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Employee Spotlight: Andrei Matei

In this ongoing series, we speak with WP Engine employees around the globe to learn more about their roles, what they love about the cities they live and work in, and what they like most about WP Engine.  In this interview, we speak with Andrei Matei, a Sales Engineer Manager based in Austin, Texas, who’s…


Cómo Crear un Sitio Web de Currículo Profesional (En 7 Simples Pasos)

¿Aún estás usando hojas de vida estándar para aplicar a algún empleo? Si es así, ¡puede ser momento de actualizarte!  ¿Por qué? Porque los currículos tradicionales impresos pueden parecer un poco desactualizados y aburridos — algo que no se ve tan bien cuando estás intentando resaltar en un mercado laboral abarrotado. Afortunadamente, gracias a la …


How to Make a Professional Resume Website (In 7 Easy Steps)

Are you still using standard single-page CVs and resumes to apply for jobs? If so, it might be time for an update! Why? Because traditional paper resumes can come across as boring and outdated — not a good look if you’re trying to stand out in a crowded job market. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, anyone …


WP Engine Limerick Named a Best Workplace in Tech

After being named one of the best workplaces in Ireland earlier this year, WP Engine Limerick has also been designated as one of the Best Workplaces in Tech by Great Place to Work, the global authority on workplace culture. Those call-outs join additional recognition received across our global offices this year, which marked the first…


How to Fix the “Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk” Error in WordPress (3 Ways)

Are you encountering the “Upload: Failed to write file to disk” error message when uploading files in WordPress? Whether you’re trying to add images or videos to your site, this message can be very frustrating, as it prevents you from sharing your amazing visuals with your audience. Fortunately, you can troubleshoot this issue by following …


Cómo solucionar el error “La carga falló: No se pudo escribir el archivo en el disco” en WordPress (3 Formas)

¿Estás viendo el mensaje de error “La carga falló: No se pudo escribir el archivo en el disco” cuando intentas subir archivos a WordPress? Ya sea que estés intentando añadir imágenes o videos a tu sitio, este mensaje puede ser frustrante, ya que previene que compartas esas fantásticas imágenes con tu audiencia.  Afortunadamente, puedes solucionar …


Tackling Headless Head-On

Businesses today are facing an important question, and it’s truly a head-scratcher. With online sales surging in a world reshaped by the pandemic, improving your business, educational, or eCommerce website is more critical than ever before. It may even mean rethinking the entire framework on which your site currently exists. But revamping your site into…


Cómo Crear Y Presentar Tu Primer Seminario Web

Presentar un seminario web aún es una de las tácticas más significativas — y un poco desalentadoras — de involucrar tu audiencia existente, construir una nueva y hacer crecer tu negocio en línea.  Especialmente en esta nueva era de trabajar desde casa, los eventos en línea han proliferado, con un triple incremento en la audiencia …


How to Create and Host Your First Webinar

Hosting a webinar is still one of the most significant — if not slightly daunting — tactics for engaging your existing audience, building a new one, and growing your business online. Especially in this new era of working from home, online events have proliferated, with a threefold increase in webinar audience reported in 2020 compared to …


WP Engine Proudly Sponsors Maha Music Festival

WP Engine is turning Omaha into our new Homaha, and in an effort to give back to the community that’s been so welcoming to us, we decided to become a sponsor of Maha Music Festival! We had a blast at our sponsor booth filling up beach balls for the crowd, chowing down on some local…


How to Fix “The Site Ahead Contains Harmful Programs” Warning in WordPress

WordPress warnings are never pleasant. However, there’s one message that website owners particularly dread: “The site ahead contains harmful programs.” Fortunately, this doesn’t have to spell disaster for your website. By following some simple steps, you can remove every trace of this suspicious software. In this post, we’ll explore exactly what’s causing the “harmful programs” …


Building Pleasantly Powerful WooCommerce Stores for Agency Clients

As part of our customer and technology spotlight series, this guest post by Sean Conklin describes how his freelance business Coded Commerce leverages WordPress and the WP Engine platform to build successful WooCommerce stores that are a joy for clients to use while retaining the power and flexibility of open source. Learn more about WP…


¿Estás comenzando un Emprendimiento? Sigue Estas 10 Cuentas de Redes Sociales Para Hacer Crecer Tu negocio

¿Estás buscando un impulso y motivación adicional para iniciar tu emprendimiento? Ya sea diseño gráfico o un curso en línea, te tenemos cubierto con nuestro top 10 de cuentas de redes sociales que debes seguir para comenzar tu emprendimiento y hacer crecer tu negocio. Ya sea que estés comenzando tu emprendimiento o buscando una forma …


Measuring Code Performance With the New Relic APM Dashboard

It’s important for your WordPress site to deliver a fast and responsive user experience, but how can you make sure your site continues to deliver that high-quality experience? Did you know there is a tool that allows you to measure how fast your site’s code is performing and lets you know if it starts running…


7 Great Web Accessibility Examples to Inspire You

Here at DreamHost, we believe everyone should be able to use any website on the internet, regardless of any disability they may have. However, while we care about web accessibility, we also understand that designing a website that’s both accessible and visually attractive can be challenging. The good news is that accessible websites don’t have …


11 Secretos Para Crear un Sitio Web Exitoso

Ya seas un escritor que busca llegar a una audiencia más amplia, el fabricante de una boutique que necesita impulsar las ventas, o alguien que simplemente quiere ganar dinero en línea — vas a necesitar un sitio web. Y no cualquier sitio web — necesitas uno que sea grandioso.  Desafortunadamente, el World Wide Web ya …


11 Secrets to Making a Successful Website

Whether you’re a writer looking to reach a wider audience, a boutique manufacturer needing to boost sales, or you’re someone who just wants to make money online — you’re going to need a website. And not just any website — a great website. Unfortunately, the World Wide Web has been saturated with sites for some years …


Don’t Miss These On-Demand Sessions from Summit/2021!

Last month, thousands of attendees from around the world joined us for Summit/2021, WP Engine’s annual, signature event for developers and marketers. It was WP Engine’s most-attended event to date, and the agenda was filled with informative sessions covering everything from site security and performance to eCommerce and agency growth.  If you were unable to…


Guía Para Diseñadores Sobre Accesibilidad Web (6 Consejos Clave)

Como diseñador de sitios web, tienes un papel significativo en la accesibilidad de un sitio web y su inclusividad. Muchos elementos de diseño, desde la tipografía hasta la parte audiovisual, pueden crear barreras para aquellos con discapacidades. Con tantos elementos que necesitan ser abordados, puede sentirse como una tarea imposible.  Afortunadamente, hay muchas guías disponibles …


Web Accessibility Guide for Designers (6 Key Tips)

As a website designer, you play a significant role in a website’s accessibility and inclusiveness.  Many design elements, from typography to media, can create barriers for those with disabilities. With so many items that need to be addressed, it may feel like an impossible task. Fortunately, there’s a lot of guidance available for designing a website that’s …


Speak Up! Black Speakers in WordPress Workshop Wraps Up Inaugural Installment

While the tech industry as a whole has shown more willingness than other corporate sectors to confront its lack of diversity, many technology companies continue to struggle with efforts to create a more diverse, equitable workforce.  Recent reports show slow progress among prominent tech companies when it comes to hiring more employees from traditionally underrepresented…


How to Fix the “Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance” Error in WordPress

Is your website stuck in maintenance mode? During updates, WordPress displays a temporary notice on your site that reads: “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute”. However, this message may sometimes remain visible after a few minutes, thus preventing visitors from accessing your site. Thankfully, fixing this error doesn’t require technical expertise. …


Bogotá Marketer Inspires Local Entrepreneurs with Focus on Brand and Sustainability

Inspiration is Susan Rodriguez’s favorite word. Inspiration is also what struck her while working for a big-name branding agency in Bogotá, Colombia. She loved her work as a manager, guiding the strategic vision to bring marketing services to clients throughout the country looking to grow businesses and increase profits. The only problem? The big agencies Rodriguez …