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Surviving the March 2024 Google core update

Google’s algorithm updates can shift the visibility of your sites. In March 2024, Google launched one of its biggest core algorithm updates yet, giving many people food for thought. This update differs from previous ones, as it targets low-quality, often AI-generated, content that’s cluttering search results. All of this affects the quality of information users …


Introducing Smart Query Monitor

We’re excited to announce the latest addition to our smart suite of eCommerce tools: Smart Query Monitor (SQM).  This new feature, available with all Premium eCommerce plans, is designed to enhance your site’s performance by securely and continuously identifying and alerting you to slow queries, ensuring your eCommerce store runs smoothly and efficiently. Check out…


Novo poglavlje za Mint Hosting: Pridružujemo se Webglobe grupaciji!

Sa velikim zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo da je Mint Hosting započeo novo poglavlje kao deo Webglobe grupacije. Ova akvizicija predstavlja još jedan korak u našem kontinuiranom razvoju i naporima da vam pružimo još kvalitetniju i sveobuhvatniju hosting uslugu. Mint Hosting je od svog osnivanja 2009. godine rastao i razvijao se sa osnovnom misijom da svojim korisnicima


Lipomas/Fatty Cysts in Labradors

Many pets get these fatty lumps and bumps as they age. In this new ‘episode’ we’ll be discussing why pets get fat deposits and what you can do to prevent it from happening. I know, those unsightly lumps and bumps can sometimes be common in some Labrador lines, and are referred to as lipomas. Just like with humans, we carry genetics that do weird things. Most are not cancerous, and are harmless as long as they are not impeding the movement of the dog (such as a foreleg, ie), or near the spine. Most vets are hesitant to take them …


Da li je novi Hladni rat u toku?

Šta se dešava u odnosu SAD-a i Kine i da li se Rusija meša u izbore u Americi? Samo su neka od pitanja na koja smo dali odgovor u 187. epizodi Office Talks podkasta!


Wordfence Intelligence Weekly WordPress Vulnerability Report (April 15, 2024 to April 21, 2024)

🎉 Did you know we’re running a Bug Bounty Extravaganza again? Earn over 6x our usual bounty rates, up to $10,000, for all vulnerabilities submitted through May 27th, 2024 when you opt to have Wordfence handle responsible disclosure! Last week, there were disclosed in and that have been added to the Wordfence Intelligence Vulnerability Database, and …Read More


AWeber vs Mailchimp 2024: Which is Best for Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a mature and competitive field. The tools that allow businesses to succeed are increasingly overlapping in features, making it challenging to decide on the best platform for your needs. This article clarifies the choice between AWeber and Mailchimp. Find out how each performs in critical areas, and be sure to ask the …


5 tips on how to use TikTok for your business

If you want to reach a younger audience, you need to look into TikTok. Almost half of TikTok’s user base is under 30 years old. So if that’s a market you want to target, you should consider creating a TikTok account and a TikTok strategy. In this post, we’ll give you 5 tips on how …


Višestruko grananje u Excel izveštajima

Postoje situacije, prilikom kreiranja izveštaja, kada se izbori ne svode samo na „DA“ ili „NE“ već od jednog pitanja proizilazi mnoštvo različitih odgovora. U tom slučaju, upotrebićemo Excel funkcije za višestruko grananje. Najpoznatija od njih je funkcija CHOOSE, a imamo i dve novije: SWITCH i IFS. Upotrebom ovih funkcija obuhvatićemo sva ona scenarija kada, u zavisnosti od zadatog kriterijuma, dolazimo do mnoštva različitih rezultata.