithful loyalty. Combining the ancient heritage of the Chow Chow, with the working roots of the gentle, popular Labrador, produces a fascinating …
vc_rowvc_columnvc_column_textMany people ask me what I think about getting two puppies at once, or adding a second Labrador (or dog). Well, here is my opinion… Getting TWO puppies at once! I actually do advocate getting 2 puppies…afterall…dogs are PACK animals, so they are happiest with their own kind. It also solves the question of “guilt” when you are away and can’t be with your dog. It also is less stress on the pups (no lonely crying pup in the middle of the night…), and is less stress on you. You do the training once for both…easier than getting a pup …
The Lab Collie mix is a hybrid designer dog with a Labrador parent and a Collie parent. The Collie is an active, intelligent herding dog and the Labrador is a smart, cooperative retriever breed. Your Lab Collie mix puppy will be determined, confident, playful and attentive in nature. They thrive in active homes that take …
The Lab puppy harness is a great way to keep them safe and to aid in your puppy training progress. Puppy harnesses wrap around your dogs body to give a more secure and complete hold for the leash. They also avoid putting any pressure on your young dog’s vulnerable neck, and allowing them to breathe …
The White English Lab has very pale yellow fur, an affectionate, friendly temperament, and a stockier body than the American variety of Labradors. Although they are visually white, this Labrador Retriever variety is technically yellow, and if they are Kennel Club registered that will be the color on their certification. Originally, the Labrador worked as …
The Labrador temperament tends to be tolerant, outgoing, friendly and affectionate to all. The Labrador Retriever breed is smart and easy to train. This cooperative disposition is as a result of their working history in field sports. Young Labradors and puppies can be boisterous or clumsy, and biting and chewing are to be expected as …
Endless Mountain Labradors – Approved Dog Toys Everyone is ALWAYS asking what toys we recommend for labs, here at Endless Mt.! 🙂 Below are some of our favorites (well, the dogs’ favorites!)… and we do offer a crate package full of these fun goodies at the time that you pick your puppy up! Kongs We LOOOOOOOOVE the Kong! Not only are they indestructible (especially if you get the black color, “extreme”), but you can stuff all sorts of treats and yummies in them for your pup! Nylabones Nylabones are another great, durable toy for your labby poo! They even …
Raw Diet. Say these words, and your vet will go BERSERK! But here are the FACTS… The main reason they freak out: The people who don’t have a clue how to feed raw, and the vets who have extracted splintered (cooked!) bones from a dog’s guts. Boy, have we come a LONG way in our understanding and feeding or raw diet to our dogs in the past 20 years (we are about 200 years behind the UK and Australia–but at least their dogs are expected to live into their 20’s!!!! so we have soooo much to learn!) Pet food …
The St John’s Waterdog breed is best known as the main ancestor of the Labrador Retriever breed. They have also played a part in the development of the Flat Coated Retriever and Golden Retriever breeds. The St John’s Waterdog was an intelligent, affectionate, athletic dog that worked eagerly alongside fishermen in Newfoundland. The St John’s …
The perfect dog recall response will have your dog running to your side the moment you pip your whistle or call their name. They will come when you call wherever you are, whatever they are doing and whomever else is nearby. Getting a perfect recall is every dog owner’s dream, but dog recall training can …
Labradors are good family dogs. In fact, they are awesome family pets and possibly the ultimate pet dog for active homes with relatively young kids and plenty of time for training and exercise. But they can be a bit too bouncy for very young kids, and as puppies their play bites pack a punch. They …
Skin tags on dogs are fibrous growths on the skin. They can appear as either a single bump-like formation, or as multiple lumps protruding on top of the skin and rooted just underneath the surface. They will look different depending on the location. Skin tags on dogs are almost always harmless. They usually only pose …
The Labrador wolf mix makes for a pretty wild family pet. And not necessarily in a good way. Although they can be very loyal and sociable with their families, these wolf crosses are prone to aggression too. The Lab wolf mix is territorial, and doesn’t have years of selective breeding supporting them as they mix …
Atarax for dogs is the brand name for hydroxyzine, a prescription only canine antihistimine, used to prevent the symptoms of allergies. Allergies occur when our dogs’ immune systems overreact to allergens. These are found in substances everywhere, and can include dust, pollen, chemicals, and even the food your dog eats. When your pup’s immune system …
Homemade puppy treats make a great snack or reward for your puppy. While many treats you can buy in stores are excellent, making DIY treats can be a good way to make sure that your puppy has a healthy and balanced diet. The other bonus is that making your own puppy treats is a great …
Sadly, dogs can’t eat cherries safely. Cherry pits are poisonous to dogs as they contain amygdalin, which is metabolized into hydrogen cyanide when digested by our canine pals. They also pose a risk of internal blockages. And it’s not even good news when it comes to the flesh of the fruit! Pitted cherries are high …
So your naughty Lab has raided the pantry and helped themselves to a tasty jar of peanut butter! You probably know that dogs like peanut butter and may have given your dog a lick of some occasionally. But what happens if a dog eats too much peanut butter? Like half a jar full! Dogs that …
Dogs can eat tuna in moderation. It’s high in healthy omega-3 fatty proteins, and gives your dog lots of healthy vitamins and minerals too. However, eating tuna fish comes with a few unusual risks. Portion control should be weight based, because of the risk of toxic mercury poisoning. The safest way to feed your dog …
Fipronil for dogs is an insecticide that kills the fleas and ticks want to bite your dogs! Fleas and ticks are parasites that consume the blood of host animals. Not only can their bites be itchy and uncomfortable, they can cause painful allergic reactions or even transmit dangerous illnesses. So we protect our dogs from …
The average Labradoodle lifespan is around 12 years old. Labradoodle life expectancy will vary depending on the dog’s Poodle parent however. Each Labradoodle is a cross between a Poodle and a Labrador, but Poodles come in three different sizes, Standard, Miniature, and Toy. These smart, active and energetic canines each have different health attributes and …
The English Cream Labrador is a very light coated yellow Lab. The short double coat coat’s color can range from a very light ivory all the way to a creamy light yellow. The English part of their name refers to their show bred ancestry, and the cream notes their pale color. The English Labrador Retriever …
For a dog, chewing paws is a pretty common behavior. Some dogs find the act soothing, others do it more when they are teething. But sometimes a dog chews their paws because they have an irritation, injury or even compulsive obsession. To stop your dog chewing their paws you need to work out what is …