Are you looking to unlock the full potential of your WordPress site? WordPress novices and pros alike know there are so many opportunities for customization through the platform. And many of these occasions live within your WordPress theme. However, messing around inside a WordPress theme can have dire consequences for the unprepared. That’s why we’re …
WP Engine employees have a way to beat the Texas heat and move the needle on mental health care at the same time: participating in the 14th annual Dam That Cancer paddleboarding event. The premier fundraising event for the Flatwater Foundation, Dam That Cancer is presented by TYLER’S and aims to provide funds for an…
From startup to enterprise, SaaS companies have dominated the tech space. Regardless of their size, there’s one thing all SaaS companies have in common: They need great websites. Building an excellent SaaS website is no easy feat, but with the right inspiration, you can sell your SaaS product with a site that stands out. Below, …
Desde los emprendimientos, hasta las grandes empresas, las compañías tipo SaaS han dominado el campo tecnológico. Y es que, sin importar el tamaño que tengan, hay algo que todas las SaaS tienen en común: Necesitan sitios web geniales y asombrosos. Crear un sitio Web ideal para tu compañía SaaS no será fácil, pero si tienes …
Jedna od najčešćih HTTP grešaka sa kojima smo se svi makar jednom susreli jeste 403 Forbidden greška. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), neprofitna organizacija koja se bavi standardizacijaom osnovnih internet protokola, definiše 403 grešku na sledeći način: “Statusni kod 403 (Zabranjeno) označava da je server razumeo zahtev klijenta, ali odbija da ga ovlasti da pristupi sadržaju.
En la industria de la construcción, la competencia es feroz. Cualquier pequeña ventaja que puedas sacar frente a tus competidores, puede marcar la diferencia entre recibir un gran contrato, o quedarte todo el mes sin trabajar. Una buena forma de resaltar, es construyendo un gran sitio web. Hay varios temas de WordPress enfocados en el …
In the construction industry, competition is fierce. Any small advantage you can gain over rival firms could be the difference between landing a huge contract and kicking your heels for the month, and one way to stand out is by building a great website. There are many construction WordPress themes that have been made specifically …
WP Engine is proud to be a Super Admin sponsor at WordCamp US 2023! Taking place just outside Washington D.C. in National Harbor, MD, the three-day conference will provide an opportunity to network with other WordPress experts, learn about the latest products and innovations that are shaping the future of the world’s favorite CMS, give…
From the blue dress/white dress controversy to the ongoing saga of the pizza rat(s) — hundreds of moments have purported to “break the internet.” However, there’s just one platform upon which a huge percentage of the entire internet is built. As of right now, in 2023, WordPress powers about 43% of all active websites around …
Desde la controversia del vestido azul/vestido blanco, hasta la saga (aun en desarrollo) de la(s) rata(s) de la pizza — cientos de momentos virales simplemente “rompieron el internet”. Sin embargo, un gran porcentaje del internet habita en una plataforma y se construye sobre ella. Cifras actuales indican que en el 2023, WordPress alimenta aproximadamente a …
Uspešno ste instalirali WordPress i pred vama je već nova odluka. Pre nego što dodate sadržaj morate izabrati adekvatnu temu. Postoji na hiljade različitih dostupnih tema, i besplatnih i plaćenih, pa odabir one WordPress teme koja je prava za vas može na prvu loptu izgledati kao težak zadatak. U ovom članku, podelićemo najvažnije savete koje
Most online stores rely on big promotions and sales, such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday, for a significant portion of their annual revenue. With this in mind, preparing for an eCommerce campaign is critical, and knowing what the most common pitfalls are can help give you a leg up against the competition. Here are…
¿Ustedes creen que este es un espacio extraño para mencionar que mi esposa se está aferrando a un kit de Star Wars de Lego, edición limitada, sin abrir, en su caja original de BB-8? ¡Cuesta al rededor de $500 USD! Okay. Sí sería raro. Entendí el mensaje claro y conciso… Pero les prometo que todo …
Would this be a weird place to mention how my wife is holding onto a mint-condition, unopened, limited-edition Lego Star Wars BB-8 kit? Those things are going for like $500! Okay. It would be weird. Got it, loud and clear… But this will all make a bit more sense in a second. In this post, …
WP Engine is continuing to invest in Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and with the release of ACF 6.2, we’ve got some real goodness to share today! Bidirectional Relationship Support If you work with ACF long enough, you eventually encounter a use case where you want to wire up something known as a bidirectional relationship between…
Have you ever imagined a world where AI could craft compelling narratives, answer complex queries, and even engage your website visitors with human-like text? That future is here, thanks (at least in part) to ChatGPT. If you already use WordPress, you’re probably curious about how to stay on the cutting edge by adding AI tools, …
¿Has imaginado un mundo donde la inteligencia artificial (IA) invente narrativas cautivadoras, responda consultas complejas, e incluso interactúe con los visitantes de tu sitio, escribiendo con un estilo muy parecido al tuyo? Ese futuro ya llegó, gracias (al menos en parte) a ChatGPT. Si ya usas WordPress, probablemente tengas curiosidad de saber cómo mantenerte a …
Construir un sitio web es fácil. O, puede serlo. Pero, cuando comienzas a crear sitios web más complejos, aplicaciones web e incluso productos digitales, puede ponerse bastante más complicado. ¿Cómo vas de una idea a un sitio web vivo y en línea? Un paso clave en el proceso es crear un wireframe de sitio web. …
Making a website is easy. Or, at least, it can be. But when you start to create more complex websites, web apps, and even digital products, it can get more complex. How do you go from an idea to a living, breathing website? One key step in the process is to create a website wireframe. …
¿Ustedes han escuchado sobre esta cosa llamada “el internet”? En serio, yo sé que todos estamos intentando sobrevivir la era de IA generativa y salir bien librados con nuestros empleos, en la próxima década. Y hay una sola cosa que no nos puede hacer daño: Aprender a programar. Incluso con el surgimiento de las IA, …
Have you guys heard about this thing called “the Internet”? Seriously, I know we’re all just trying to survive the generative AI era and still have jobs (any job?) a decade from now. And there’s one thing that can’t hurt: Learning to code. Even with the rise of AI, coders and programmers are in demand …
Áreas Clave de Enfoque de WordPress 6.3 ¡Prepárense, fans de WordPress! Tras el exitoso lanzamiento de WordPress 6.2 en marzo, el ciclo de desarrollo de WordPress 6.3 comenzó el 25 de abril, con miras a una fecha de lanzamiento general para el 8 de agosto; todo esto, en este mismo año 2023. La propuesta original …
Key Focus Areas for WordPress 6.3 Hold on to your hats, WordPress fans! Hot on the heels of a successful WordPress 6.2 release in March of this year, the development cycle for WordPress 6.3 kicked off on April 25, 2023, with an eye toward a general release date of August 8, 2023. The original proposal …
Administrar un restaurante puede ser emocionante y desafiante a la vez. Mantener todo funcionando y sin problemas, ocupará gran parte de tu atención — por eso, puede que no te quede mucho tiempo para dedicarte a crear una presencia en línea. Afortunadamente, crear un sitio web para tu restaurante es muy fácil con WordPress. Con …
Running a restaurant can be both exciting and challenging. Keeping everything running nice and smooth probably takes most of your attention — you might not have time to dedicate to an online presence. Fortunately, building your restaurant website using WordPress is pretty easy. This content management system allows you to design an online space that …
When WP Engine acquired and open-sourced Frost—the block-based Full Site Editing theme—in 2021, one of our core objectives was to enable its widespread distribution to an expanding user base. By doing so, we aimed to help WordPress builders familiarize themselves with the Site Editor and continue our commitment to empowering the WordPress community with valuable…
On November 28, 2022, the community-supported version of PHP 7.4 reached End of Life (EOL) status, meaning the team of PHP developers who regularly maintain the coding language in stable version releases no longer provide bug fixes, security patches, or critical security updates for that version. While that’s par for the course when it comes…
Današnji internet funkcioniše na osnovu kompleksnog sistema prenosa podataka i protokola koji omogućavaju efikasnu komunikaciju među milijardama uređaja. Da li ste se ikada zapitali kako je moguće da jednostavno unesete omiljenu veb adresu i trenutno pristupite stranici koju želite? Deo slagalice koji omogućava upravo to jeste DNS (eng. Domain Name System), sistem koji igra ključnu
Hoy, existen al menos un millón de métodos para hacer dinero en línea (créenos, los contamos). via GIPHY Si estás buscando comenzar con un negocio en línea – y hacer algo de dinero en el proceso – no hay mejor punto de inicio, que comenzar con tus propias habilidades, pasatiempos y pasiones. Si tienes un …
There are at least a million ways to make money online (trust us, we counted). If you’re looking to start an online business – and make some cash in the process – there’s no better place to start than your own skills, hobbies, and passions. If you have a talent for art, that can be …