We see you, small business owners! You bring character and diversity to your hometowns and spice to your niche on the internet. You create jobs. You build local economies and provide unique products and services with a personal touch big corporations can only try to replicate. Plus, you are living your dream, turning your passion …
WordPress 5.7 “Esperanza,” which was released in March, was the first major WordPress release of 2021, and its features and changes offer a greater focus on content creation with an easier-to-use editor, new content block features, and fresh colors in the admin! 5.7 is also now the current default version of WordPress for all new…
So you’ve got a website. Or maybe you juggle multiple websites and domain names. Perhaps you’re unsatisfied with your current registrar, or you’ve found you’re managing too many different things in too many different places. If so, it might be time to consider transferring your domain registration. And you might want to consider transferring it …
Entonces tienes un sitio web. O tal vez administras múltiples sitios web y nombres de dominio. Tal vez no estás satisfecho con tu compañía de registro actual o te diste cuenta de que estás administrando demasiadas cosas en muchos lugares diferentes. Si es así, puede ser momento para considerar transferir tu registro de dominio. Y …
Si estás comenzando un negocio, es posible que estés buscando correo electrónico y software de oficina para potenciarlo. Hay muchas suites de productividad de negocios allí afuera y escoger el correcto para tu compañía puede parecer un reto. Si necesitas una suite de productividad poderosa y asequible para tu negocio, Google Workspace puede ser lo …
If you’re starting a business, chances are you’re looking for email and office software to power it. There are many business productivity suites out there, and choosing the right one for your company can seem like a challenge. If you need an affordable and powerful productivity suite for your business, Google Workspace might be just …
Como debes saber, WordPress está construido usando PHP. Este lenguaje de programación es increíblemente flexible, pero también tiene un par de desventajas. Por ejemplo, si no le asignas suficiente memoria a tu instalación de WordPress, puede que comiences a encontrarte el error ocasional “PHP Memory Exhausted” o “Memoria PHP agotada”. En resumen, este error significa …
As you may know, WordPress is built using PHP. This programming language is incredibly flexible, but it also has a few drawbacks. For example, if you don’t allocate enough memory for your WordPress installation, you might start running into the occasional “PHP Memory Exhausted” error. In a nutshell, this error means your server isn’t allocating …
In this ongoing blog series, we speak with WP Engine employees around the globe to learn more about their roles, what they love about the cities they work in, and what they like most about working at WP Engine. In this interview, we speak with Sam Pleeth, a Sales Development Manager on WP Engine’s London-based…
eCommerce is growing faster than any other sector in tech, and as it continues to surge, online store owners are increasingly turning to WordPress for added functionality and flexibility across their digital experiences. While WordPress offers a ton of upside when it comes to building rich, engaging eCommerce sites, spinning up a digital store from…
Muchas publicaciones sobre comida cubrirán el último requerimiento para ganar una estrella Michelin o la llegada de un elegante cheff desde la escena élite culinaria de París. Pero, no L.A. Taco. El medio de noticias independiente en línea del área metropolitana de Los Ángeles es de la gente y para la gente. “Nuestro sitio se enfoca …
Many foodie publications will cover the latest hotspot to earn a Michelin star or the arrival of a buzzy chef from Paris’ elite culinary scene. Not L.A. Taco. The independent online news outlet for the Los Angeles metropolitan area is by the people and for the people. “Our site focuses on food at the heart of the city …
There’s an old proverb that states: “Shared joy is doubled joy.” While this is indeed true when it comes to things like candy and laughter, it can just as well be applied to shared web hosting. Shared hosting is an inexpensive and simple way of making a website available online, regardless of your experience with …
Hay un viejo proverbio que dice: “La felicidad compartida es doble felicidad”. Mientras que es de hecho verdadero cuando se trata de cosas como postres y risa, también puede aplicarse al alojamiento compartido. El alojamiento compartido es una forma poco costosa y simple de hacer que un sitio web esté en línea, sin importar cuál …
The month of March was designated as Women’s History Month in the U.S. as part of a 1980 presidential proclamation, but International Women’s Day has been celebrated around the world for more than a century. While the proclamation for Women’s History Month came decades after women won the right to vote, both the day and…
AUSTIN, Texas — March 30, 2021 — WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, today announced the release of its feature-length, award-winning documentary make|SHIFT, which explores the history of modern advertising and the role that creative technology played in its evolution. The documentary is widely available for purchase or rent today via most…
Kada ste na početku svog biznisa i pravite prvi sajt, ideja o besplatnom hostingu može biti primamljiva. Kako je svaki početak težak i kako je neophodno sačuvati ograničene novčane kapacitete koji su u tom momentu na raspolaganju, ušteda troškova u vidu plaćanja hostinga se čini kao dobra odluka. Međutim, da li je besplatan web hosting
Perfeccionar el diseño de tu sitio WordPress puede tomar bastante trabajo, pero también es esencial para la Experiencia de Usuario (UX), participación del usuario y conversiones. Por lo tanto, puede ser frustrante cuando un error aparentemente al azar causa una interrupción en la visualización de tu sitio — tal como tu barra lateral apareciendo repentinamente …
Perfecting your WordPress website’s layout can be a lot of work, but it’s also essential for User Experience (UX), engagement, and conversions. Therefore, it can be frustrating when a seemingly random error causes a disruption to your site’s display — such as your sidebar suddenly appearing below the content rather than to the side. While …
It’s no secret that digital commerce is booming. In 2020, eCommerce sales in the U.S. jumped up more than 30% to a whopping $794.5 billion, making up more than 14% of total retail sales and offering a clear indication of how consumers increasingly prefer to shop—online. As the eCommerce ecosystem has grown, so have the…
Toward the end of last year, we felt it was time to take a fresh look at the values that inform our sense of direction, and evolve our guiding principles as we head into a new phase of growth and maturity. We reorganized, combined, and refined our five new Core Values, which will continue to…
Obtener una vacuna contra el COVID-19 puede ser una montaña rusa de emociones. Primero, está la emoción de saber que finalmente eres elegible. Pero una vez que comienzas a buscar una cita disponible, comienza la frustración. David Newell experimentó esto en primera mano. Ubicado en Dallas, Texas, sus padres al fin eran elegibles para recibir …
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine can be a roller coaster of emotions. First, there’s the thrill of knowing you’re finally eligible. But once you start to search for an appointment, the frustration begins. David Newell experienced this firsthand. Based in Dallas, Texas, his parents became eligible to receive the vaccine as part of phase 1B at the end of …
El último año ha estado lleno de cambios inesperados. Ciertamente no son únicos a DreamHost, uno de los retos que enfrentamos como compañía fue mantener a todos productivos y comprometidos mientras que trabajan remotamente. Afortunadamente, nuestro equipo estuvo a la altura del reto, fue capaz de adaptarse y moverse más rápido que nunca antes. Eso …
The last year has been full of unexpected changes. While certainly not unique to DreamHost, one of the challenges we faced as a company was keeping everyone productive and engaged while working remotely. Fortunately, our team rose to the challenge and was able to adapt and move more quickly than ever before. That resulted in a slew …
Picture this: You log in to your WordPress dashboard to write a new blog post. You fire up the Classic Editor, only to find a problem. All of the formatting buttons are missing, and the text is white and impossible to see. Encountering this error can be frustrating. It may even prevent you from getting work …
On the heels of recent accolades received in London, WP Engine’s Limerick team has been recognised for fostering one of the best workplaces in Ireland by Great Place to Work, the global authority on workplace culture. WP Engine was named the 23rd Best Small Workplace in Ireland 2021—the second consecutive year making the list—and representatives…
En 1998 — cuando ser influenciador no era una opción de carrera y la Optimización de Motores de Búsqueda no dirigía el internet — Anna Dorfman comenzó a bloguear solo por el gusto de hacerlo. Antes de este milenio, las personas compartían sus pensamientos en el World Wide Web porque así lo querían, sin una …
Imagínate esto: inicias sesión en tu panel de WordPress para escribir una nueva publicación de blog. Inicias el Editor Clásico, solo para encontrar un problema. No hay ninguno de los botones de formato y el texto está en blanco y es imposible de ver. Encontrar este error puede ser frustrante. Incluso puede evitar que hagas …
In 1998 — when influencer wasn’t a career choice and Search Engine Optimization didn’t run the internet — Anna Dorfman started blogging just for the heck of it. Before the millennium, people shared their thoughts on the World Wide Web because they wanted to, without a sponsored post in sight. “I’d love to give a shout-out to …