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Web Hosting Latest News


Don’t Miss Out on Great Cyber Weekend Deals

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and you know what that means—turkey, stuffing, and great Cyber Weekend deals from WP Engine and our world-class partners!  Cyber Weekend has come to represent the traditional “Black Friday through Cyber Monday” time period, which kicks off in the wee hours of the Friday after Thanksgiving. While in year’s…


Mint Black Friday 2020.

Svakog četvrtog petka u novembru događa se dan velikih sniženja širom sveta – Black Friday iliti Crni petak. Iako ovaj praznik kupovine i rasprodaja svoju najveću popularnost beleži u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, tokom proteklih godina trend sniženja koje prati ovaj dan došao je i u našu zemlju. Ove godine, Mint Hosting želi da ponudi više


Live Chat – novi kanal komunikacije

Novembar 2020. godine je za Mint Hosting mesec u kom predstavljamo novine na kojima smo radili u proteklom periodu. Već je bilo reči o novoj usluzi hostinga 100% optimizovanog za WordPress, kao i unapređenju postojećih usluga, o čemu je već bilo reči u blog članku koji govori o novom portfoliju hosting usluga. Pored brige o


WP Engine Recognized As No. 8 on List of 25 Highest Rated Private Cloud Computing Companies

WP Engine has been recognized as no. 8 on the list of 25 Highest Rated Private Cloud Computing Companies To Work For by Battery Ventures. The global investment firm and cloud investor used data, regarding how companies have handled issues like remote work amid the broader economic downturn, specifically provided by Glassdoor to establish its rankings.…


Cómo establecer objetivos SMART para tu sitio web (En 4 pasos)

Cuando administras un sitio web, algunas veces puede sentirse como que estás siendo jalado en muchas direcciones a la vez. Hay ventas por hacer, contenido para publicar y clientes a los cuales responder. Con tantas obligaciones, puede ser fácil perder la vista de por qué iniciaste tu negocio en primer lugar. Sin embargo, poner objetivos Specific (específicos), Mensurable (medibles), …


How to Set SMART Goals for Your Website (In 4 Steps)

When you run a website, it can sometimes feel like you’re pulled in many directions at once. There are sales to make, content to publish, and customers to respond to. With so many obligations, it can be easy to lose sight of why you started your business in the first place. However, setting Specific, Measurable, …


Novi portfolio hosting usluga

Iako će mnogi 2020. godinu pamtiti po ne baš lepim stvarima, za nas je 2020. godina bila godina kompletne transformacije. Prošle godine smo postali deo Enartia grupe brendova, koju čine Papaki.com, vodeći registar domena u Grčkoj i grupe kompanija koje se bave Web hostingom i Cloud servisima. Početkom ove godine smo uveli nove kapacitete i osavremenili


Employee Spotlight: Anna Romanowicz

In this ongoing blog series, we speak with WP Engine employees around the globe to learn more about their roles, what they love about the cities they work in, and what they like most about working at WP Engine.  In this interview, we speak with Anna Romanowicz, a software engineer at our newest office in…


WordPress 5.5 is Now the Default for New WP Engine Sites

WordPress 5.5 “Eckstine” is the second major release for WordPress this year, and it’s jam-packed with exciting features and functionality—it’s also now the current default version of WordPress for all new sites built on WP Engine’s managed WordPress platform. If you’re a current WP Engine customer and you’re unsure which version of WordPress you’re running,…


Jedini WordPress hosting koji će vam ikad trebati

2020. godina svakako neće mnogima ostati u lepom sećanju zbog okolnosti u kojima su se našli stanovnici širom sveta, bez izuzetaka. Kao i većina kompanija, tako smo i mi imali definisane planove za ovu godinu, poput ažuriranja postojećeg portfolija usluga, ali i predstavljanja nekih novih na našem tržištu. Uprkos turbulentim dešavanjima, zadovoljstvo mi je da


Meeting High Traffic Demand to Spread an Important Message

Based in Melbourne, Australia, digital agency Optimising brings together years of experience in SEO and paid media to help a growing list of clients enhance their digital presence and grow their business online.    Exclusive Insight, an Australian new media platform where athletes and entertainers share heartfelt and inspirational stories, is one of those clients, and…


An Update on Spam Filtering at DreamHost

Two and a half years ago, we started a series of improvements to our email service to make it more reliable. Our email service hadn’t received as much attention as it should have over the years, and it was starting to show. Customers, friends, family, and even DreamHost team members regularly saw emails delayed or rejected …


Una actualización sobre los filtros de Spam en DreamHost

Hace dos años y medio, comenzamos una serie de mejoras a nuestro servicio de correo para hacerlo más confiable. Nuestro servicio de correos no había recibido tanta atención como debería tener en los últimos años y comenzaba a notarse. Los clientes, amigos, familia e incluso el equipo de DreamHost regularmente veían correos atrasados o rechazados por …


7 Web Design Mistakes That Could Be Scaring Away Your Visitors

What is keeping internet users up at night? It could be that scary movie they just watched, or worse yet, it could be your website.  If you’ve got a digital presence decked out in a ghastly design, it’s likely robbing you of precious clicks, driving away potential customers, and sabotaging your chances of building a …


Cómo encontrar, monitorear y vencer a tu competencia

Todos quieren estar un paso adelante de su competencia. Pero hay mucho más que amar sobre monitorear a la competencia que solo la satisfacción de vencerlos en los resultados de búsqueda. En resumen, puedes aprender bastante de tus competidores. Que están haciendo bien. Que están haciendo mal. O simplemente qué están haciendo. Y puedes usar …


How to Find, Monitor, and Beat Your Competition

Everyone wants to get ahead of their competition. But there’s far more to love about monitoring the competition than just the satisfaction of beating them in the search results. In short, you can learn a lot from your competitors. What they’re doing right. What they’re doing wrong. Or simply, what they’re doing. And you can …


36 Herramientas brillantes para ayudarte a escribir mejor, publicar más e incrementar tráfico

Administrar un blog puede ser difícil. Hay momentos donde se puede sentir como múltiples trabajos. No solo necesitas crear contenido fresco de alta calidad, sino que también tienes una página web que administrar, las publicaciones de redes sociales deben ser programadas y hay información para analizar. Tener una bolsa versátil de herramientas a tu disposición …


¿Cuánto cuesta un nombre de dominio?

Una de las preocupaciones más importantes de cualquier negocio es incrementar la visibilidad de marca. Entre otras cosas, esto requiere escoger un buen nombre de dominio. Pero, aquí está la pregunta (no tanto) del millón: ¿Cuánto te va a costar? Hay algunos factores involucrados, pero no es difícil calcular lo que vas a gastar en …


Keeping Plugins Updated Is Important, a Managed WordPress Host Can Help

A recent zero-day vulnerability that affected hundreds of thousands of WordPress sites offers some insight into why a growing number of businesses are looking to managed WordPress hosting from companies like WP Engine for more than just fast-loading, highly-available websites.      What Went Wrong With File Manager Plugin 6.4? The critical vulnerability was introduced back in…