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Set Your WooCommerce Store Up for Success This Cyber Weekend

Cyber Weekend—the period surrounding Black Friday and Cyber Monday—is just a few short weeks away, but if your sites aren’t ready for an influx of customer activity, you might miss out on record-breaking traffic and sales.  That’s because this year’s holiday sales season, which kicks off Nov. 24, is projected to bring in $221.8 billion…


Cómo Solucionar el Error de WordPress ‘404 Not Found’

Puede que ya hayas visto antes el error “Página no encontrada” o “Page not found”. Desafortunadamente, si operas un sitio web de cualquier clase (WordPress o no), llegará un día en que veas este mensaje en una o varias de tus propias páginas. Afortunadamente, y del mismo modo que varios errores comunes de WordPress, los …


How to Fix the WordPress 404 Not Found Error

You’ve likely seen the “Page Not Found” error before. Unfortunately, if you operate a website of any sort (WordPress or not), the day will probably come when you see the message on one of your own pages. Fortunately, like many common WordPress errors, 404s are relatively easy to troubleshoot and fix. The solution usually involves …


Aumenta La Velocidad De Tu Sitio Con GTmetrix

Todos sabemos lo frustrante que es quedarse atrapado en un sitio web que tarda cargando. Ya sea que estés buscando información sobre un producto, pedir una cita en línea, o hablar con el área de servicio al cliente de alguna marca, sabemos que no quieres estar frente a una pantalla en blanco por largos períodos …


How To Supercharge Site Speed With GTmetrix

We all know how frustrating it can be to get stuck on a slow-loading site. Whether you’re looking for product information, making an online appointment, or trying to chat with customer service, the last thing you need is to stare at a blank screen when you have things to do. Plus, in a fast-paced world …


Comandos Git: 21 Opciones Que Debes Conocer

Cualquiera que use o conozca Git, sabe que hay términos y modificadores a seguir. Y debes mantenerte al tanto de todo, pues hoy en día es un estándar en el control de versiones para productos tecnológicos. Pero en vez de retenerlo todo en tu memoria, creamos esta guía completa de recursos con comandos críticos. Así …


Git Commands: 21 Must-Know Options

Anyone who uses Git, or has even seen it for that matter, knows there are a lot of terms and modifiers to keep up with. And keep up, you must, as it’s become the standard in version control for tech products today. But instead of just expecting you to keep it all in your head, we put …


The Essential WordPress Performance Checklist

Website performance is more than just site speed, and it goes beyond the immediate user experience to affect everything from SEO rankings to conversions.   According to data collected by Portent, a site that loads in 1 second has a conversion rate three times higher than sites that load in 5 seconds and five times higher…


Domeni i pravo: Vlasništvo, intelektualna svojina i rešavanje sporova

Domeni su danas ključna imovina u digitalnom svetu, a pravni aspekti vezani za njihovo vlasništvo postaju sve važniji. U ovom članku, istražićemo upravo ovu sferu vezanu za domene, uključujući pitanja vlasništva, prava intelektualne svojine, kao i na koji način efikasno rešavati sporove oko domena. Vlasništvo nad domenima Kada registrujete domen, postajete njegov vlasnik i imate


Improve Your Rankings Using These 20 SEO Techniques

Ever played Monopoly? Angling to get the best real estate on the board is the name of the game. Purchased property on Illinois Avenue or St. James Place? You’re likely to get good traffic and see a Return On Investment (ROI). But the more out-of-the-way Mediterranean or Baltic Avenue spaces? You may miss out on …


For Better Black Friday Sales, Prep for Holiday Shoppers Now

Although consumers tend to associate Black Friday shopping with brick-and-mortar stores, last year, shoppers spent more than $9 billion dollars online on Black Friday. As Black Friday sales continue to rise year over year, it’s evident that more consumers are choosing to hunt for their bargains online and avoid the in-store rush.  Because it’s the…


18 Errores Comunes de WordPress (Y Cómo Solucionarlos)

Nada puede dañar tu día, como un error inesperado en tu sitio WordPress.  Afortunadamente, WordPress suele ser una máquina muy bien aceitada y no es común que arroje errores sin razón alguna. Sin embargo, cuando aparece un problema puede ser frustrante, especialmente si no sabes qué hacer para solucionarlo. Si bien muchos errores pueden parecer …


18 Common WordPress Errors (And How To Fix Them)

Nothing can ruin your day quite like an unexpected WordPress error. Thankfully, WordPress is generally a well-oiled machine that lives up to its reputation and isn’t likely to throw errors without reason. Alas, that can make it all the more frustrating when a problem does appear, especially if you don’t know how to fix it. …


Cómo Escribir una Publicación de Blog (10 Secretos Para el Éxito)

Ya sea que desees promocionar una marca o compartir tus ideas, bloguear puede ser una grandiosa manera de lograrlo. Los mejores sitios pueden atraer miles de visitantes cada mes y generar una impresionante cantidad de ingresos. Por supuesto, estas alturas pueden verse un poco lejanas cuando recién estás comenzando. Para llegar a la cima, tendrás …


How To Write A Blog Post (10 Secrets To Success)

Whether you want to promote a brand or share your ideas, blogging can be a great way to achieve it. Top sites can attract thousands of visitors every month and generate an impressive amount of revenue. Of course, these heights can feel pretty distant when you’re starting out. To make the climb, you will need …


How To Start An Online Boutique (Your 11 Step Super Guide)

From first-time entrepreneurs to long-time side hustlers, starting an online boutique can be a profitable and satisfying endeavor. As well as an intricate one. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll make the process of getting your online boutique up and running more approachable than ever before. We’ll step through each and every task, from building a …


Comienza Tu Boutique En Línea (Una Guía Completa, Con 11 Sencillos Pasos)

Desde los emprendedores novatos, hasta quienes llevan bastante tiempo ganando ingresos adicionales, iniciar una boutique online resulta gratificante y rentable. Pero, también puede ser complicado. En esta guía, haremos que el proceso de poner en marcha tu boutique en línea sea mucho más simple que nunca. Analizaremos cada tarea, desde crear tu plan de negocios, …


Insights From the First-Ever ACF Annual Survey

As the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world, WordPress serves as the creative springboard for web developers and creative professionals to craft websites of all shapes and sizes.  Many WordPress Builders rely on the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin to help create superb digital experiences, and easily create new fields, custom post…


(Bookmark This!) Handy List of Free AI Tools

The age of artificial intelligence is here. In the last few years, generative AI has made such significant advancements that it’s available to virtually everyone, sometimes for free! Generative AI is a subset of machine learning that refers to AI models that generate new content (or data) similar to the data they were trained on. …


La Mejor Lista De Herramientas Gratuitas IA

Esta es la era de la inteligencia artificial. En los últimos años, la inteligencia artificial generativa (IA) ha logrado grandes avances y está disponible para casi todos, ¡a veces gratuitamente! La IA generativa es una subcategoría del machine learning y se refiere a modelos de IA que generan contenido (o datos), según la información en …


How To Start Affiliate Marketing (It’s Easier Than You Think!)

There’s no shortage of lucrative side hustles and other tactics for making money online. However, few are both as flexible and as rewarding as affiliate marketing. When done right, affiliate marketing can be an effective way to earn an income by producing creative and valuable content. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the foundations …


Decodificando WordPress: Conociendo El Editor de Temas de WordPress

¿Buscas desbloquear el máximo potencial de tu sitio WordPress?  Tanto los novatos como los expertos de WordPress saben que hay muchas oportunidades de personalización, mediante la plataforma. Y muchas de estas opciones están al alcance de tu mano, en tu tema de WordPress. Sin embargo, manipular un tema de WordPress sin conocimiento puede tener consecuencias …