Hi! The second release candidate for BuddyPress 5.0.0 is now available for an ultimate round of testing! Since the first release candidate, we’ve improved the way BP REST API Controllers are loaded inside BuddyPress component classes. This is an important milestone as we progress toward the BuddyPress 5.0.0 final release date. “Release Candidate” means that …
This is a guest post by Tanner Moushey, Founder and Lead Engineer of StudyChurch. He is a BP REST API early adopter and we thought his achievments implementing Headless BuddyPress was a great source of inspirations for the BuddyPress community. Many thanks to him for taking the time to share with us about this case …
Hi! We’re very excited to officially announce the launch of a new development resources site on the BuddyPress.org network. Today we are inaugurating developer.buddypress.org with a complete handbook documenting the BP REST API. This API will be introduced into our next major version which is scheduled on September 30, 2019. We thought you’d be interested …
У суботу 28. септембра, почеће са радом Вордпрес радионице за почетнике. Радионице ће трајати три месеца и одржаваће се у новосадском Старит центру. Свако је добродошао да присуствује уз претходну обавезну регистрацију. Од опреме је потребан само лаптоп и жеља за учењем свега што Вордпрес има да понуди. Програм радионица После уводног предавања 28. септембра, …
Вордпрес 5.2.3 је доступан. Ово је издање које доноси закрпе безбедоносних пропуста откривених у Вордпресу за сва ранија издања као и поправке неких откривених грешака у Вордпресу 5.2.2. Молимо вас да одмах ажурирате своје издање.
When it comes to WordPress, then it is considered as one of the best content management system. It is easy to use that is the main reason why its demand is increasing day by day. There are lots of other facts that you should read about WordPress hosting in order to enhance your knowledge. If …
WordPress is one of the most popular free content management systems. It’s mostly used by bloggers, but WordPress also works for other types of sites, such as galleries, shops, and forums. WordPress has an understandable interface and reasonable prices. These two features make it a perfect option for beginners and people who don’t want to …
In July we had our bi-annual company meetup where, among other things, we also created the plan for the next half a year of WooCart development. Learn more about what we did in the last few weeks.
So you started a blog. It looks pretty nice and you invest a huge effort to produce high-qualtiy content on a daily basis. But not many visitors arrive at the website. Why is that the case? Without proper promotion, even the best content has low chances to reach a great audience. The 2019 Blogger Statistics …
Your website is the nerve center of your online presence. This is how most of your customers will find your brand in the search and learn more about it. Given that, it’s not surprising that your website can also serve as an incredibly powerful branding tool. And, as such, it needs to be crafted carefully. …
Modern day business houses are slowly waking up to the immense potential of content marketing which is causing 88% of B2B marketers to include the same in their marketing propagandas. But if you somehow fall within the remaining 32%, then you have come to the right place as today we will take you through some …
A real estate website needs to be as stable and as reliable as the houses you are selling. But building a sturdy real estate website that users will enjoy using can be difficult if you use the wrong set of tools. Luckily, combining Toolset Real Estate with OceanWP is proven to give you a professional …
Добродошли на вршачко Вордпрес окупљање! Мајско дружење одржаће се у другачијем формату. Уместо уобичајених предавања имаћемо панел, на коме ћете моћи директно да питате све што вас занима и утичете на ток окупљања. Тема је Ворд Кампови, како светски, тако и домаћи, са посебним освртом на управо одржан Ворд Камп Ниш и планови за следећу …
Последња радионица за израду Вордпрес тема је одржана у суботу, 20 априла у новосадском Стартит Центру. Овог пута смо зашли у функционалност која се на wordpress.org сматра области додатака а не тема – прилагођена мета поља и примена додатка Advanced Custom Fields. Али пре тога, размотрили смо је дан од начина на који тема може …
Здраво свима, Као и претходна 3 пута, Београд се придружује глобалној иницијативи о локализацији вордпреса. Окупљање је 11. маја 2019. године, са почетком у 10 часова у просторијама GoDaddy у Београду на Тргу републике. Дан заједничког превођења (WPTranslationDay) представља највеће дешавање како у свету тако и код нас. На глобалном нивоу током 24 часа, кроз …
Today we are releasing bbPress 2.5.14, which fixes a few small bugs we’ve noticed since 2.5.13 was released, in particular we’ve fixed some incompatibilities when using PHP 7.1, an unexpected debug notice with the Topics & Replies widgets, and improved validation and sanitization of database properties with the forum converter. Also, remember that since bbPress …
Today we are releasing bbPress 2.5.13, which fixes a few small bugs we’ve noticed since 2.5.12 was released, and also adds some sanitization to anonymous user data that went missing from previous versions. If your site allows anonymous users (users without registered accounts) to create topics & replies in your forums, you’ll want to upgrade …
Oh, bother! Out now is bbPress 2.5.12, which fixes a bug for WordPress 4.7 users who did the right thing and updated to bbPress 2.5.11. Some of you may have noticed your bbPress menu items disappear – this release fixes that stinger. 🐝 2.5.12 officially bumps the minimum WordPress version requirement to 4.7 for all …
bbPress 2.5.11 is out, and is a maintenance release for all previous 2.x versions. 2.5.11 includes support for the soon to be released WordPress 4.7. If you’re planning on updating to WordPress 4.7 right away, you’ll want to update to bbPress 2.5.11 immediately. If you’re using any version of bbPress 2.x and have not yet …
bbPress 2.5.10 is out, and is a security release for all previous 2.x versions. 2.5.10 includes additional escaping on user display names in places where names & avatars are commonly displayed together. These changes are internal to bbPress and do not affect any third-party themes or modifications to bbPress template parts. If you are using …