Do you know how visitors interact with your website? Understanding which pages people frequent, how long they’re there, and what pages they click can help you understand what’s working and what isn’t. But collecting (and analyzing) all that data can feel like a mountain to climb if you don’t have the experience. And on top …
¿Sabes cómo están interactuando tus visitantes con tu sitio web? Entender qué páginas frecuentan las personas, qué tanto tiempo pasan ahí y en qué páginas están haciendo clic, puede ayudarte a entender qué está funcionando y qué no. Pero recopilar (y analizar) todos esos datos puede sentirse como escalar una montaña si no tienes la …
After being honored with two Monster’s Award nominations last year, WP Engine is back in the competition for 2023, and we need your support! In a repeat from last year, WP Engine has been nominated for Best WordPress Hosting Provider, and Torque Magazine has again been nominated for Best WordPress Blog. While these nominations are…
Oh no. Estás intentando cargar una página en tu sitio web, pero todo lo que obtienes es un mensaje de error ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. En muchos casos, esto es causado por un problema en tu dispositivo. Extensiones de navegador defectuosas, proxies que no funcionan correctamente y conexiones débiles de Internet son todas posibles causas. Pero si encuentras …
Oh no. You’re trying to load a page on your website, but all you get is an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error message. In many cases, this is caused by a gremlin on your device. Bad browser extensions, misbehaving proxies, and poor internet connections are all possible causes. But if you find the error popping up on someone …
In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of website management, staying updated isn’t just a matter of keeping up with the latest trends, but a necessity for security, performance, and an improved user experience. WordPress 6.5, the next version of the content management system that powers 43% of the web, is planned for a March 2024 …
En el dinámico y siempre cambiante mundo de la administración web, mantenerte actualizado no es un tema solo de estar al tanto de las últimas tendencias, sino que es una necesidad para la seguridad, el rendimiento y una experiencia de usuario mejorada. WordPress 6.5, la siguiente versión del sistema de gestión de contenido que impulsa …
Si quieres que algo se haga de cierta manera — bueno, es posible que lo debas hacer tú mismo. Mientras que hay increíbles temas de WordPress disponibles, encontrar el que se ajusta a tus requerimientos específicos puede ser difícil. En tu búsqueda de la solución perfecta, puedes estar tentado a crear tu propio tema personalizado …
If you want something done a certain way — well, you just might have to do it yourself. While plenty of great WordPress themes are available, finding one that meets your specific requirements may prove difficult. In your search for the perfect solution, you might be tempted to create your own custom WordPress theme. Fortunately, …
Black Friday je stigao u Mint Hosting! Za ovaj Crni petak smo, poput prethodnih godina, pripremili popust od 75% na zakup novih hosting usluga. Ova posebna pogodnost dostupna je kako našim postojećim korisnicima, tako i onima koji razmišljaju da postanu deo Mint porodice. Popusti na usluge su automatski generisani i biće aplicirani prilikom poručivanja. Postojeći
Las redirecciones de URL son necesarias cuando las páginas han cambiado sus direcciones permanente o temporalmente. Sin embargo, algunas veces tu sitio web puede quedar atascado en un bucle de redireccionamiento. Si esto pasa, puedes enfrentarte al error “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” o “demasiadas redirecciones” que evita que accedas a tus páginas web. El problema usualmente reside en …
URL redirects are necessary when you need to change the addresses of a website page permanently or temporarily. However, as a result, sometimes your website can get stuck in a redirection loop. If this happens, you may face the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error, preventing you from accessing specific pages. The problem usually lies within your website, browser, …
Today, we’re proud to launch a new brand campaign that was completely produced top to bottom by our in-house brand and creative team, with 15 WP Engine employees as our live-action acting talent. This is a true labor of love from the people who actually live and breathe WP Engine’s “we’ve got your back” ethos…
La velocidad de sitio juega un papel crucial en el éxito de tu sitio web. Afecta una variedad de métricas clave, desde la visibilidad hasta la tasa de conversión. Optimizar la velocidad de tu sitio web es claramente una necesidad, pero descubrir cómo hacerlo puede ser complicado. Afortunadamente, existen varias pruebas de velocidad de fácil …
Site speed plays a crucial role in your website’s success. It affects a variety of key metrics, from visibility to conversion rate. Optimizing your website’s speed is clearly a necessity, but figuring out how to do it can be tricky. Fortunately, there are several easily-accessible speed tests you can use to determine how your site’s …
Since its launch in 2003, WordPress has evolved from a popular blogging tool to a premier Content Management System (CMS) used by businesses of all sizes. While WordPress adoption has surged across various verticals (the CMS now powers 43% of the web), its application among global enterprises has been particularly noteworthy as these organizations find…
If you’re a fan of Legos, then you’ll love WordPress block themes. Starting with version 5.9, WordPress offers full support for block themes. This was a major change for most sites, which were built on what are now known as “classic” themes. But switching from a classic theme to a block-based theme does require a …
Si eres un fanático de los Legos, entonces te encantarán los temas de bloques de WordPress. A partir de la versión 5.9, WordPress ofrece un soporte completo para los temas de bloques. Esto fue un cambio importante para la mayoría de los sitios, que se construyeron en lo que ahora se conocen como temas “clásicos”. …
In the increasingly competitive eCommerce landscape, WooCommerce stands in a league of its own. Not only is it the most widely used solution for building a digital store on WordPress, but its ease of use, flexibility, and extensibility allow online merchants to create the storefront of their choice while integrating seamlessly with your site’s content. …
Established 2004 by the User Experience Professionals Association, World Usability Day is an opportunity for professionals across a spectrum of industries to reflect on their efforts to make the services and products important to our lives easier to access and simpler to use. At WP Engine, we believe technology should enhance our lives, not make…
¿Estás experimentando un error 502 Bad Gateway? No lo dejes pasar por alto demasiado rápido. Si bien una simple actualización a menudo resuelve un error puntual, los errores recurrentes pueden indicar problemas más profundos. Si se dejan sin atención, estos problemas pueden convertirse en desafíos significativos: disminución del tráfico, mala experiencia de usuario y riesgos …
Experiencing a 502 Bad Gateway error? Don’t brush it off too quickly. While a simple refresh often resolves a one-off, recurring errors might signal deeper issues. If left unattended, these can snowball into significant challenges: Dwindling traffic, poor user experience, and elevated security risks, to name a few. It’s important to root out the cause …
Composer Theodore Hook once said, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” Web designers and developers are intimately familiar with what it means to invent the future, as they’re often the ones using cutting-edge technology to shape the ways we buy, sell, consume, interact, and communicate. Inventing the future was a…
Has it happened? Have you hit the big time? Are you finding your website struggles to keep up with all that new visitor traffic? It might be time to upgrade to VPS hosting. VPS, short for virtual private server, gives your site dedicated resources to perform better than shared hosting. In this guide, we’ll dive …
¿Ha sucedido? ¿Has alcanzado el gran éxito? ¿Estás experimentando dificultades para que tu sitio web se mantenga al día con el tráfico de visitantes? Puede ser el momento de actualizar a un plan de alojamiento VPS. VPS, que significa servidor privado virtual, le brinda a tu sitio recursos dedicados para un mejor rendimiento en comparación …
Personalizar la apariencia de tu sitio WordPress es una de las mejores formas de controlar la imagen de tu sitio y personalizarlo para tus necesidades. Y hoy, es más personalizable que nunca gracias a un conjunto (relativamente) nuevo de funciones conocidas como Edición Completa de Sitio, o Full Site Editing (FSE). El nuevo nombre oficial …
Customizing your WordPress website’s appearance is one of the best ways to control your site’s image and tailor it to your needs. And today, it’s more customizable than ever thanks to a (relatively) new feature set known as Full Site Editing (FSE). The new official name is Site Editor. Of course, this introduction brought with …
Since 2010, WP Engine has been powering some of the best hosting solutions and site development tools in WordPress. In the 13 years since our founding, our team has hit many milestones, and few hold as much weight as our more than two dozen global Great Place to Work certifications. Today is Great Place to…
Si solo te enfocas en vender productos y servicios en tu sitio web, es probable que tus clientes potenciales no crean que tu negocio es confiable. Puede que sea difícil construir conexiones con los nuevos visitantes sin explicar tu historia y valores principales. Al crear una página ‘Sobre Nosotros’, tienes la oportunidad de ganar nuevos …
If you focus only on selling products and services on your website, potential customers might not find your business trustworthy. You may find it difficult to build connections with new visitors without explaining your story and core values. By creating an About Us page, you have the chance to win over visitors with a compelling …