
WordPress Latest News


WordPress 5.3.1 Security and Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.3.1 is now available! This security and maintenance release features 46 fixes and enhancements. Plus, it adds a number of security fixes—see the list below. WordPress 5.3.1 is a short-cycle maintenance release. The next major release will be version 5.4. You can download WordPress 5.3.1 by clicking the button at the top of this page, …


bbPress 2.6.3 is out!

bbPress 2.6.3 fixes 9 issues reported by community members: Fixes a few typos and grammatical errors Bumps required WordPress versions to 5.3.0 (bbPress always only officially supports the latest WordPress version) Fixes the Forums widget displaying in the wrong order Fixes a JavaScript error with hierarchical replies We’re continuing to work on improving bbPress 2.6 …


WPML 4.3.6 Adds PHP 7.4 Compatibility for Faster Websites

PHP 7.4 offers preloading, which can significantly speed up sites. This allows WordPress and caching plugins to save a lot of time when loading pages (admin and front-end). Besides the PHP 7.4 improvements, this version of WPML adds full support for translating Toolset websites created with the Block Editor. We’ve also fixed a number of …


How to get WPML Support 150 Times Faster

When there’s a problem on your site, or worse, on a site that you’re building for a client, every minute counts. This is why WPML is now offering live chat support. With chat support, our average time to resolve a problem is less than an hour, while you receive the same professional support as with …


WPML and Trusted Translations Team up

We’re delighted to announce the integration of Trusted Translations to our pool of translation partners at WPML. It brings over 15 years of experience as a full localization service. Trusted Translations has some big clients under its belt. Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and a variety of non-profit organizations are among them. Hence, a lot …


Product Update #16

The amazing work of our team continues. There were many changes done in the last few weeks, a lot of them already requested by our fantastic users. Keep the proposals coming!


BuddyPress 5.1.0 Maintenance Release

Immediately available is BuddyPress 5.1.0. This maintenance release fixes 8 bugs related to the 5.0.0 release, and is a recommended upgrade for all BuddyPress installations. For details on the changes, please read the 5.1.0 release notes. Update to BuddyPress 5.1.0 today in your WordPress Dashboard, or by downloading from the WordPress.org plugin repository. Many thanks to …


People of WordPress: Jill Binder

You’ve probably heard that WordPress is open-source software, and may know that it’s created and run by volunteers. WordPress enthusiasts share many examples of how WordPress changed people’s lives for the better. This monthly series shares some of those lesser-known, amazing stories. Meet Jill Binder Jill Binder never meant to become an activist. She insists …


​​Contributing to BuddyPress just got easier :)

Yesterday morning we’ve deployed the first stable version of the BP Beta Tester plugin on the WordPress.org plugins directory.​​ This plugin’s goal is to make it easier to beta test our pre-releases. You just need to install and activate the plugin to be ready to try our beta and release candidate versions once we’ve announced …


The Month in WordPress: November 2019

November has been a big month in the WordPress community. New releases, big events, and a push for more contributors have characterized the work being done across the project — read on to find out more! The release of WordPress 5.3 “Kirk” WordPress 5.3 was released on November 12, and is available for download or …


Easily publish Staging store to Live

Just two months after we’ve released the first version of Staging, we’re announcing the phase two – publishing of staging to live. You can now easily publish the staging version of the store to live with just one click. Check out the video.


500k Installs Milestone & Black Friday deals

Hello everyone! As Black Friday approaches, OceanWP will offer some amazing deals! It’s also a great time to celebrate another milestone: 500,000 installs, making OceanWP the fastest growing WordPress theme! For Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we will offer:   Lifetime licenses: 20% off for 1-site, 3-site and 25-site for the first 200 people. Annual …


bbPress 2.6.2 is out!

bbPress 2.6.2 fixes 5 more small bugs that were reported by community members in our support forums: Hierarchical replies in threaded discussion topics were broken for sites that were enabling the visual editor, so we unbroke it. Sites with custom bbpress.css files were not having their custom styling applied in some cases. We fixed at …


WordPress 5.2.4 Update

Late-breaking news on the 5.2.4 short-cycle security release that landed October 14. When we released the news post, I inadvertently missed giving props to Simon Scannell of RIPS Technologies for finding and disclosing an issue where path traversal can lead to remote code execution. Simon has done a great deal of work on the WordPress …


bbPress 2.6.1 is out!

It seems like only yesterday that 2.6.0 was released, and depending on where you live that might actually be true! 🗓 bbPress 2.6.1 fixes a few small (but very annoying bugs) that warranted some immediate attention: One was causing subforums not to be listed underneath their parents anymore. Another was causing styling issues for a …


Вордпрес 5.3

Вордпрес 5.3 „Кирк“ је доступан. Које су новине у овом издању? Побољшања уређивача блокова. Проширена флексибилност дизајна. Нова подразумевана тема—Twenty Twenty. Потврђивање управљачке е-поште. Аутоматско окретање слике. Поправке компоненте за датум/време. Усклађеност са PHP 7.4. Преузмите Вордпрес 5.3 одмах.


bbPress 2.6 – Better Great Than Never

There’s no way for me to contain either my excitement or anxiety when I say that bbPress 2.6.0 is available now! 🎉 This version of bbPress has been in development for just a bit under 6 years (yikes!) over which 420 tickets were resolved via 1737 individual code commits. There are so many improvements that …


The road to BuddyPress blocks

Hi everyone! First, we’d like to thank all the people who contributed to the poll we shared on our development updates blog and into a topic of one of our forums a month ago. It was really important for us to have your expectations about the content the plugin should provide to the WordPress Block …


Why OceanWP Uses Rank Math

If you’re an avid OceanWP user and have recently installed our theme, you may have noticed that we make a few plugin recommendations. After all, you might be on this page because you’re trying to find out more about one of the plugins we recommend – Rank Math. So without further ado, in this post, …


Test BuddyPress 5.1.0-beta1 thanks to our new BP Beta Tester plugin

Hi BuddyPress contributors! We will soon publish a maintenance release (5.1.0) to fix some issues that arose since BuddyPress 5.0.0 “Le Gusto”. A detailed changelog will be part of our official release notes, but, until then, you can check out this report on Trac for the full list of fixes. Today we’re publishing a very …