Do you keep getting the “Are you sure you want to do this” error message while working on your WordPress site? You’re probably wondering what’s causing it and if there’s a way to get rid of it. This warning can be very frustrating, as it doesn’t really tell you what the problem is. Plus, it …
El correo es la herramienta más afilada en la caja para construir relaciones, generar nuevos clientes, e incrementar las ventas de tu sitio web. Así es como puedes empezar. ¿Recuerdas que en la película del 98 ‘You’ve got mail’, el papel de Meg Ryan espera impacientemente para que su internet de acceso telefónico se conectara …
Email is the sharpest tool in the box for building relationships, generating new customers, and increasing sales on your website. Here’s how to get started. Remember in 1998’s You’ve Got Mail when Meg Ryan‘s character waits impatiently for her dial-up internet to connect before typing an email to her virtual pen pal on a simple …
WP Engine Summit/2021 is coming up fast—the premier global conference for developers and marketers will be held as a digital event on June 24th and it will be filled with all the high-profile speakers and in-depth content you’ve come to expect from our signature annual event. Registration is Open—And Free! Learn from industry experts about…
Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo da Vas obavestimo da smo u proteklom periodu vredno radili sa ciljem da proces poručivanja i aktivacije usluga učinimo još bržim i jednostavnijim. U tom pogledu, implementirali smo mogućnost plaćanja karticama u saradnji sa Bankom Intesa.
Como el dueño de un pequeño negocio, puede llegar un punto en el que sientes que es momento de llamar a los refuerzos. Tal vez estás luchando para mantenerte al día con todas tus responsabilidades, o te das cuenta de que no tienes la experiencia requerida para llevar a cabo algunas tareas. En estas situaciones, …
As a small business owner, there might come a point when you feel it’s time to call for backup. Perhaps you’re struggling to stay on top of your responsibilities, or you realize that you lack the required expertise to carry out certain tasks. In these situations, outsourcing might be the right solution for you. It …
Following recent accolades in the UK and Ireland, WP Engine Poland has been recognized as a Great Place to Work-certified organization by Great Place to Work, the global authority on workplace culture. This was the first year our Kraków office, which opened its doors in 2020, was eligible for the certification. Becoming Great Place to…
Las imágenes de alta calidad pueden hacer maravillas por tu sitio web. Cuando se usan correctamente, las imágenes pueden hacer que tu contenido sea altamente atractivo y más fácil de digerir. Más importante, las publicaciones de blog con imágenes tienden a clasificar mejor en los motores de búsqueda que aquellas que no tienen buenas visuales. …
High-quality imagery can do wonders for your website. When used right, images can make your content highly engaging and easier to digest. More importantly, blog posts with images tend to rank better in search engines than those lacking visuals. Therefore, it’s essential to know how to use images on your site adequately. WordPress enables excellent flexibility …
AUSTIN, Texas — June 8, 2021 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, announced the results of a new, first-of-its-kind research study examining the combined global economy for WordPress, which was estimated at $596.7 billion in 2020, and is expected to grow to $635.5 billion by the end of 2021. The study…
Online poslovanje i kupovina preko interneta već godinama beleže rast u našoj zemlji. Prema podacima Republičkog zavdova za statistiku više od milion i osam stotina ljudi je kupilo nešto online tokom 2018. godine. U
AUSTIN, Texas — June 1, 2021 – WP Engine, the WordPress technology company, announced registration is open for its signature event, Summit/2021. Now in its sixth year, this premier global conference for developers and marketers will be a digital event on June 24th, featuring engaging content and dynamic expert speakers with a mix of live-streamed…
¿Estás intentando iniciar sesión en tu sitio WordPress, pero no puedes pasar de la página de inicio? Si es así, puede que estés estancado en un bucle o ciclo infinito de redirección. Cuando tu página de WordPress continúa refrescándose después de que ingresas tu nombre de usuario y contraseña, posiblemente estás teniendo un problema de …
Are you trying to log into your WordPress website but can’t get past the login page? If so, you might be stuck in a redirect loop. When your WordPress login page keeps refreshing after entering your username and password, you’re likely dealing with a caching problem or a plugin error. Fortunately, this is an issue that …
Registrovali ste domen, zakupili hosting i instalirali WordPress? Na pravom ste mestu – sledeći korak je izbor WordPress teme! Međutim, veliki broj ljudi se u ovom koraku nalazi pred dilemom – da li odabrati besplatnu ili plaćenu temu? Za mnoge koji se tek upoznaju sa WordPress platformom i/ili počinju svoje online putovanje od nule, besplatna
By now, you’ve probably seen some of the buzz around Google’s approaching page experience update, often referred to as “Core Web Vitals,” which will favor sites with faster speeds and a better user experience. Google recently announced that the change is set to begin with a gradual roll-out in mid-June (and not in May, as…
WordPress ha tenido una historia larga y rica. Desde lanzar nuevas tecnologías hasta expandir una comunidad unida, esta plataforma se ha establecido como un gigante de la industria. Sin embargo, dada su robusta línea de tiempo, entender cada desarrollo que ha pasado en las últimas décadas puede ser abrumador. Afortunadamente, es posible ver los aspectos …
WordPress has a long, rich history. From releasing new technologies to expanding a tight-knit community, this platform has established itself as an industry giant. However, given its robust timeline, understanding every important development that’s happened over the past few decades can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, it is possible to grasp the highlights of WordPress’ history. By dividing …
Winners were announced this week at the 25th annual Webby Awards, the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet, presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS). While last year’s event was held during the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic (and marked the first time The Webbys were awarded virtually), this…
Comenzaste tu propio negocio. ¡Felicitaciones! Ya sea que estés vendiendo cupcakes usando la receta secreta de la abuela, fotografiando bodas elegantes, realizando eventos, administrando un preescolar, vendiendo manualidades o construyendo la siguiente aplicación que todos deben tener — date una palmada en la espalda. El reto de comenzar un negocio y ganarte esos primeros billetes …
You’ve started your own business. Congratulations! Whether you’re selling cupcakes using Grandma’s secret recipe, photographing chic weddings, hosting events, running (around) a preschool, selling handicrafts, or building the next must-have app — pat yourself on the back. The challenge of starting a small business and raking in those first few dollars is no joke. But don’t …
Hay muchas ventajas de ser dueño de tu propio negocio — como ser el jefe, por ejemplo. Puedes ver tus propios planes y sueños tomar forma y vida. Y puedes poner la compañía a andar al paso que creas necesario. Pero, ¿la desventaja de administrar un pequeño negocio? Todo el estrés que viene adjunto. Es …
There are plenty of perks to owning your business — like being the boss, for one. You get to see your own plans and dreams come to life. And you can set the company track exactly as you see fit. But the downside to running a small business? All of the stress that comes with it. …
Built specifically to drive growth at scale for larger businesses, WP Engine marks a key product milestone today with the launch of our new WooCommerce hosting solutions for large and high-value eCommerce stores. The new eCommerce offerings include: Vastly-improved product search experience (ElasticPress) Highly-optimized and managed dedicated WordPress server environments Easy, customizable WooCommerce site building…
Naziv domena je današnjem online svetu značajniji nego ikada. Pored toga što predstavlja adresu web sajta i sastavni je deo naziva elektronske pošte, njegova reputacija može uticati na to da li će email poruke završiti u prijemnom sandučetu primaoca, otići u SPAM ili u najgorem slučaju, biti odbijene. U ovom članku ćemo govoriti više o
Esperar atraer clientes sin tener una presencia digital es como mudarse a una isla desierta y esperar que todos los vecinos lleguen a visitarte. Si no pones tu pequeño negocio en algún lugar donde las personas te puedan encontrar fácilmente — como el internet — simplemente no irán. De acuerdo con la investigación de mercado, …
Expecting to lure in customers without having a digital presence is like moving to a deserted island and hoping all the neighbors pop over for a visit. If you don’t place your small business somewhere where people can easily find you — like the internet — they just aren’t going to. According to market research, …
The opening of WP Engine’s Limerick, Ireland office in 2016 represented a significant expansion of our customer support and engineering capabilities across Europe, while at the same time, it served as the spark for something much more local. The early days of our Limerick office saw the beginnings of a team that’s put its own…
¡Oye, tú! Dueño de una pequeña empresa, si, tú, ¡te vemos! Tú traes carácter y diversidad a tu ciudad natal y le agregas picante al nicho al que perteneces en el internet. Tú creas oportunidades de trabajo. Construyes economías locales y provees productos y servicios con un toque personal que las grandes compañías solo pueden …