Si estás pensando en migrar tu sitio a un nuevo proveedor de alojamiento web, te puedes estar preguntando qué puede significar esto para tu registro de dominio. ¿Cambiar de proveedor de alojamiento web impedirá que las personas accedan a tu contenido? Solo de pensarlo, ¡puede causar escalofríos! Es por esto que es importante entender qué …
Are you thinking of migrating your site to a new hosting service provider? You might be wondering what this’ll mean for your domain registration. Will switching web hosts prevent people from accessing your content? It’s enough to send a shiver down your spine. This is why it’s important to understand what nameservers and the Domain …
Introducing the all-new, frictionless Stripe Checkout integration for WooCommerce by WP Engine. Now you can optimize your store’s checkout flow with a world-class checkout experience customized to your brand and simplify compliance associated with online transactions—with the flip of a switch. Last year, we integrated Stripe with the WP Engine portal, giving our eCommerce users…
Austin, TX – March 12, 2024 – WP Engine today announced registration is open for DE{CODE} 2024, the company’s annual developer conference and the industry’s largest WordPress developer event. The free, virtual event will be held on March 19 (North America and APAC) and March 21 (EMEA). Now in its fifth year, WP Engine DE{CODE}…
Designing digital experiences is becoming increasingly complex year over year. Performance and accessibility are assumed, and users have come to expect highly personalized experiences across the digital touchpoints they encounter every day. Brands and agencies must adapt to the needs of their users by creating digital experiences that not only adhere to modern best practices…
Los sistemas de gestión de bases de datos relacionales (RDBMS) como PostgreSQL y MySQL son fundamentales para almacenar, organizar y acceder a datos para aplicaciones y análisis. PostgreSQL y MySQL son populares bases de datos de código abierto con largas historias y conjuntos de funciones completos. Sin embargo, PostgreSQL y MySQL difieren en sus arquitecturas …
Relational database management systems (RDBMS) like PostgreSQL and MySQL are critical for storing, organizing, and accessing data for applications and analytics. PostgreSQL and MySQL are popular open-source databases with long histories and rich feature sets. However, PostgreSQL and MySQL differ in their technical architectures and design philosophy. If you’re stuck between picking one database for …
Si estás en esta página, probablemente has realizado una búsqueda como: “¡ayuda WordPress sigue cerrando la sesión!” WordPress es el Sistema de Gestión de Contenido (CMS) más popular en línea, con un estimado del 62% del mercado de los CMS. A pesar de esto, no es perfecto y puede desencadenar algunos problemas. Por ejemplo, puede …
If you’re on this page, you’ve probably searched for something like, “Help! WordPress keeps logging me out!” WordPress is the internet’s most popular Content Management System (CMS), with an estimated 62% of the CMS market share. Despite this, it isn’t perfect. Things can still go wrong. For example, you may need to deal with the …
10. marta 2008. godine, tačno u 12h, zvanično je počela registracija .RS domena. Šesnaest godina kasnije registrovano je više od 137.000 .RS domena. Istorija nacionalnih domena traje već više decenija, a o putu koje je domaći internet prošao da bi dobio svoje mesto na domenskom nebu najbolje govori dokumentarna emisija koja se 2016. godine emitovala
So you’re planning a WordPress migration. Maybe your hosting company has sub-par service, maybe you found a cheaper hosting option, maybe you’re changing your domain, or maybe you just want to migrate your site… for fun? Whatever your reasons for migrating your site, we have you covered. WordPress migration can be a little daunting. You …
¡Así que estás planeando una migración de WordPress! Tal vez tu empresa de alojamiento tiene un servicio mediocre, tal vez encontraste una opción de alojamiento más económica, tal vez estás cambiando tu dominio, o tal vez solo quieres migrar tu sitio… ¿Por diversión? Sea cual sea tu motivo para migrar tu sitio, te tenemos cubierto. …
Local, for many years now, has been the number one local WordPress development solution for those who want to build with WordPress on their local machines. Easily spinning up a new site, configuring it, and operating it on the almost zero-latency environment that is your own desktop has been a huge productivity boost for developers.…
Voting for Plugin Madness, Torque’s annual bracket-style competition, is officially kicking off this week. Out of all the plugins that were nominated, 64 of the top contenders were selected for the four initial categories: Marketing, Optimization, Performance, and eCommerce. Now that the bracket has been finalized, the contenders have taken their starting positions, and it’s…
Ya sea que estés abriendo tu primer libro sobre programación o seas un desarrollador experimentado que ha navegado a través de capítulos de lenguajes de programación, es probable que hayas encontrado el término “Node.js” en la narrativa tecnológica. ¿Qué es Node.js y por qué es tan prevalente? Piensa en Node.js como el fiel compañero en …
Whether you’re just cracking open your first book on coding or a seasoned developer who’s navigated through chapters of programming languages, “Node.js” is a term you’ve likely encountered across the tech narrative. What is Node.js, and why is it so prevalent? Think of Node.js as the trusty sidekick in your programming adventures, not just any …
DE{CODE}, WP Engine’s premier developer conference, is back and better than ever! The fifth annual virtual event will take place on March 19 (North America: 10 a.m. CDT, APAC: 10 a.m. AEST) and March 21 (EMEA: 10 a.m. GMT). Four unique talk tracks and more than 40 expert speakers will provide insight into the modern…
Tradicionalni Dan internet domena Srbije (DIDS) ove godine održaće se 12. marta u Dom omladine Beograda u organizaciji Fondacije “Registar nacionalnih internet domena Srbije (RNIDS)”. DIDS2024 donosi sa sobom uzbudljive teme i istaknute stručnjake iz sveta digitalnih tehnologija i pod sloganom “Budućnost je sada” obećava da će zaroniti duboko u svet veštačke inteligencije (AI), istražujući njene
WP Engine Ireland has once again earned recognition as one of the country’s Best Workplaces by Great Place to Work, the global authority on workplace culture. This is WP Engine Ireland’s seventh individual certification in just eight years, adding to a growing list of accolades for company culture and employee wellbeing. “Since our Limerick office…
Los especialistas en marketing tienen que mantenerse al día con muchos cambios rápidos. Pero en medio del panorama de las redes sociales en constante cambio y las últimas modas digitales (como los bailes de TikTok), hay algo que ha permanecido prácticamente igual durante décadas: el correo electrónico. A pesar de ser uno de los canales …
Marketers have to keep up with a lot of fast changes. But amid the ever-changing social media landscape and the latest digital fads (looking at you, TikTok dances), there’s one thing that’s stayed pretty much the same for decades: email. Despite being one of the oldest marketing channels in the digital world, it’s also one …
Nunca ha habido un mejor momento para administrar una tienda de comercio electrónico o crear un negocio en línea. En el 2023, las ventas minoristas de comercio electrónico a nivel mundial alcanzaron un estimado de $5.8 billones de dólares. Para el 2027, una cuarta parte de las ventas minoristas globales serán en línea y tendrán …
There’s never been a better time to run an e-commerce store or create an online business. In 2023, global retail e-commerce sales reached an estimated $5.8 trillion. By 2027, one-quarter of global retail sales will be online and worth an estimated US $8 trillion annually. That means there’s a lot to gain by getting into …
Cuando visitas tu sitio favorito y recibes una advertencia sobre un certificado inválido o un error ‘ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR’, de repente, no puedes acceder al sitio y la información que deseas ya no está disponible. Este error común está relacionado con problemas para establecer una conexión cifrada SSL/TLS con el servidor del sitio web. Sin ese ‘handshake’ …
You visit your favorite site and receive a warning about an invalid certificate or ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR. Suddenly, you can’t visit the site, and the information you want is no longer accessible. This common error is related to issues establishing an encrypted SSL/TLS connection with the website’s server. Without that secure handshake, browsers block access to protect …
U surovom svetu modernog biznisa, sa konkurencijom koja se pojavljuje sa svih strana, teško je očekivati da će korisnici ostati večno verni samo vašem proizvodu ili usluzi. Churn rate je metrika koja upravo pokazuje koliko kupaca napušta vaše poslovanje tokom određenog vremenskog perioda. U ovom člnaku, biće reči o tome šta je churn rate, kako se
2023 was another year of exciting growth for Atlas, WP Engine’s all-in-one platform for headless WordPress. Introduced in 2021, Atlas offers a complete headless stack designed for agency efficiency, developer freedom, and enhanced brand impact. While initial, post-launch efforts were focused mainly on foundational goals, the Atlas team broadened its scope in 2023, embarking on…
Ya sea vendiendo tesoros vintage o ganando millones con productos digitales, configurar tu propia tienda en línea puede ser realmente emocionante. Además, no necesitas ser un experto en tecnología para empezar. De hecho, todo lo que necesitas es un sitio de WordPress equipado con WooCommerce. Este potente plugin convierte tu sitio en una tienda de …
Whether it’s selling vintage treasures or making millions from digital products, setting up your own online store can be really exciting. What’s more, you don’t need to be a tech expert to get started. In fact, all you need is a WordPress site equipped with WooCommerce. This powerful plugin turns your site into an e-commerce …
El término “computación en la nube” se menciona mucho en estos días. Pero, ¿qué significa realmente? Detrás de la palabra de moda se encuentran tecnologías reales, como la infraestructura como servicio (IaaS), que proporcionan computación, almacenamiento y redes escalables bajo demanda. Sin embargo, migrar a la nube es como trasladar tu organización a un rascacielos …